Ingersoll As A Soldier

Last summer we asked the question how Kobert tí. Ingersoll got the title of "Colonel?" Wc were of the iiupression that lie never was in tha army. We could not understand how .sueh a man as lngerFoll could go through the carupaign and not be promoted above a eoloneley. The lbllowine extract from the pen of Iledpath, willTe read with interest : During the late war Ingcrsoll raised a regiment of cavalry and cotnuianded it, and was assigncd the western departuient. He was in the battle of Shiloh and several other engagements. On one occasion he was commanded to guard a ford, with instructions to dolay an advancing army of the rebels as long as possible, in order that our army niight malte certain countcrmovcments. He held his position as long as he could do it, but the encuiy came up in sueh ovcrwhelming forces that he had no other course left but to give the order to rotreat- every man as best he could to save himsclf. As Colonel Ingersoll was galloping away with his men as fast as their horses could get over the ground, his horse stumbled in a lune and threw him. Just as he feil several balls struck the log near him, and on looking up he saw two or three rebels raising carbines at him. With charaoteristic quickness and presence of mind he shouted at the top of his voice : "Hold on there ! Don't make d- d foola of yoursclves ! l've been doing nothing else for the last five minutes but wishing for a chance to recognize your g- d d- d Confeduracy I " A southern officer ordered the men to stop, and they all laughed at the unknown Yankee's impudoncu, and they took him prisoncr. At tliat time he was little known outside of Illinois and Indiana. au uu in um: ui wie whucnl auu nuai talkcrs in America, in private as well on the stump, he was soon a great fuvorite ; and Forrest, whosc commaod captured bim, treated him with the greatest considuration, once telling hiin tliat he would get him exchanged the first chance that oflered, because he was gctting so d- d popular that he began to be afraid he would take hisown men away from him. He was not exchanged I beliove, but paroled and sent home. This cnded his military history. Ingersoll said of his career : "I was not fit for a soldifir ; I never saw our men fire but I thought of tho widows and orphans thoy would make, and wished they would miss !"
U.S. Civil War
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Robert G. Ingersoll