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Decay of tlio Toeth. Arises from various causes, but piindplly it may be sttributed to early neglcct or the iodisoriminate of te oth powders and pastos, which give a moinenUry : whiteneas to the teeth while tliey eort-odc the onauiel. The timely u.-io of' that deliciti- riMiiiaiictontli-wash, Kragrant SOODONT, will ipoedily arrost the procreas oí' d,v;iv, harden the gums, and inipart a lightful l'ragrancc to the brcatli. It i noves those ravagea which people Auatain in their teeth from the uso of' nweet and acid articles. Pure, bárrales, and efficiënt ia AmehiCAN Bam.-Bi.ue. Housewives who have once tried itwill uso no other. All grooers have it. 9'J3-'J'J7 CHILDREN Cry for Pitohpr's Castorlu. Tïier Hkf H it Issweet ; Mothors likp Cast orla hoc miso it s?ivcs health lo the cliild ; aml Physieians, because it contain o morpliiue or mineral. Gastoria ís Xatnre'f) Remedí for assimllating tlio Food. It euros Wind Colic, thc raislng of Sonr Curtí and DIarrlinn, allays FeverIshness an(t kills Worins. Tluis Che (lilld lina hoalth and the Mother obtftlus rest. l'leasant, Chcap, and Keliablc CENTAUR LINIMENTS The most cffectlve ngtmt for OÍAN and DE AST tho world has ovor known. (Irrr 1,000,000 Bottlea nold lat y par! The reasons fot thi nnrecodcntcd popnlítity are evident ; the Centaur Xainiments re made to doservo confidenco. they aro absorbed Into the Btrnctura ; they alwaya curo aml never disappoint. No person nued lont'or Kiilfer with FAZN in tho BACK, Rhoumatism or StilT Joints, for th CENTAUR íJniíneiits will siircly cxtcrminate thc Pain. Thcre Is no Strain, Sprain, Ciit, Soald, Bnrn, Bniisc, Stin?, Oall or I,amoness, to which Mankind or líuml Brote are snbjoct, that doos not rpsiwnd to tliis Soothing llalm. Tlic Centanr LINIMENTS not only relitve pain, MI thoy incite healthy artion, tuMue injlomnudion. aiid atre, whellier tlm Byniptoms procoed from xomoulí of theJ!A, or Neunilfia of the Nervt; from contracted Oorls or a teatdeá hand : from a sprnimd ankU or n irtshctl font ; whctherfrom disRustluc riMPLES on a LADT'S FACE or a stmined joint on a Tnrse's Leg. The ugony produced hy a Burn or Scald ; mnrtiftcatión from Pront-liiteí ; Swelltmi from Strainí ; thc tortun-t o Jihcunmlism ; Cripplid Ufe by BOiue neglected accident ; a vahutblc horse or a JkKiur't mil may all be saved from One Bottlc of Centaur Linimcut. No Housekecper, Fnrmor, Plauter, TeamBtor, or Liveryman, can affurd to be without those wonrterful r.inimentê. They can bu proenred In ni parí of the ijlntie for 00 Cents and $. a bottle. MU botlles tí CenU. Swallowing FOXSOXT Spurts of disgiisting mucoue from tho noitrltn or npon the tonatis, Watery Eyes, Sttuffiea, BuzzinR in the Bars, Deafneit, crackling senxationn 1u the hed, Intermittunt Pains over the Eyes, Fittid Brtnth, Nana] Twnnj;, ScabB In the Noatrils, and Tickling in the Thront, are SIGXS OF C'ATARRII. Ko other tuek loathsomr, treacherons and nndormining malady cnrsee mankind. One-lïfth of onr Children die ol diacane Konerated by it Inftctunu tion, and one-fourth of living men and women drag out miserable cxlntencee from the game rauw. Whüe asleep, the imniriHef in the no?tri!p nre ncce&Barily swalloived üUi the stomach and inhaled into the lumia to jHiison cvery part of the pyaiem. Dr. Wei De Mryer's Catarrli Cure ibsorbs the pnrulent virus, and kllls the sceds of p'iison in the r.nt lust part -i of the system. Il wïll not only relieve, hul eerlaiiily enre Catarrh at any stage. It is the only reinetly which, in onr jmltrment, has ever yet really cnred ft case of Chronie Catarrh. Cured! Cured! Cured! Cured! O. (i. I'ienhnry, Prop. Wed Knd Hotel, Inf ltranch. Cnred of 2U years Chronie Catarrb. .,. uu.-uict, jr ,, TO 1!ri)iwilj. New York, (member of famlly) (Mreu ,.r ok.ï„ic (:Mtarrh. E. II. Hrown. "M St., N. Y., Cvadof II yi;am Chronie ('atarrh. J. D. McDonald, 710 Iirnndway. N. Y. (Sister-ln-law) Cnred of W years Clirouic Catjirrh. Mr?. .John Doughty, Plghklll, N. Y., Cnred of 8 yoare Clironic ('iiiarrli. Mrn. Jacob Swnrtz, Jr., 'Jltn Warren Street, Jersey City, Cnred of IS yoarn Cnratoic ('utJirrh. A. I!. Thorn, isi Mnntaime Ht., Ilrooklyn, (?Hf and on) Cured of Catarrh. Rot. Wm. Auderson, Kordham, N. Y., Cured or ai yean Chrmiic Cntiirrh. Mllc. Aimee, Oper Prima Donna, " I have recelved very great beneflt from t." A. McKInncy, K. R. Pret... 33 llroad St., N. Y.: " My family experlenced immeüiatc reliel." &c ., &c., c ., 4c, ftc. Wei De Mcyer's Cafarrh Cure is the most important Meilieal Discovery sinee Vuccination. It is gold ly all Druggtsts, r ilcllvered by D. I!. Dkwkv Sc ('o.. AC Dcy St, N. V.. M $l.r,0 ¦ pRClrte. Tn clubs. si )i.ii'k:ij;cs $7.."iO. Dr. Wel DeMeyer's Trentise is sent Tree to anybody. M ItÉt -ernv TUT-TS PIlTS! symptomsTT TORPID LIVER. Lona of Appotit", Nsuaea, bawolacortlvg, ' 7r77pnirTrmrTïTriff ok pitrt, Puin iindcrtlm KhouldtTHTniwotexertior uuiTyorTiun ¦¦¦¦tí i " TTí?Tíwi7ft ji ?ön' cyoM. rFTHESEWAEHIKGSAKEUNHEEDED, SERIOUS CMSEASES WILL SOON BE OEVELOPED. TU'IT'S PIIX8 tirfi onprinlly ndaptcd to mirh raiMi, anndooo cdl-clíimii n rhiuiirci ..i i. i liuu njloiwlonljlwlijyarirrrcr. A Noted Divine says. Dr. TUTT:- rar8ir: For Un yenrn I hnw bn a martyr to Dyniwnihia, Í VnaUpiition od YiU-n. ljuit .S(-ink-yfur l'iHiiwrtjnfonini'i'IM . I Uflfed tlli rnI un iicw n w.MI HKtn.linv Rood npíWít. riiifttton prfH-(, reculnr h(4hIr. pilfts ffoni. aud ]ivtLuineti lrty ïKiuuda tlsh Thoy ar wijrth tlwir wifl)i inpold RbvJJ-IMNIPSoNjIx, juvill... K Thcy InrrraiürtlHriríTnTrT"'"! causo Uio body to Tako on FVb, Uiu the pynt'm in nonrlnhrd, ml by UnirToiilp Art Ion on the I)l(TCtlveOrBn'5l''jFll'1''NoolBr0 P" dnccd. rrko ar. CMil. i ninrrnv Mt.. N. Y. Tlin'S HAIRDYE, Cray llm on Wuiiikkkh rhincoil u a ;ioY I1I.ACK hy a Riiiulo ipiniU ion oí tliw IK. H 1111 iiarU A Nattinil Ool. Rcla IttAnlnTiMii-!y Sitl y DnijciriKtH, rr (wnt hynpn-iiir.viitif tfl. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. ttH-innr rjOAL! CO AL ! O. W. SHIPMAN, Mluor and wholcimlc dealer of the culehrated BRIAR RIDGE COAL. AIJHO - Dealer In Hard CMl mid Ve Iroii. OMbWI proinptly nlled Oflici!, !l driKwold Htni'l. Piitrnft, room S. g8-lKM I ¦¦ 1.1 i r: I -..i-. Thi Ann Akkoh Coukikk Imn ilmillf the olroulaiiim oi imy MUM PMMfl puidl8lil in Va . i.ui. ii