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Notlce to Credltors. S TATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wasbtenaw, e. Noticc Ie bcreby gtvon, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtcnaw made on the twenty-flrst lay of Jnnc. A. D. 1880, slx months from that date wore allowed for creditors to present their claiiue agaiuet the tale of Truman B. Ilcath, late of sald county, deceased, and that al! creditors o! r.ibatc CÖÏrt;'aïtf tfob1afêVtó;Vlfticn&ry of Ann Arbor, for cxamlnation aid allowance, on or baror the twcnty-flrst day of December next.and that mich cluim will le lieard tefore sald Conrt on Tuesdy, the tweuty-tirst day of September, and on Tuesday, the twentyUrHt day of December m-xt, at ten 0 clock in the forenoon of each of sald days. Dated Ann Arbor, June 21st, A. D. 188U. m W1LLIAM D. HAKKIMAN, 92-995 Judse of Probate. The higheet authority in New England. tho State Aesayer, of MaiMachusetts, after a carefnl analysis of Hall's Vegetablo Sicilliau Ilair Renewer cortlflcd that it is the best prc)aration for ltB Inunded purpones that ha beon exhiblted for examinatiou, that lt couBtitnoiita are puro and carefolly elected for excellent qnality, and tbat it fornw au efficiënt prepj aration for promoting th (jrowtb of the halr and restoring the original color. Tbi world renowned preparation is for snle by all druejfiets,- Kccord, Ked Dak, luw. T OST. Notiok- I have ihU day lost Certifícate of Heposit aio. 7,H3O. issuoü by Chelsea Bank of Chclsca, Michigan, for Ponr Hnndred Dollars pay. able to mysulf. All pcrnoun are henby warued not to purchase unid certifícate of duuoait, as payiueut 01 the eame ha been stopped. ANNA f'OI.KNKNK. June 2fith, 1880. 9H3 ! J M. SWIFT&CO. Are Mclllne Their Best FLOÜR FOR $5.50 PER BBL, J)URINO THE 8UMME11 INDTUDCTIONa IN TUI GERMÁN LATOUAGE WILL BI OIVEM BY HZSÏ J. B2J3SÍÍEI!, 500US 28 DIVI3I0N 3TEHT 9US-WI} JJOUSEKEEPER'S FRIEND. Uaaoliae and nonitor OU Htovca of all kinds at J. SCHl MAt II KIfN, B8 South Mainstrc.t. MÚMt POR SALE. A Farm of twenty-ono acres, witta a good dwelling house on it, onc mile from city city limita. Enquiro S65" At TUK COURIER OFFICE. JJOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALK. Scveral good brick dweiling honsee, and a nnmbci of framoddwellings.desirablysltuntcd, wlth one or no-i: Iota for each, for ale, on fair term and reanonMc credit. Aluo, flfly city lot, well looated, wlth jood tltle, and on long credit. Also, farms and mort?aeoe for sale. Money eafely Invested for lendorf at tonpercont. lnqaireof W B. W. MORGAN Send for directlon for Self-Mensnrament. '5 Woodward Ave., and 1 Opera House Block, mi iioit. 11 ¦ H. mioie A Ui KINDS OF BLANK8 riíiN i n:i oD MUBl notiob AT TUK ((HKIIK JOK ROOMM.