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Wortleberrics in town June 23d. lho i 'irlicst of any scason ever known. Our streets aro linod with teams loaded witli wool the past week. Kcnipf Bros. seetn to bc the most extensivo buyers. Wo would liko to know where the marshal is of nights. There are some Haloons that do Dot pay attentïon to Uw ordinancc in regard to shutting up at scasonablc hoor. The schools of our village closed last week for the suuimer vacation. On Friday last Prof. Richards went with h8 clasa in botany to North Lake. On the samo day the departmenta taught by Mrs. Miller and Miss Satie Van Tyne, had a picnio dinnor at the school house. The departmcnts taught by Miss Oldenhagc, Miss Dcpow and Miss Everett, went on the samo day to the farm of Jay Kvcrett, in Sharon, whcro, iti his farm buildings and grounds, tliey had a most enjoyable picnio party. The Mcthodists had a very enjoyable time last Sunday, it being the occasion of their annual childrcn's day. In the morning fsorviee after winging, prayer and responsivo reading of tho Hcripturen, Mr. David Taylor, Prof. Richards, Andrew iorton, and Mrs. Richards, of Alpona, Mich., addrcssed the children and young pcopla in a very happy manner. In tho aftcrnoon tho ohildren and young people did thoir part in entertaining the congregation. The programmo of recitatiuns, songs, otc., was quito a large one, but overyonc was so prompt that the services only lasted about au hour and a half. The churoh was profusely and tastefully drcorated with evergreens and flowors.and about twenty fivc birds added to the musical notes of tho occasion. As a wholc tho day was a vory pleawint onu to all in rittend uiiv. The Congrogational and Haptist Kunday schools were invitod to tlio aftornoon services. DKXTEB. Q. Wall has tfono t0 l'otoskey on an inpection tour, p.utly for ploasure and party for businoaa. Rv. dia. Koilly, D. I)., of Detroit, wa.s visitin; ttiin pluce thi.s wook, the (ruont of iev. Fr. Slattcry, ofHt. JodciiIi'n eliurch. TIiod. McNamara, brotlicr of the gonial Ar;uti fiorrc'Hponilont, liaa om: on a vinitng trip into tho Bnckcye Ntate. He in koiiK an far süiilli a.t ('iiicinnati. I. O. O. F., No. 30, instulled tlie fi.llow ng offioers last Monday ovening : N. O., - C Ailry; V. O., W. C. C. Clark; B. O., C. A. Cook; Treas., N. A. Phelps. Robt. De Viney and wifc, of Lansiag, are visitini; thi place, They air the guests of' J. T. Honey, and intend staying about f'our weeks. Mrs. D. is quito ill and is here under medical treatment. C. D. Oreen, for somctiiuc niglit operator at the M. C. station horu, loft for (alesburg last Tuosday (o take charge of the telegraph office there. We are piad to seo Carl's promotion. Jas. Bycraft takes his plaoo here. The teaohers for tho Dexter schools for tliis year are, so far as appointed, as f'ollows : C. A. Cook, principal ; Julia A. Ward, proceptroHS ; Kiuily Palmer, grammar department ; Lena (luerin, intermedíate ; Miss Conlan, primary ; Julia Coo, ward school. The following offioerB were installed last Tuesday night, at the K. II. olub hall : H. P. Copeland, president ; W. C. C. Clark, seoretary ; K. J. Langdon, oommitteo on iiiusic. and Rev. C. A. Clark on publio entertainment. Ten dollars was voted to the county campaign fund. Prof. Hoffman, teaclier of tho Dexter band received his walking papers last Mon-i day froiu said organization. I laving failedl to fulfill fata oontract with the band in threol important particulars, he was told that hiel services were no longer dosired, and hel started away from Dexter immediately. Rev. J. C. Wortley, of Hudson, formerljJ pastor of the M. E. church here, ppokel beforo the temperance club last Sundayl cvening. Ho took a eomowhat now oourscl in hin locture, which has created considerJ able discussion among moderate drinkera and total abstinence men. Disoussion ia what is noeded. Abítate. In our last oommunication to the CourI IER, two weeks ago, wo omittcd the nam of Hcrbcrt A. Williams, the only gentlel man of the graduating 'lass in the miiol school. We regret having done bo, anifl make this correction cheerfully. Wl would furthcr romark that ho acquittel himself admirably at the couimeucemcntl delivcring in a fine manncr a declamatiol entitlcd "Mt. Tabor." It is reported tbat a daughter of Mil Krausc, of Webster, was playing with I revolvor, when suddenly aleaden ball passé through her index finger. Another warnB ing which most people will fail to heed, nol to be too oarus8Íng with a loadcd revolved "Didn't know it was loadcd" is about thl only excuse given on such liltlc accidental It is a plcasant little incident to remembel vthen tompted to meddle with a loaded pial tol. Moral ! 1 What' ti the matter with the reform clul that it must advertise its speaker as havinl promisod that ho "will positivoly addressH the club on such and such an cvcuinH Will not the simple statement that a maH is going to speak on a certa in evoniiH carry more weight with it than it will fl resort to means that will leave a doubt H the minds of inany people as to wliethor I is really so or not ? The simple announcH ment of the fact that a good speaker is fl address the club or meeting is all that I needed to attract attention. A change in the mails of this piuco h;H beon effected lately. Instead of the mal on the 9 o'clock train, it now eomes on tlfl 6 o'clock train in tho morning. The nnfl for this early train is made up at 8 o'clocH the previous evcning. There is no mail oH the 9 o'clock now. The noon or Paciffl expresa earries mail. There will hercaftB be threc mails weat - (i in the morning, H noon, and 0 in tho cvening ; and there wl bo two east - at 10 in the morning and 5 I the ovening. Persons having business I the poptoffice should bear these ehangH in iiiiinl. This llago has not y et been ablc to rail a political pole or banncr, or badge of' afl kind, so far as your seribe has observed. H is reported now that a Hancock and KiiH lish pole will be oreeted this week, and al an H. and E. club organizod. GarfielB Hancock and Weaver all have some suH porters here, but we have not hcard ol who declared himself on the side of .l Dow, that old pruhibition war-horse. P some of our outand-out temperance pople have the courage to vote as they tsik Neal Dow will have a goodly following here. If . A number of our crack shootists had a pigeon shoot on Chas. Mates' farm, about 1 i miles from this village. Tho shooting was not remarkable f'or cxoellency, the highest bcing eight out of a possiblo ten. There wero throe ties for first and second pram n. nn uun nuuut loiioweü in which Jas. McNainara carricd off the prize. Tho COU8U8 cfiumerator returns tho population of this villagc at 1,008, much lowcr than poople expoeted. The Loader says the census of Dcxter taken in 1874 rcturned the population at 1,343. It further remarks : " Judge Crauo has just fini.shcd taking tlie cun.su8 of 1880, and he tells U3 thero are just 1,008 persons in tho liwits of the Corporation. From a general observation of tho village we believe the Judge is nearly correct, and we are not alone this belief'. Why then the differenee in the figures? If any oneuan inform they will eonfer a favor. We givo it np." Your correspondent is also anxious to know how tliis differenee of 335 persons has been lirought about. If this nuuiber was added instead of deduoted froin the population six years it would be more easily accountcd for. As tho Leader says, the housos are all i'ull and there are no signsof auoh a falling off of population in the past six years. There is certainly some inistake soinewhere. Who will explain it? [The mistake was probably made on the count of 1874. - Kd.] James Hoy, son of Patrick Hoy, of Webster, met wilh a serious accident last Saturday. He was attendingto the patent hay fork in tho barn when the upper pulley broko and auio down upon lus head in suoh fórce as to fracture tho skull. Drs. Taylor and CUase were both called in at separate times, but finally the Drs. Maolean of Ann Arbor arrived and dressed the wound, taking out .noiue fractured bonos. The boy is reported doing well now under the eombined trcatmeijt of Drs. Maelcan and Leu. MANCHESTER. Krom the Enterprise. A inovemcnt is on foot to havo the hoveral ohuroh .socioties of this village unito on Sunday ovenings and huid their meetings at onc churcli only . The l'renby terians and Haptists will unitc. l'ostuiaHter Walbridgo did not raise his pole, on Saturday afternoon, as intended, but poitponed unlil to-morrow (Friday) afternoon. There will be inusicsby tho bami, and Hpeakcrs will undoubtcdly be seeurod ior the occasion. Marshal Hoso, of ihi.s riHtge. was arrtHted this uiorning, for allegcd Inlse iniprisonment of John Walker, in the lock-up. Frank Hewlett, of Jackson, is attoruey for Walker, and villnge attorney Norriw ín foi the defendant. The trial is set down for tho ith inst.. Moto. (Joodyt:;ir. Tho fourth annii;il wilinn ot the alumni Mspoisdon, af the Mimchesterunion school, waa held ut Ooudyour hall on Kriday f ve n ing last. The ¦ttendanon was largc and tho oxcrniMeH vi-ry iniercHting. 'l'lie musio by Stnith'A liiinilMTt'sliiiiid, of llillsdalo, was first-olass. Tho Hiipper wan siiperb, and the reception high toned.