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T OST. Notick- I havo !ht dy lot 'ertlllonte of llMit Sio. 7.HSO, luned by Chato liimk, ol CheTiica, Michigan, for Four Unndrrd Dollar pay ablc to myself. All perHoiM are hereby warmrt not Ui purchane eaid certifícate of dupoit, aa payment of tbc tiame hat bcuu atopped. ANNA OOLKNKNB. June 26th. 1880. t)3 !K6 T M. SWIFT & CO. Are Srllin Thclr BvMt FLOÜR FOR $5.50 PER BBL, M.75 IVr HuiKlr.d. 9S3-996 TAURINO TUK SUMMElt IKITHUCTIONS IN TUI GERMÁN LANGU AGE WIÏ.I. BK U1VBN BT HESS J. BSUCZNIK, E00JÍS 23 DIVISIÓN 3TSEST. W3-iW(i . TTOUSEKEEPER'S FRIEN1). aHollne mul monitor Uil Ht %¦ of all kinds at J. N('lll N.VCHKH'H, RH South Mainstroet. 9ill-lU(ia POR SALE. A Karm of twonty-ono acri'B. with a pood iIwl'HIuk Ihiuhc on lt, one mlln from city city limite. Hnqiilre 'JBfitf At T11B OOUIUKK OFFICE. QOFFIN8 AN1) CASEN i FULL STOCK AT MARTIN' f. pOR 8ALE. I have a (rooit, wcll built hoiw aml lot, nltualod on Kltznh?th Ktrcet, No. lrt. Thore ie a Rood hum and wooil-öhcd on thr place. Thi' proporty is new and in good repafr. Terms vory lihi-ral. Apply t vn 1IKI1 MKS. K. K. WINSIJW. "UUR 8 ALE. I have a trood KI.OUKINO MILL of fonr rnn of tone, Uut I wlll wil or exchangc lor prnperty in Wiwtitt'naw l'oniilj , 964tf RI(!K A. 11KAL. I F. BOYLAN, Keal KHtatf Aiti-nry. Panne and Ilonsen loii)rht, sold, rented, ropalred and innured. üfllce at WOLVKHINK 8TOKK, tf Corner of Ilnron and Pllln Street. "POR KXCIIANÖE. 1 have a farm of 1U0 acres In the wextern inrt ol the Htate, vahied at $;,UI)O, whlch i will ezchanire for Ann Arbor City property. KICK A. II KAL. pROF. REUBEN KEMPF, Htivinii Jnet grAdnatcd from the Coimervatory of Mueic at Stultfcart, líerinany, whero he rtscuived a thoronirh cdnctittnn, and inctructlonH In the UtKt ini-thodH of teaching nmsic, it tkiw prt-pnrtjd to jrivu 1'NHOtlM til llHriltOll) , himI oik tin IMiino umi Or-Hi. l i-uioH tuni'd on rouootMa t.TiuRnoiM, BorÜWMt OQRht t filnin ftud Lilerty rtreets, iiI-Httt]rr, Anti Artutr, Mich. y'v.i hnmi IJOHSKa AND LOTS KORSALK. Sivral t'(iol brick dwolllnii honm-t, and a nnmhcr of framed dwellintr, di-eirubíy öituated, wlth one or moro lot for oach, for dalo, on fair tonnn and reanonaMe crodlt. AIho. Afty city lot, well locatul, wlih KimkI tltle, and on Ioiir crrallt. Aldo, farme and mortifKt'ie for unie. Money Bafely lnvested for londers, at ten pur cent. Inqnlre of W . W. MORGAN J. A. imi inni s LIVERY STABLE The bewt nnd most ei'eneivc In the city. HACK AND BUS LINE HuimiiiL' to al) trlns nlght and day. ONLY LINE WHICH RUNS TO NICHT TRA1NS. The best hack In the city for ladiee rallini;. Orders Ulied pramptly for 11 kinds of convuyances. Particular Attentian to Orders for Funerah. COB. MIK AHD CTHRIN 8tS., AS ARBOII, - UK UK. n. 91-KM2 LL KINDS OF BLANKS pnrHTn on nnoRT motici AT THE COURIER JOB ROOMS. W. W. BLISS & COT, WUOLKSALE AND RKTAIL TOBACCO b M Ml All Gooods Sol i ai Detroit Príces. Aconta for aiJOSSrand SKAL K 1)10TK(I1' tiilwco. NO. 7 EAST HURON STREET. '.tStyr TZACH. CHANÜLER. AOEHTS WAOTEC. S. S. 3. T7LÏB k 00., Uitrolt HMN Noties to rrcültors. OTATK OK MIl-IIIOAM.Conuty ol O Nul Iw hanbjr elven, Umi by au ocder of loc ¦róbate Conrt for the (iiunty of Waxhtcn.iw nad on ti' tw.-tily.flrflt day ol June, A. I). 1HMI, Mx limnih rom ibat date wure allowed for creditore to prciK'nt huir clKüns ujjiiiiwt the .wlate of Trumaii B. Heatb ¦te oi salfl county. deeMed, nnd that all eradttora of P'iul dWMMd are nqaltad U irecul th.'lr claimn to Huid 1 Ooort, U Um l'robatv Offlct-, in the city f Ann Arbor, Tor ixaminatioii and allowancc im or ¦ tka twiimy.flrst day ol Decembir DOLmmj [hut Blich clnini! will ba litard beloro nald t'wirt on Tui, tiiy, the twfuty-llrsi dy ol September, and os Tiu. Iiiy, the twfuty-tliHt ,„y „f lii-cvmbcr next, at l.-ii iclnrk in tlKloreiiooiiir cacli ut nalil dayx lluti'il Ann AflHr,.liiuu Slat. A. U. 1SSCI uoo au WILI.IAM I). HAKKIMAN, lw-"wn .iinik'. oí Probate.