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Republican State Convention

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A republWan tato couvonuou to nominan ¦ .'inilKiHti's for state omcon anü doctors for l'nsidont and vlce president of the United stutes, and for tlio trausact ion of otlier luisi neus, wlll ue held nt the. opera house lu tlie City ir Jaekson alllo'clock a. m.,onThursday, AukuhI 5, 1SSO. In aeeordanee wlth n rosolutlon adoptad at (rand Itaplds, May II), 1X70, overy OOODty wtll Ij. eaUUad to nu deleítate lor rach Mm ui the total vote cast for governor at the laxt stat tleotlon (la 1H78), nnd oue aildillonnl dulegatc i..r every fm.-tlon ol :wi vnttv, luit di organ Ued cunnty will ba etatltled to at least onp doli-l;;iU Uti(Ur a rosolution of 1881 DO dcloRato wlll b i ntltled t a scat who does not realde in the ronnty ho proposes to represent. In iioeordiiiK'o wlth a reHdhiMon adopted at a mHttn(t of The Ktnte central committeo at Datlolt, June 3S, Inm), Um secietary of eaeh counly conveiitlnn Is ii'(inste.l to lorward to khe Hecntary of the state central eoiimuttei by the caillesl mail. atter the delagMM tl Ou state oonveutlon are chosen, a eertltled list of saoh delégales as are entiiled toatt in tlm tati couventlon. H. 1'. liAi.nwix. Chairman. WM. LlVmOSTOHK, JU.. T. 8. APPI.KOATJC, 1'. W. ('oTTRKLL, KlCE A. lil Al., JNO. C. SlIAKl', JAMISMOSH'F, O. C. ÏOMPKINS. J. M.SHKPAltll, E. J. l Ilul.DKM. W. 8. OKOKGK. 1'liAHl.Ks U. NkLSüN, N. KlI.PATHICK. KnOAR Wkbkm, T. '. Pmi.i.ips, Wm. Haktkuff. W.N. Hkown. l.HW KllFIl I Níí. TllcS.T 11 Mis. Htate central ('omiuttteo. W. K. Bates, Secretary. Detroit, June 23, 1880.