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Whipping Children

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A parent who don't know how tn govcrn a chifd without wfiipping it, onght to snrrendcr the care of it to soms wiper person. Sportsmon once thought it necossary to lash thuir doga in trnining tnem for the field. They know now that thc whip should never be Hursemon once thought it was nceeasary to wliip colts to toach tUcm to start on the spot at the won!, and pull stendily. Tboy know now that an apple in better than tlio lanh, and a careas bettir than a blow. If dogs and horses can thus be educated without puniihmc.tit, what Í9 there in our children wliioh makes it neoessary to slap and pound them. Have they less intelligenoe? Jlave tliey colder hearts ? Are tliey lower in the seale of being ? We have heard uiany old people say : "If wo wero to bring up another child we Bhould never whip it." They are wisc, but a little too late. ïn itead of God doing o little for childron that thoy must be wliipped into goodnoHfi, he han done so much for them that even a whipping can ruin them - that is, as a rulo. Many cbildren are of such quality thst a blow makcs them cowardly, or reckloss, or dcceitful, orpermaneutly ugly. Whipping makes children lie. Whipping fpakw children bate their parents. Whipping makes home distasteful - makes tho boys run away, makes the girls seek happiness anywhcre and anyhow. Whipping íh barbarous. Don't whip. Lyman Trumbull was a senator while Abraham Lincoln was president. In acon-. versation with a friend one day, in 1HK1, Mr. Lincoln, speaking of the annnyances of bis po8ition, remarked : "I have three grcat troubles to lother me - one is the war in the aouth, the other íh Ilorace Grooley in New York, but the worat pill of all is Trumbull in tho senate. The south wants to capture the governiuent by war, (Irceley want to capture the rebels with paper bullets, but Trumbull wants to capture evorything for nimself, and is a constant thorn in my sido, worrying 1110 about appointuient&" WliEN a man'ü house is building he nover thinksthecarpenter nuts in one-third i'iionph nails, and frequently, and with bit'inic sarcasm, asks him if he doesn't think the house would stand if he jost simply Icaned it up against itnelf and saved all Iuh nails? Then, a fow years afterward, whrn he tears down the nummer kitohen to build a ncw one, bc prowk nd scolds, arul s.ircastically fonders why tliat feow (lidn't make thé house entircly of nails, and jnst put in enough lumber to huid the nails together.