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TOAGRICULTyRISTS'' The undenCRned are now mmwfacturtni n i, s,.lt tor ierUUilng purpoae ttiat Is pecullavly ulnpted to the uae lor which It i dealgned. It liientlrely freoffotn flirt, orhaTd Irnnp, nd i ( l.y 'n pTOMM wlm'li lrnv.-K inoorporat.'.l in HM alt Ml viilu:ill.']ihuitKKxl,nswiill as Ingrediente caleulated U free and render soluble the Aiumonia already cmtaincd In the Wc proposc to plce &rWe io low tlmt none sh:lll be di-tcrrcd ivlllg it a ftllr trinl. The uso of milt tor ferUUaiM I"" P''" íh nolongoraii eipeHment, bol )'s been fnlly proven, not mily solcnllfloally nnd , cally, hut praoUoally, by movrtt oí mr moM guccessful Kriciilturtiit. ' We berewlth ireeut Uir eiperlence ini'l oplulons oromo of the leadiiiK Kanuers Bnd Sclontlat r thli nnd otlior oonntrle, hoping tli al the perusnl of the same may be mntually Wo shall continni' U atlior smli staliBtlCK as ivo can on tlils aubject, mul Uope eaoh and every one wiil al.l iu In Hüh by ivint; us the . benefit of hls experloncp. (inlcrs and commnnjeatlonii muy i1 addrcHx.Mi to éltlier of the Otiderilgned, wüo win fnrnlsliall mwn-ary luloruiallon M tn prlce, transportation, otr. THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATION, KiustK-iniiiaw, Mh-li. THE AMERICAN DAIRY SALT CO., (Limited) Syracuso, N. Y. THE OHIO RIVER AND KANAWHA SALT CO., Clnolnnatt. Ohlo Mr. .Turnes Tolhcrt, pI K. Hrown, Im thii nalt for aio út lbo Ferflori Lamber Varil iu tbi city. !IKS-yr ferdonTumberyard JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Munufactcrcr nd Di'altT in 8ACINAW GANG-MWED liUHBBR, LATH AND SHINGLES. Wd Invito all to plvo n a cali, and examino om tock uoforo purchaoinu eluowlicre. AI.HO AOBNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND 8EIXS FIRB BRTCK. JAMES TOLBEKT, Prop. T. J. KRKOH, Snpt. feb.13,-79 ÏIANGSTERFER'S OY8TBE AMD ICE CREAM PAELORS, 30 AND 32 MAIN ST. TERING FOR PARTIES AND BÍNQUETS A Hl'KOIALTY. Wedding rake, Ice C'ronm, M;rroon8 uidCroúb KIM ryr;unlcl8 IIE TO OIWKR ON P1IOI1T NOTK'K. WliHinaii's Kronch Candlw, Fresh Fipa, Mal; (Jrnpen, Kloricla OrMiEWi "". "¦¦ KürT rnNSTANTLY ON HAND AT IIANGSTERFER'S 30 ANI !lsl MAÏS STUUKT. BOATS TO RENT AND FOK 8ALK. 9Sa-1010 ANTON EISELE, DKALRR IN MARBLE ÜRAHITE MGNL'MENTS The pnblic invltert lo cali and nxaininr ipNttMil ?tf the ct!liUniU'ü KNOXVILLE,TENN.,MARBLE Of wliich wo ïinve a mipply of new ddfllfipná. ïf Jm nuperior to uny rajirll n boanty tmd durtil'ility, und tatcee the place of Hctch Gruñí te. trices iowikiiiw i:vru. WOItK AIX WAH8A.NTKD. Shop- Cor. or Detroit mul Catherino Sts. ANN AKBOK, MICHIGAN. 915U AMERICAN BALLÍLÜE THIS IS THE BEST BLUEING I2ST TJSÊ! IT IS NOT I'OISONOI S! HELI'S iJi.KAt'IUNf; anti (UVES A BKAI'IIFIL TINT! ÏÖ-For Sale by all (lrocors..l American Ultramarine Works, 55 .Mail-n l,aiio. lïow Vork. !(821yr STEPHEIST PBATT, Mnnufacturcr of ol 11 klnila, saOKÏJ PirïS, nnrl all 31m Iroa Wefk 214, 21(i, S8 ConcrcfH Ht. Wdt, BrrwKiw flfttrm't MlVii TIIIKD 1N11 rOUHTU KT8., JJ0L1U1L llLlljll., KipaiiiBg doco. Eivo'.a ai Eoüot ríate for Clo. '.HI10U7 ÈZIMMERMAN FJtVZT AND VEQBTABLB DRYER & BAKE OVEN Over 11,000 in use. The BEST in tho Narkrt, Mado rntirely of Oalvanized Iron AGENTS WANTED. Kencl for Circular. Aildress ZIMMERMAN FRUIT ORYER CO.. Cinclllnuii, OAi SI1.S-9ÜI 1LÏI about mFV k 0 s e n d ,rira s 1 Jj A Au of tho CAZETTEER & CUIDE, which ooatAloa full Information on all tnattors of intcr-t rnUtniti tot h" I.oiio Htar Klato." nd u iïüw oorroot I couuty mp of Tüim, U6 x Ut luohe. JOHN ROSS l CO.. GEN'L GENTS, ST. LOUIS.MO.