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Garfield On Lincoln

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On the uight of the 14th of' April, 1865, J. Wiikes liuotli, ereeping trom behind President Lincoln, diboharged a pisto] ball iuto hia braiu. A year aftorward.-,, on tlio anuivcrsary of tliat tragie event, iinwediUely alter thu hoose ut' repreaentativea was oponed bypraycr, (Jon. Garfield "moved tliiit tliu liouso do uow adjourn. " Tlu; words of eloquencc in whieh ho urgod thu motion will long bc reuiembered by bis auditors, and tuerit reiueiubraoce by big countrymen. Hesaid: Thtoday, Mr. Speaker, wil] lie sadly memorable so long as this nation hall endure, whlch, Ood grant maj bc "Uil the last syllable of reoorded time," when the volume of human history hall be naled lip umi delivercd to the oinnipotent Judge. In all future time, ou the recurrence ol tliis ilay, 1 doubt not Uiat the cltlzeilS Of thU Republlc will meet in aolemn aaaembly to refleot on the lite and charactei ot A.B raham Lincoln, and the awful tragic event of April 14, 1NÜ5, - an event nnparalleled iu the history of uatlouB, eertainly nnparallelr ed la our own. lt is eminent proper that tliis house shoukl tbia day place apon Us reeonls a memorial of that event. The last live ycars have been raarked ly wonderful developements of Indlvdual character. Thoosanda of our people before unknown to lame have laken their places iu history, crowned witb Immortal honore. In thousands of liuinblc bornes are ilwelling héroes and patriota wkoae names shall never die. Bot greateat among all these great developements were the charaeter and fiune of Abriikum Lineolu, whOM Iohs the nation still etlplores. His charaeter is aptly described in the worda of Kngland'ü great lauréate- wrtttan 30 years ago- In wbich lie traces the upward steps of some - " Divinoly gifUKl, Wliose life in luw estáte bexiia, Allil uu a silllllG villano greuu ;" ' Wlio hrenks his lirth'K lnviüious bur, And sjrosps tho skiru of happy obanoe, And oreiistH the blows ofotraamaUutoe, Aud grapplcs wllli the evll tHr ; " Who makes by torce his mcrit kiunvn. Aiui live to ciuu-ii the Bolden ke] - To molü n mlghty statoN deore-, And Ibape the wbUpur uf llirun. ; "And iiiuvlni; up froin hlKh to higbar, Beoomea on ronuna'i orownlng niopc Tlie pillar of ¦ piïople's liuic. 'lhr oonter ui u worldi deaire." Sudi s lile and eharacter will be treasured torever :isthe Hicred posaesslon ol the American people and of mankind. In the great drama ol the rebel llon there were two acts. The flrst was the war uiili iis battlea and seiges, Tictortea and defeats ; its aofferingi and tean. That act waa closiflg one year apo tonlght, andjust ai Ute ourtain was flfting on the teoond and linal act, the rectoraltion ot' peaee and llbexty ; Just as the eartain was ribing apon new characters and new events, tlie cvil tplrlt of the rebcllion, in thefury of despair, nerved and diiccLcd the hand of tlie assassin to strike down the chïef character in both. lt was no one man who killed Abraham Lincoln ; Itwastheembodled spirit of trea BOD and Blaverj, inspircd with fearfnl and despariiiii bate, that struik him down In the moment of the nation's siiprcmcst joy. Ah! sh-, there ure times in the history tif iiicn and nutions wlieu they stand sn ncar the veil that separate mortuls from the immortals, time from eternity, and men trom IheirQod, that tlicycan ahnost hear the beatlngs and feel the pnlsations of the ht'art of the Infinite. Tkrough aoeh a time has this nation just passed. When 200,000 brave spirits passed from the lield of honor tbroiigh tliiu .veil to the presenoe of UihI, and when at last ts partIng foldi admltted üw martyt Preaidenl to ¦inpany Of the dcul héroes of the K'1publlc, the nation stood so nttki the veil that the wbiapora of God were heard by the children of men. Awe-stricken by His voice, (lie American people knelt In tearfa] revereooe and made a soli'inu coveuant with him and with eaob othcr that this nation khould beaaved from its encmies, that all its gloriet sliould be re(tored, and on the ruins of slavcry and OH the temples of freedOBB and jnstuc should be built and should .-vuvive forever. lt remains tor us, consecratetlhj'that greal event, and under a covcnant with Qod, to keep that faith, to o forward In the great work until it (hall be completed. . Following the lead of tliat greflt man and obeying the high beheata of God, Iet us remember that - M Ho li.'i.s soihkU'ií fort); a trunirnt thut fihalt never cnll retreat ; tli.' in si ft ing out Uu: liourta ot' nion before Sis Jutlgmeut sent, He swlft my soul to nnswpr hlmi be lubltnnt iny ieL ; For Uoil Is innrrhiiiK on." Wc canuot but siuile, says an exohange, whcn a man tella us that hc caonot takc a local papor. Hc uiight aa well say he cannot afford bread M he internis having .sponde cake. Meanwhilc hc hu.s to ask iii.neighbors about the Wal ncwand POtiooo, and the local paper gous on building up lii.s place and busines.-! and serving his conveniencoH without bis support. Thin is not uiitiily, and wc mj without hesitation that thcro somotliinj; out of joint witli Ue man who doca not upport hin local paper. - KaOeaakicm. "(Jovernor McClollan, after soviral wi'cks deHbermtuM, hu appninted a slicrilt' lor Soniersot county, N. J.," tilt; l'liihulcl phia l'res says: "Aller sevenil wiks ilclilioration ; " liow Iüiii Iliarly and Mo('lullanly that sounds!