Jiollcc to Credltors. STATE OF MICHIUAN, Connty of Waebtcnaw, s. Noticc la hcrcby elven, that by on order of the Probate Court for the Ucmnty of Washtenaw, m&dc on the twenty-nrst day of June, A. D. 1880, pix mosths from that date we1? allowed for creditors to preeent their claims ajtainst the ustate of Trnman B. Heatli, late of said couiity, deceased, and that all credltors ol said deceaeed are required to prcacnt thcir claimn to naid Probate Court, at tho Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowancc, on or ln'fore the tw(nty-flrst day of December next.and that such claims will be hcard before smid Couit on Tueaday, the twonty-flrgt day of Heptember, and onTaeaday, the tweoty-flret day of December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said daye. Duted Adu Arbor, June 21st, A. D. 1880. W1LL1AM D. HARKIMAN, WS-VIE Judac of Probate. The hiuhost authorUy in New Englacd. the State Assayer, of Massachnsctts, after a carcfnl analysis of llall' Vegetable Siciliian Halr Renewor certifled that it Is the beat preparation for lts intended purputjes that bas been exnibltcd for examination, tbat lts conetltaents are onre and carcfally Hulected for excellent quality. nnd that it forma sn efficiënt propf aration for promoting the Rrowth of the hair and r'1Btorinjr the ordinal color. Th! world renowned preparation is íor sale byall drutgist,- Kccord, Ked Oak, Iowa. TTÜUSEKEf]? FKIEND. Uasollnc and Monitor Uil Slo ¦ ofall kinda at J. Ht'H I'N ACIIKK'H, S South Main street. Ml-lWi pOR SALE. I havo a ÏOOd FLOURING MILL of four run of etonc, that I will sell or exchanpc for property lu Washtenaw County. iltf UK'E A. ÍJKAL. COTICE. It It the deairc of the commlttec on 4th OF JDLT ABRAHBSHEHTS to have cath etate reprwented by a LADYOR GENTLEMAN ON HORSEBACK. Any one who can come Ihio way will plflMi report ii ftn or by lttar,M booii a? ikmki11i' to Joc T. JarobMt Marlial ol the day. 15 onlrr ol .IK BCHUB, Chmlnaw Comtattttt.