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Estáte .f Ozlas A. Smitti. QTATK OF MIUIlIOAN.Couuty of Ata Bcseion of the I'robato Conrt for the County o( Wiwhtcnaw, hnlden at thc Probate Office, In the City of Aun Arbor, on Thursday, the etahth day ol .luly. In the year one thounand elght liundrcd and wclity. l'reaeut, Wílllaw l. llairlman, Jndjje ol l'robate. In the muiter of tho estáte of Ozla A. Hmltli. deoeaced. Kri L. Bruinard, adminmtralor Ue boids , wltll Ih.: will nliiiixt-d of wild i'Stillu, come inlocourt JUid rcproHcnta Uiat he ie now prepare to rfiider hi; tina! account ni fiich ndmlntatrator. Tlicruiiimii il Ie otderud, tliat '1'ousday, the third (liiy ut AuKuat ïluxt, at Un o'clock ín tbc lorenoon, bfl ftHfigned for extiminini and nlWiwtnt; niich iKii.Miit, and that the tvtM, WgktMt and hiür at !aw ui naid ilccnascii mid uil uther H'raoim lntertKtwl in unid enlate, ure rquirt-d to appuur at a aufion ot Haid court, then to bolden a' tl' PruMMa oiiice, In thi1 city of Aun Arbor, in naid rounty.and ehow ciiuhc, if auy tliere bt, wby thc said account ehuuld oot hv aHitwed. And It Is furthor ordcred, that ald admlnlntraor gtn netlee to the panoaa latertattd In jaatd ntata, of tht; ptrndfiny of uaid account, and the hearing thfii' canwfnij ft copy ol ttiiw ordr to be ptibHabad in tho A nn rlior ('mtrur,n ncwhpa)tT priuted udclTCDlatlng in said county,tlLreKiicceBivewuk previou to tald duy of ticiiriníí. ( A truo opy). W1I.L1AM O. IIAHHIMAN, Jndfffl ol ï'robtt'c. WM. 8. DÜTY, Profeta UuelHtur. lfl-llt(7 THÊCITYEArSTQRE Is tlio plaoe t bu y your TEAS, C0FFEES, S[)1coh, Oanned PVttHi ind Iïakinc PowdWi CIGARS aud TOB ACCOS. A general VHritty of FAMILY GROCERIES, Kitflil wh jon hi'u tlie tcaki'ttle hU;ii, NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STREET. M. t). !.. lil.lM II. l'rop. 'JSKyr