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County Agricultural Society

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A meeting of the exccutivc, Limniesa am printing oommitteea of tho eounty aricul taral and hortieuhunil goajety, niet at thci room in (lic court boobe Dd Salunlay last tli e l'jth. It was deoidcd to pubiish ;'.,",()( premium lists for the fair of lbSO, tho priiiting o lln' -unit' tu Ik: gtven to (hu lowest respon mble bidder. Ou motion il Wiis resolvil tli;it the liii for the yoar WW bc beid Sopt. 28ÖI, 29th 3Oth and Oct. lrtt. It was resolved to offer i diploma for tb. best 20 rods or more of hedge l'ciicc o any kind, and tlio following wcre appoint edjudges! ü. H. ltiohtnond, K. T?. Pon and Sanará Parket, h was Hbo docidet tbat thosc wanliiiL'Ui compete in the nbov elass raust make thrir ontrii's witli tli secretary immediatcly aflcr the jiremiut lists are issued, so that the judges ïua make their award befoie the fiiir. Sellick Wond ra iippoiuted as a ion mittee to OegOtiate with the different rai roads for excursión rates duriug the wee of the fair. The various judin) comuiittce wer then appointed and the meeting adjourned