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LE CAL NOTICES. Kslitte of .m:ili Kuiler. STATK ut uf WDliteuw. 9. At n ctwion ol HM l'robateConrt for tta1 Connty of Wanhunuw, holden at tbe l'rulwtu Office in the city f Anu Arbor, o Wedncmlay, the thirtioth cbiy of .lime, in the ytiar wie thonmnd eii;ht honared and öiKhty. l'reaeut, Wlllium L. Hanmiuii, .Intlnol i'rDliutü. In the matter or the éMbta of Sarah Kuiler, ilcceamd. On reading and A l j nx-7 the potHÉoa, tluly ver, lied, al Willlitut 11. 1 .!;, prayim; Uut ¦ rertuln instrument nov on file iu thic court. purpurtiiii; to bc the lal will unit ti-Ktumi'ni o! aid deOMsed, my !., ulmiunl Ui proitutc, and that he inay bü uppointed LXKQtor tlicreol. Thereupon it U ord'red, tlmt Monday, the twonty ixth day ol Jrrtj next, at ten o'clock In thu foronoon th' ní-nlucd tai Ule lioariu ui ffttd poüiion, ind tliHt tlie dcviseoK, Icgatee and hain it !aw ot fald deceased, und :ill lither porHons inturcett d in amd ¦rato, 'iro Duulrod to appunr Ht u hhmIou of naid court, Ihun u "hj holdi-n at the Probate Ufflco, in ttit' city of Ann Arbor, and yhow c.iune, il nny fhere he, why tlic prayer of the k -tltioncr honld not lic (jrantd. And it in furthor orditri-.!, Ihftt tMiid putitioner K'tvc noticc to tho pi rrou-t iuUTCHtcd in wild t'Hiatc, of th1 p.-tidt'iicy ol mili iM'tit-on, :ind the hetirinp tlirruif. hy iMtim a opy ol rnler to bi' pnhllithud in h Aun Aritor ñouritr. ii nt'Whpiiprr prluUid and circiilHtinK in aald county, pacoatlT6 Weakfl prevtone to said day of li.nrin. (A trui' couy.) WILLIAM D. ÏIAHUIMAN. of Probate. WM. G. ÜOTÏ. I'roim'c Uoelstcr. 9SS '.Hi rommissioners Notiee. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Coimty or W-whtcnBw.sii. The undTHÍiH'rt hkvtng bi-on appointiMl l ÜM Probate Oouri for í.iiit Couuiy, Comnitflenra lo r. ïiv( , i-xamim' and ndjust all clftima tind ik-maiitlH ot ill penona acalnstthe ituu' ui PranklinS. Ilimlngway.lntr of aatd countv, (écoacaé, tvabjf gin notice hut f ix inontli trom ilatu are ILow-(l, liy ordir of suid rohat Court, for creditors to preaent thiir claimx iitilml the eHtitti' of -.ilil Uci'H;tHud, und tlmt Ihcy wi tl MM t tli' oflli. "I Uie Ju4i[U of l'rob.itc m the ¦ity ol Ann Arbor, iu hhhI CiMlllty, on T!mnlfty, the wenty lliird day ol SepUniliiT.and ou Thurixjuy, lic tuinty-third day of lhtcmlicr nt u, ut t.i... li.xk a m., ofaack of aid duyn, to recoive, examine and iillut Hald claimt. bati-d,.liin' md, 1S80. HASUAL l.AKAWAY,) K. 1). POND, U:nmmliwtnuerK. ISAAC WYNKUP, MtüUtli All kluttn of itnol. itliMtiuK Aune at The ( uurlrr nllle on xhort uoll r.