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"the Sweet Girl Graduate."

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-With tho ooinphments oí the rSurlington lliiwkeye man. to the coming "swect girl gradúate:" In only a few weeks the class of 'SO will "cross the thresholJ," and "enter the arena" and begin tho "battle of life." Once more "niut" will perform its grand animal spcctacular feat, and will success fully "bring out the stars." It will also bring out the cata, and likewise the bugs, but she - bless hor pretty innocent face - will not say anything about that in her essay. "The mili will nevcr grind with the water that haa passed" again.just as if it rofused to grind with the same water last year. "Man" will again "bc the arbiterof his own destiny," and impersonal people will be (jenerally warned to "beware" of desperate fteps, on the assurance that "the darkest day' ' never lasts through day after to-morrow; a great consolation for the man who lost his lantern. Mankind will be cheerfully told to "Ho pon, ho pever," although what they aro to hope f)r, beyond the death of' a rich and childleps rclative, is ncvor very deönitely set forth.