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Extracts From A Letter From Leadville, By Fred S. Hubbard

Extracts From A Letter From Leadville, By Fred S. Hubbard image
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I conitneneo oow a lcttor whiefa I will finish in my sparo moment. ('rom time ti) timo, and in whirh I will cndeavor to givo an account ofinysolf and my doinga during the past eight days. After reaohiog Chicago and ipendiig a duy, T SBgaged by the noon train for Kansas City a bcrth, and started a good hall hour bcfore train time f'or Kansas City from 2fith street, but the strect car wan 80 terribly slow that I arrived ut the depot just in time to sec wy train disappcar. Want it provoking ? But I made the beft of it, and spent the mout of the afternoon making uiyaelf aequainted, an far as it was possible for me to do in xo short a time, with tho business portion of tho city. The next morning I mado an earlicr start and got to tho train in plenty of time, and had do trouble in exohanging my borth ticket for ono on the proper train. From Chicago to Kansas City I occupiod the samo section with a vory pleasant lady from Washington, who was going to (Colorado Springs, for medical treatment. Sho was an entertaining convorscr and a very rapidly if it does not becoine extinot. In the same coach 1 was in was an Irishman with his wif'c and six sore-eycd, sorofulous children, a mincr from the Bodie district in California. Thore were two other minors from Indiana who wero going prospecting. The 4Ü miles rido was tho roughest and most unpleasiint and ilangerous rido I have ever taken in my life. It had been very dry and the heavy teams had uut up the roads fearfully, and the stage comi)nw iii.l rtnt runair thom becausc tluy are so soon to be al)u„j..,„,( [we üx,,t.ct the Rio Grande road will push its tirey [m .;.,- cos into camp somutinie in July). I can teil you it made my fists olinoh to rido around sonie of thosc curves in that olumsy old stage, with the road slanting to wards the precipice at a dogreo of 16 or 20, when in looking out I eould not .sec uny wheels on tliat sidc, and uould sce the telograph polea and the Arkansas river a hundred bet bclow. But we had one of the old pioneer drivertt and that was a source of gruat comfort to us. Once wo were pretty badly scared. Tlm stage was running along just abovo the river when tho inner hind wheel struck a iarge rock and went at least a loot from the ground, making the stage fairly balance for a second the othor whcols. Ifithad not beeu fnr the jokes crackcd and the mirth created by oue of thone minors we would havo beon a pretty gluin crowd. We got to Ijeudville nlxmt 8 o'clock and I got off the stage about a block from Charley Baldwin's house and found him waiting for me. Thoy are all surpriscd that I got along ho woll. 1 have found no difficulty in brcathing, sive once when I forgot and walked too fast, and I was only dizzy for about an hour of tho Brst evening hero. The weatlicr has been quito mild for Ijeadville. Tho rainy season has just bogun.