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"POR SALE. I have a good, wil built house and lot, situatcd on Klizabeth etrect, No. 15. ïhere ia u good barn and wood-Bhcd on the place. The property is nuw And in good repair. Terms very liberal. Apply to 92-1U0Í MR8. E. E. WINSLOW. OITUATION WANTED. Kltualinn wanlod by a yonne marriwi man, s Job, book ur newspaper compositor, in pleaaant country town; can aseíst In editorial work, il nccescury. Will be contnted' wlth small jalary. Reterence fnrniehod. Addrcas. KKANIi B. WIIIPI'LE, 9S7-9B2 No. 119 Tremont street QÜCI0& T F. BOYLAN, Keal KHtatc Asenry. Farras and Honsea onght, sold, rented, ropaired and lneurcd. Ofllco at WOLVKKINE 8TOKE, Wtf Corner of Hnron unrt Kirth Sin -r. ¦ÜOU ajLLM. A Farm of twenty-one aerea, with a good dwolliog house on it, one milo from city city limita. Entiuirt1 95t( At THE COUKIER OFFICE. "pOlirEXCHÁÑGE. I havo a farm of 100 aeree in the western part oí the State, valned at i,0UU, which I will exchongc for Ann Arbor City property. MCE A. DEAL. pROF. REUBEN KEMPF, Havlng jast graduatcd from the Coaserratory of Muaic at Stuttfjart, Qurmany, where he recelved a thorongh education, and inetrnctlons in thu lattt methode of teaching music, ia now prepared to give Lpwoiik In f laniiou) . and on tbc Piano and OrgKn Planos tuned on reasonable terms. Koome, northeast corner of Mstin and Liberty atieetl, up-stairs, Ann Arbor. Mich. W9-1ÜÜ0 J. A. POLHEfflVS' LIVERY STABLE The best and most ex'ensivc in the city. HACK AND BUS LINE Kunning to all trains nlght and day. ONLY LINE WHICH RUNS TO NIGHT TRAINS. The best hack n the city for ladios calling. Orders Ulied prmplly for all kinds of conveyances. Particular Attention to Orders for Faneriis. Cor. Main atd CiTiiAniNE Sts., 1 MlltOll, . 111(1111. V. w7wTblissTcö WHOLESALE AND RETA1L TOBACCO & CIGAR HOUSE All Gooods Sold al Detroit Prices. Ariil$ tor GLO&I Mtd SEAL OF DETUOIT tobáceo. NO. 7 EAST HURÓN STREET. 98Iyr THE CITY TEA STORE Ib the placo to buy your TEAS, COFFEES, Splccs, Canued Fruits uud üaking 1'ow1tk , CIGARS and TOBACCOS. A general variety 01 FAMILY GROCERIES, Rik'ht where you oce tbc teoKcttlc Bürn, NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STREET. M. V. L. icii cil. Prop. MB-yt