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State Temperance Convention

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The third animal oonvention of red ribbon club of Michigan, held at Jackson last weok was very largely attendud. Thore was present 527 delegatcs from all portions of the state, representing 208 different olubs. Keports were rcad from tbc various congiussiuual dlstrlcts, which showed an iiauiense amoant of labor among the UBlpHance peoplc, while the state organizatlon had maturod plan.s í'or a tliorough prosecution of the work. The following were chosen as permanent offieers : Kor President- Robert E. I'razer, Ann Arbor. For (ieo. J. MoCandloss, jMtaon. For Víee-1'reHidontii- Wllliuni Wade, Detroit; Chas. Muslitir, Ueo. Vf. Roberts, Alblon; John K. IJowen, Three Klvers ; I. P. Hiiiiw, Ionta; B. L. llangs. Klim ; Frank Wlilpl'lr, l'iirt lluruu ; M. l). lilms, Kast Sagiuuw ; App. M. Sintth. MuulHtee. A delégate l'roin ttic uiiitli district objected to App. M. Smith, eharging bini witli being "a whisky man, anddoad tothe temporáneo cause." The name of J. G. McGee, ui' Manintee, was accordingly substituti'd for that of Mr. Suiith, and ÜM report was then adopted. The following state central committee was soleoted for the ensuing year, K. E. Frazcr having rcpeatodly and positively declincd to re-aooept tho chairmanship : Chalriuan- Hon. Wm. Newton, of Flint. becretary -Capt. J. C. Itonlecou, of ,lckm. At large- WubtonSnyücr, of Ypsllantl, and Rev. Li. R. Bhler, of Saline. Kirst District- Wia. Wado, Detroit. Second District- Chas. Moslier, Moshorvllle. Thlrd District- IllnimC. Hodgo, ('oncord. Fourth District -J. R. ltowcn, Three Kivers. FlftU District- Ueo. W. McJtrlde, Uraud Huvon. Slxth Distrlct-Zach. Chase, Flint. Heveutu DlstrlctFrauk Whljiple, of Port II un ui. Elghtli District- S. D. Bliss, Eost Saglnaw. Nintli Dlutrlctr-Dr. L. s. Kllls. Mnulxte. VtoC E. L. Bangs, of Flint, from the couiinittee on resolutions reported tlie following, whioh were adopted : HESOLUTIONS. Whcrtaê, Ildvlng round tlmt moral suoslon alone is inadequate to reinedy the uvlln of lnteiupurunet', and bollevlng that the time bas come toconfrout thecauBe llMelf.rnlhor tlmn to expend all our ouergleg In rvniedying Um ¦- Heiuenceg ; therefore, 1. Hesolvcd, That we bolleve lt unwlse to aot imy longer upou the principie thal the tenijrance movement Is and should be a nou-iixal une. lrVfureas, The liquor dealers liavtng ro oomblneü tlint thuunited vote or every enemy of tlie tumperauce reform Is llkely to be t-iuit. in oppositlon to iiny and all legislutlon looking U aniiihiliii um of said trafflc, the samo comblnatlon belng a mallguant uwuiult on U moral and Clwitian work now being done by ilif temperance organlzations; therefore, 2. Hetolved, That we deern lt the duty of evory frlend of liumaiiity by any and all legal means hBlPKfifi'f ¦¦jiurpoüè1.' '¦"' u '-ounUjracl and Wktreat, The oiugreat purpowo oi n.v. t -. . anee peoplo of Michigan at thls Urne belng u ¦eoun ui the hands oi the leglslatnreof IHS1 the siiuiniNHion to a vote of the people ui lbo proposed ameudinont to the coustltutlon of the state, foruv er prohibí tlng the niiinulucture and Bulo of alcohollc, malt aud vIuduü llquors, and Wlwmit, To accompllsti this tlio uulted vigor umi ilrUTiniueti eïlbrtü of every truc man and woman, ts nocewiary, therefore, t, liemlved, That the state cuntrul commlttee be and are hereby rerjuested to preucnl al tbfl nuxt nomlnutlng couventions of each ol the polilical imrtieR of the state of Michigan, a request that lliry iiiBcrt In thelr rexpectlve party platforms, a resolutiou recoinmending Itiusubmlsslou of the so-called constitutional Ainoud ment to thevotersof tho state for their ratllicatlon or rejectlon in the spring of JKM. 4. litsolctd, That the oaucus 1h a most iniportuntfleldlnwhlch towork fortheconstitutfoiial uiiii-ntluitiiits, aud that all teniperaucc men, of whatever party, should uttend thcir respectivo caucuses aud thore exert all thptr lntluenceto secure the nominatlou of fi!iiilate.s for tluleglBlature who will tiivor the suhmiHsioii of Uu: coiiHtitutlonal umeudmenl to a vote of the people. Whertus, The pnwnt tax law Is confessedly vlulous in principie and unsalislactory lu mecutlon, therefore, 6. Resolved, That pending the success of tbc conHtitutlonal amendnitnl Ihls convenlion will heartily apprtve of any offort that muy be made tosubstllutv for the exlstingstatute any ellicleut mt'umuv in the dlrectiou of absolute prohibltion by simple tegislatlve enactment. ü. Rttolvtd, That so much of the platform adopled at the Lanslng conypntlon in 1K7V as is not Inconsistent wilh Die foregolni; preainble and rusolutlouu bo, aud Is liereby made a part of thls report. Aftcr the convention adjourncd an ovening meeting was held in the hall and Hon. Wm. Newton, of Flint, the newly elected chairman of the state central committec, and others spoke in favor of the prohibitory law. The convention has been the largest, most liarmonious, and most suooeasfulstato temperance convention evor held in Michigan. The dolegates appeared to be unaniuums and enthusiastic in tho cause they have undertakon, and oonfídeut of seuuring the end they have in view.