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TO AGRICULTURISTS The anden:gnd én now mHtuifiicturing u galt for fertllliius purpoaes that Is peMUUly lulupUxl In the uw lor wliicli il Is ileïlgiied. K is iiii ii.-iy (r.r ftoni illrt.or luirtl lunipn, iiml is made bya process wliich lcavcs lncorporati'il In t snit :ill tlc VRlunhlc plant ftxxl, as well lis limridliiiits ciilculutecl to frce and render toluble the Ammuniii ulready uoutaineil In the goll. Wc propose to place the price so low that iiDiio shall hei deterred from (ilvlng it u fair trial. Thn une of sult for fortlllzlnii purposes is no lóngér an experiment, but has been fnlly provon, not only scienllflcally nnd thooretlcally, bat practlcally, liy woros of our mit ¦UcceufUl agrkultnrlsti. We banMUl prenent thr ixp.'i ¦imco aud opiiuons of som. ui Ilio lcadiug Farmers and Bclentlata ol tnli and uUht oountrlea, liqpiua Ihat tho pirusal at Che same may mutunlly l'cnollclal. We shall continuo ( gatlier such HtatiHtios iis we can on tliis subject, and bope cai'li and ivit one win ald tu In thl by glvlng u tho lienetlt o hls experienoe. OnliTs and coiumunU-atlons may l mldifssiMi to etlher of alulerdxoetl, wln wlll furulsh all ne'e8Bary luforioatlou a to pricjs, transportatlou, etc. THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATION, Kast Kaninuw. Mli-h. THE AMERICAN DAIRY SALT C0„ (Limited) Syracuse, N. Y, THE OHIO RIVER AND KANAWHA SALT CO., Cluclnnati. Oblo. Mr. .Tnme Tolhcrt, por K. O. Brown, h:ix thlii nlt for alc nt the Ferdou I-umUr Yard in thix city. PERDON LÍMBER Y ARC JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manufactarer and Dealer In 8ACINAW GAN6-8AWBD L11BHII LATH AND SHINGLES. Be invit'! all to glvfl ot a cali, aud cshdiídc oui stock berote piirclioiflue clacwheru. ALSO AüüNT KOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SKIJ.s FIKIC BIUC'K. JAMES TOI.HKKT, l'rojt. T. .1. KKIHII. Nut. fch.l-J.-7y ÍAÑGSTERFERB OYSTER AND ICE GREAM m AND 32 MAIN ST. CATERING TOR PART1ES ANO BANQUETS A SI'KCIAIIY. ¦!,!: tl,. , lefl 'K'itiu, ilacièrooiiH mi.! ('n-jtm Ki" I') inluidt MAIR TO OKDKK ON MOKT NOT10K. WhllBMni l''ri'nrli ( ' uulu'r. Krcsli PiH, ,M hIüi'm Urtji-H., Kloihis OrwtCMi &&% -. KKrT (NSTANTT.Y ON HAND AT IIANGSTERKER'S :$O AM) a MAIN STKI'KT. BOATS TO RENT AND FXm SAIiE. 5i)-l(H0 ANTON EISELE, DBAI.KR IN 1UIIU ï Mü MOIÏÏMEITS '¦ft J i- _ '''Ik; public 1 invitetï to cal! and examino upeciniene f tbc Cük'bratcd KNOXVILLE, TENN.,MARBLE Of whirh we have a mipply or new desIgiiB. It Ih superior to any mnrblr in be:mty and dur&bility, and tases Ihc place of Scutch (mnite. PRICE8 I.OVI:R TIIA FVI-li. WORK AI.L WAHBANTEIÏ. Sluip- Cor. of Detroit and Catheriiic Sts. ANN AKBdli, M1CU1ÖAN. 15a HALLS BALSAM Cures Colds, I'ncnmoiiiii, Brouchltig, st luna, ('roup, honpiiiir Cough, and all disensos or the Itrnitliim? Organs. itHoothes and heals tho Membranc of the l-iinirs, inflamed and polsoned br tho discase, and prevente the nieht8wciitH and tightness across the ebest wlucli acoompany it. CONSÜMFTION Is not au incurable inuludy. It is on I j necosHary to have the right remedr. and HAMS BALSAM is that rémedy! BONT DESFAIK OF REME!', for tliis bcaln spccillc will cure you, eteu thoiigh professional aid fuils. HENRYS CARBOLIC SALVE the Most Powerftil Ilealing Agent ever IHscovered. llctiry'm Carbolic Salve cure íA vont êum, llar y-, Carbolic Salv allayt th, pain of burnt. r ii„ht,j-, Carbolle Salie turtt all rap. liona. " U.nry', Carholle Salv html pimpln and blotehe. llrury1, Varhnll Bain MUl rur ruil mul bruiêtt. ' V for Hcnrr's, and Takc No Other. :W XKWAHE OF COÜNTÏRFE1T8. ja I ' 'H VMJ: 1IV AI.L 1)1 :()()! STB. JOHN V. IIKNItY, CIIHRAN t CO., ÍM oÏIpïp IMtur, New Vork. EIGI LOW AÍ PEESSÍRE BOILERS DÍ 11 kiuilK. 3140EE; PIPES, umi all Siio;t lm Work tú, 218, L'l . ftlanioji st. West, , Tllllll) IKM tol Milll KTf., lJöirOlL JVllCll., SepurlBg looo. Eirou mi Boiler Fhto for Bals. MfAllTTn ACENTS TO 8ELL TEaT [ WAN I UN' " ' "' Bl' r.,,l.rl.. r.n.lw' I? Milt .U ''H f IKHT . ,WM ,,... U TJ 10111 ' i