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Magazine Sotlees. THE JlTLY ATLANTIC brlngs the iflMit chapters of Mr. HowellH's Undlscovered üoautry," whlch is generally oonoeaed lo iw greatest nivel tM Iiiih fi wriii, with ltaexqulslle detrlotions of ShiiKt-r life. and lts wise mul tuoiii'litiul treatmentofSpirUualUm. In'Tlie Hlllwater Tragedy," Mr. Aldrlch describes a 'strike" very foroibly, rod bi-ing "Is heroand ïerolueinto cioser relations. EUobard tJrant Wliltc'H secorul urtlcle on tho plot aud personages of " Kiug Loar " wlll clmriii all lovers f Shakespeare. Artista and admirers of orlgnalanü noble cbaracter wlll enjoy Ur.Angflil burth 'h:ipter of "Reiniiiiso-nccs of . M. riimt." Lovers of the theatre will ftuduolittle. ntcrestiu J. Brander Matthew'sarticle on "A renen Comlc Dramatist." Aun Elebberg writes i capital short story, "liruwn'sReUeat." ?"rom the ponthumous papers of Oen. O. b. Shepley la Elven a oliapter of "Iucideuts of tho Captare of Kicumond." The Remimscences of ,he Van Buren AdnilnlstniUou wlll Interest o)d readers, aud both interest and iustruct younner ones. Bovortil good poenis, reviews of nmny recent books, and a variety of chamiini; ittle essays In tho Coutrlbntors' Club, com plete au excellent uumber of the Atlantic. Lll-1'IMCOTT'S MAfiAZÍNK.- LlppiUCOtfS Magnilne for July coutalus two lllustrated articles of a light and entcrtaining clmracter- "The Palaoe of tho Leatherstonepaughs," whlch is a humorons sketch ol artist llfe in Rome, and 'liirudise Plautation," whlch Isa description ni a similar vein of amateur farmlug In Florida. Dr. S. Weir Mltchell concludes the interi-stiii'.: account of hl tour "Through the Ycllowstone Hark," and some peculiar bases ui Western life are deseribed by Loulse Coffln Jones In a paper entitlod "On the Skuuk Klver." "A Korgotlen American Worthy," by Charles Burr Xodd, recounts the remarkable career of Joel Barlow, whose name is knowu to most readers al that of the autlior of epic poems longsince buried in oblivlon, but whose phllanturoplc chnractcr and patrlotic services entitle hlm to a higher place lu the reoollectlon Of lus countrymeu. "OnSpelling Reform" pruseuusome stroug argumeuts agalnst the proposed changes lu KngUsh orthoKraphy. "An Open IiOokat the PolIticalSltuation"crilicises the course of the "Indepcndents," and dincusses thi chances of Civil Service Reform. "Plplstrello," by "Ouldn," Ib a plcturesque and powerfuíly wntten story of Italiau llie. "Adam uud Kvu" aud "atudle In the Slums" are conllnued. The poetry Is by Emma lazarus, J. B. Tabb, and II. L. Ieouard, and the "Monthly üossip" aud "Liteniture of the Day" are as good and variad as usual. Tuis numberbeyius the twonty-sixth volume. IiiïTEi.i.'s Living Aqe.- The numbers of The Living Agn for the weeks ondlnt; May 2Kh and Juno "ith respectlvely.contaln the fillowlug articles : Mohanimedanism in China, Bdlnburgli; Recent Events iu Arabia, Ideiils ol Kemlnlne tTsefolneas, and An Attempted i'iiiiosophyol llistory, I'ortuightly ; Tlie Finch of l'overty, Nlneteenth Ceutuiy; International Novelista n"l Mr. llowells, Contemporary ; Klopstock, Coruliill; An Ptcape from a Kljlun Cycloue, Maemlllan ; Plaiu Hpeakiny, üood W'onls The Temperatura of SPAOe, Nature; The Civil Gode of theJewi, and i'heHeirsof a Poor Molik, l'all Mali; with inslalments of "He that Wlll Not When He May," "Verona Fontstaeto Rebelllon," "The Crooklt Meg," and "lSu.sli l.ile in (neensland,'' with the amount of poetry. Kor tirty-two uumbers of slxty-fonr large page eoon (or more thun :t,É!i panes a year),the sulisciipllon prlce ($m) Ik low ; whlle for $10.50 publivhen offer to send auy oi the Amerli'aiiM monthUei or weeklle with The Living Aue lor a year, inclinliiiK tho extra iiumberK of ttio iatter, bol h postpatd. Littell a co.. Boston, are the pnbllsnen. S:ikhce Moxtuly korJi'i.y, Isi). The July l'opular Wcience Monthly is quite lip to lts iisiml standard Ji opeua witli a translation of a strlkin Freuch artille on "The InlerloroftlKEarth,"by R. lfaulnu. With tbë seoond part, wbloh wlll appearln August, it wlll oonslltute a compact popular report on tlic present state ofknowledge upou thïs iuterestinu qnestlon. 'J'he seeorul urtk-le, 00 "Changes of tlie Olrcnlatlon dnriug Cerebral Activity," by C. S. Minot, describes the new and remarkable lesults oblained by Dr. Mofleo, ofï'urin. Ileproves experlmeutally that the sllgbteat obangeoffeallngoremotlon isaccomMnled bj altered elrcnlallon of blood in the hniiii. Professor Tyndall's lnstructive paper on "Uoetbe'i Theoryof Colora" Is concludoil. Professor K. W. ('larke luis a kind of sclentlflc poem cutitled "My Kire," whlch my te descrlbed as a short history of the universo In lively rhyine, 'A Vimlicatlon of Sciontinc Ktliirs," by William 1). Le Sneur, Is the best exposltlon öf IIerlert 8pencers ethlcal system bas vi-t been made. The treatment is maaterly, "The Coming of Age of the Orlglu of Species,'1 ly l'rofessor lluxley. is a leoture on what has toen ftccrüdpllslied in theprogresü uf knowleilno anii llberality slnce Darwln pubUgbed liis bonk in 18SB, It is in Huxley's liapjiiest vnin, and Is always Interesting. Tlie very practical as well n very theoretiovl questlou (¦! "Atanospberte l)ust" is eonsidcretl by Oaston Tissandier, and turns out to be a great subject- a regular brancliof metallurgy. There are a geonraphy ol (lust aiul a .stratíficatton of air-dust; thore are dust-showeis aud ilusti Iciinls ; tliereare living dust and dead dust - orgonlc, mineral, and metallic dust. There are street-dust, volcante dUSC anil, strango to say, ilust from sea. There Beems also lij }io aspace-dost thal enters the higher reglons ol tlie air froin aeroüles. The very shOOtlngStars ¦eeni to have their dnsty aspect. The art iele Is copfoualy IHnstnOad. "Tlie Fosall Man" is Utkennp by n,nry w. llnyiu'.s, wtn escplalns verv tuliy how that qaestloti now stands. That lirlUlant and Ingenlous wrlter, Dr.Oswald, Ikus :t paper entitlcd "A ZoolOffloa] Enigma," in whieli hü jivessoinu remarkable instances ol animáis Undtng their wy dlreetly throuadi Kieat distances never before traversed. llr thlukslils phenoinenon requlres n new solutlou. Joseph 9, .laines describes the modes and laws ol the distribution of planeta, a subJec ot greal popuMr interest and effectivery treatiil. ttlcliet'l papen on "Ilysteria and Deinouism" are oonoludod with Nu. III., in whlch he deals with ihe phenomena of somnainbuiisni and niesmerlsm. The views put furth are very important. Professor Muir has a stmly of BOlenuflC evolulion entitlc.l "The New ('hemistry, a Development 'f tln Old;"' and there are s sketch and port rail ol tlie versatile Oerman pliysicist, l'rofessor Friedrich Mohr. The Edltorials, I.iterary Notiees, and Ml-cellany, ai-e uuusually full and varied in thenumlier, wlilch is altotcether an excellent one. New York : I). Appleton A Uompany. Flfty cent:; per nunilier, 0 per yenr. Appletons' Journal for July gives the second and tiii.-ii pari ol Cherbnllei'i brllllant novelft ie, "llerr Dromiuel's Inoonslstenoles," and the oonoluslon of Appleton slorgan's "Shake¦peafean Myth." in whleh there la au examinatlonof tbesevoral theorie ourrent a lo the autiiorship ot the Bbaltespeareaa plays, and some emlneutly graphlo pfotures of the perlod and the lifethereln, Nothing readable bas reoently appeared in lltenUnre, and lt u Imposslble noi to begraatly Interestod in Mr. Morgan's afgnments, and in the bots whlob iie brings forward as Ineonslstent with the oominonly aooepted belkef that the remarkable plays whloh bear Shakespeare's name were really writteu by hl ra. A notable paper is an extract from auvanoa si ik i Kossotn's "Mein orlos of my Kxile." now on the eve of publlcation, relatlng au Interview between the Humearían patriot and Louih Napoleon Th. tv are a liy .Mr. i '. II. Rockwell to Judge Morgaños recent assanll on tin; Bnez Cana] Coiupany ; an article by Dean Stanley on "Tne Variations ,t tlie Roman huich ;'' a pnier by Jomes Jaolcson Jarves on "Modern ltalian PICtuTesque Seulpture;11 and a plea m behalf of women by Mrs. ullphant. A paper called "An Advent uresx of tho Kiyhteelith Contury" Is full ol Btnuiptt IiH't.s aud remarkable adventures. Then there are a parlially humorouH "i'lea for Muslcians, " an essay on 'The Dramai . Personas of Spanlsh Oomedy,n reviews f the "i 'imiiniiiii Centeiinial Literatura" and Professor Wlnohell's "Preadamltes," and flnally Uu' "Kditoi's Table," The coutentsof tlii' Hutului are varled aud valuable.