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Iikj of our cxchanges says : 'l'hcro are fiiw produots firown upon the firni that are in.-irt: profitablo tlmn buckwheat. ïhe labor of cultivatin and harvusting the erop i l.'ss (han is rt'fiiircd f'or almost any other, while it will grow on poorer soil than almost any nther ; yet its utility is kdmitted by all. Nu odo ili'Siinen Imckwlxtat trridillt? cakos od a ooll ruorniog in wiutiT. Ground with oirn and oats it is a yery desirahle feed for pigs. Kor iM)ult.ry t is one of tho best grains ibr produciDg eggs, and surpast;d liy none exoeptiDff refuse eges. As a plant lor bees it is only eqnalecj by whiü! cluver. Huckwheat requires a lijílit, warm soil, mellow and not over rich, or it will run too mucli to traw. It is an excellent erop lor groen manuring ; in this reit is uuly Burpiuued by clover. It might lx; tnriK-d undor in wnson to sow winter wheat, ryo, or for seeding dowo. The time for sowímk is irom the lst to the l.rth of'July, at the rate of alwut a bushel to the acre, and a good yield will be about twenty-five bugbok lo the aero, hut it not unfrequently falls as low as tit'teen. The straw mkes good bedding, tliough it is claimeQ lo be good lodder, luit cattle will not eat it unlcss it is tcaraed and a littlo meal ad'Kd. FW farmers having the mean of Htcaming, the feeling proporties of tlie straw will be oflittle valué. Thert' are two varii'ties, thn blaok and the silver huil. Tho lattor il preferablc lor flour, as it is niiiuh whiter Ihan the black kind, whieb will be pref'errcd wln;r; the gtitM is reqaired for {beding purposos. MiaaLcigh, who has distinguislmd horsolf by establishintr, in l';iris, mission homes for Knglish women and obildnn, Baya a very large part of the distrese ainong iMitrlish wumi'ii in that eity is owing to the l'Yünch law which does not reOMiiise s binding a marríage oontraotcd ly Enj{b' h wonjen in KngUnd.