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I ReüdeR of tliis notice is invited to cal on uk Avhen visiting DETROIT. Wc promise a cordial wcl come and an attractivc display of rich and artistic wares. M. S. SJÖTH i CO. Jcwclcrs, Silversmiths, Wakli makers, and Dealers in Gems, Cerner of Woodward mil' Jeffmoo Avenue (JjTarticular attention givcn to mail orders. W. TREMAIN G-EIsriKlIRAJr-i IianucB ApiiEf OFFICE yVT A.A.TERRY'S HAT STORE IMurtli Itrlilsli Cnap' (of LoikIcim ;hi KtlllililiU'li. ) (Hpiui tMLnutJaw "¦¦"' Ht'lroll l'lrr iiikI lli. o ChkIi Ah.-I 1UIII ni V(i IllM. l.l liiM. 4'oin'). ot'Ttnsv rih Akm'1 $.kHm,iki Hownrd ln. ., l )mk Uuh Auxetn f l,ll'),i). Agricultura! liiMirum-t' iii'} WATKKToWN, ¦ NKW VORI;. ('Huta AMVt fiadü,!! LoHses lilicrally adjusied and proiiipily piid. DÁNDELION Dr. WhitV Dandelíoñ AÍíeratlve, t&e Orea) Blood Parifier and Kcoovattir. áapofiAc tét I,iti rahl.unt, BUIoqbdom. Chilla 1U4Í Kuv.w, Dyapepela, kiiliifv Dlaease, RhepmatiaiQ and CtiRtlpation oí Imiwí-Is. RmbvM puiiplttn and Blkwiiem ffoni the r-kn,produciní ucltuir cuiniU-xioii. II h punlv vecrctabTe, perfentlv harm1cH alid pteoHAtit to take. l'int bottk'K ouly èl, mui every hüttk' Wftrránfott. PULMONARIA, :U'! ' : for UoagtUj rolde, Antlnuu, KnU'.hitis, L'ronp, Woop(ofE Cotigh and Iinipirnt Copanmptíon. Fiti reutu tr íiottle. Ijxrvv bottU-y $1, aiid every botllo warranted. Kor nali iu Aun Arlor by Kbcrlnirli A Son, aud (irugírftB every wherc. i -V--HlO ÜnacrapulouR porties aro fnNí-l represent! ng to ruimuhifi-M tUut ihvy we wllíug Lirts of our manufacture. birla MiMle to Order by ni Ix-nr ilAmp lili Iul ink on (. , tliiu: CHICAGO - ICINaNNATI, J ur ICnü.-nitlc SUirt llfar Itiimp wllb In.l. luk on Tok. , Un,, All Othenare Falsely Reproientod. WILSON BROS. Importing and Jobbing Men's Furnisher. HKO-HJti 1 1NSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY.GROCERY ARD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. V kc'p cmiHtuntl; on hand, BREAD, OKACKKKS, CAKES, ETC., . KOK WnüLBSALK AND KKTAIL TKADK. Wc Hhftll a)it k vi' n nappjy (f HW1KT A DBÜBKI.'S. HBMT WlllTK WIIKAT KLOUlt. ïljITlW Ki.OlIK. KVK FLOUK, BUCKWUKA.1' KIX)UK, CKKN MKAI,, KKED, Atn.,4c. At wholecAlf nü rtïtuil. a íciierjil mork ot CROCEKIK! AND lKOVISIOKh conobuitly on hand, whirh wül btt euld .n an rMfoa HblcirrniH hh ni nuy other huni fn Ilie city. I'kkH pald forllnlli-r, Kw, uil4 ( 'oniilry frodnc. PB(4iK)tli dcliviTod to ny .wt of the city wit! eat uztr chuff. Jl KIN!SV A RKABOI.T. $100 REWARD ! MM ANV l'AKt I)D CATARRH rilAT ('ANNOT UK OLÜEIJ W 1TI1 6ATABBH OUBB. Thin in no humtni!.;. Nn nw.ú AltaeMe. No Binill. notíjiuií to irritittf th Nmbh! c.-witv, or destroy the Bénw cl Kawll. Il ix w INTKKNAI. KKMKDY ACI1SO UPON TUK m.UIH), cIphiikíh it IMa Itl lmparieL cuxint; the inirilorm matter to bc crrled oñ thrann the umIuihI obaiuwl. ü i (entine prapftntiOlli U!i-1 tod l)rcrlbi-il fur )c:irn t)y imc (it tlic aili:m iiractitioncrn In ihi cimtry.auil hs uver fklli'd tocuri! whi-ii iii-il coordine to dlrectiou. Il nny Krxoii. nfliT ttik I n;' on" diizcni ol llall'a (':llrrll i'nrc t un' curad er ' nefUsl ;moni thiMi four Uueu IU cost, we wlll rufund th inonoy pid I! il cIcm- yuu irix.d, jou willln tu y tor tt. If it do. u Kxl, It cue ynu natblne. I'rice 7i cfiit- per buttttl Sold hy all Jruj;i;l'lr'. ManuCaciurcd liy V. .1. CIIKNKV III , Dl UKUil'. Tok-do, Klilo. If jour djugghil doe not k.ep t in xuok, ask biin to ir"t it (ot yon, or m-nd din-ct to proprlettmi, nd it will bc promplly forwrdfil. For alo iu Ann Arbur ly H. J. BUOWX & CO., 967-1001. Cor. of Main and liuron St. MAO.VMK 4.OI.IIAN'K EXCELSIOR HAIR WASII. A Ti1k (Vlchrated Artlolö ufc k. I'nenewM'i thr Krcfll"'Ht ri-ilfl JPa IVf pfnnttivr. invieoratin nd auftf Hi lu :i''ui lualitu h i Hiiy ar fljki gtirlf ol kind ktiown otj K l" ln' bnman tunifty. It pH K detpsei the huir and ncalp, PP K rt'niovcH dandruir, rnlivenn :WI3K produciiiír lustra! Mip.virKW anci' and imlm-i8 a luiuriItt, Match SO, 1SH0. íntjTOWBl. I'ULI'AHKI) BV M M)A,M I. (OLDMAN, T0LKU0, 0HI0. ciSTincATi or aualtíi; i To wlmm U may cottcern: 1 navn axanlliod Mi. kMK GoLDaaN'i llm Wamu, and ttnd it to rontaiu .juiiiKiadiuul thut will ri)vt: hnrtlul U the halr or unlp. It ik In ir won) n huil ilvi'. ru onnlililviilK an: wrll calrululfii tU m t iu n.-.inlivi'inil CBDCk tliat irnt.'llK.n or Ihn Kralp tliut rrriulto in in exceuKr ei-craUoo ..i Uamlréff, and ar. anmivnir itrblUK. M I-MI 5, II DOUGLAJ