LEGAL liOTICES. Cbancerj Snle. STATE OF MICWOAN- The Circuit Court (or thel'ouuty of W.ufliiviia. lu cluuicery. liannah M. Lovolund, cumplainaut, rs Buphfinin A. Lent hiiU Fruncís A. Yonnr, defendanf. In pom anee aml by virtno of n decree ol san! ciuirt, uiaiti1 ttinl i-ntvicd iu the aboye enütliil raiucoa thitnirtr llrxflayof Mitrcli, A. 1). 1880: Noilcc 1 brebyglïa tlmt 1 .-lüiil aell ut i.nlilii' fluction, to the liii;liii luJlor. on lUomluy, the scoud day ol A umift, A. !¦ lstíU, at t'il o'clock in the fortMwxm, .at thr ant fron! doorof Ihc court house In ilie city oí Ano Arfcor, county of WtixhtciMw and sute Of Michjcan, 0 íollowlnL dencrUK'd real entatt?, Ticinij BUM memiouud and dwcrïht-d in saiil docroií, to wit ' All that parecí of Und i-liunU'd la tb townahip M York county ná SUtu fonvald, kinmu, tMiinl"l and doHCrihod a tullown, to wll : Tin noitli h: II ' ' the northuaot quartur of ttu' soutkeiu-t iimriT ' 8tctiou thirty-two, townthi) foin, i mt ti of rm aix eagt, coutainiufr tMrnnty eren ol luid. Anu Arbor, June 17, UN }AMKS McMAIION. Circuit Court Commlsuiouur in aud for WwfeÉaM 'Miiity, Mich. Sawyik A Kmowi.ton, Solidtor fnr ('omiilainuit. 5M-9W. KnIu( of OliauniT) h. QTATKOF MICUIÜAN.Uoniitj ot Whlenw, w. At a aueslnn of the Conrt for tho ('ounty ' Wwbtmuiw, holden t the l'rohnte offlee, In Oír lty ol Aun Arlior.on Wi-dn.-xiluy , thu twcnty-thlrrt tl '' June, in th yciir onr AovMBd ¦Uiht hundriíl 'i" vlKhiy. l"r(ont, Williwii 1). llurrimau, Jmltje ui l'mliate. W Iu the matter of thc Ntata of Chnnncey lirnnen. doci'iisid. Anim Ilraiuh. iwlminiatrHti ix of WU" oHtaW, CDmef into conrt and rapn H-iitï thut HW " now preparad to ronder her llBal acconnt a uc" adnüalsintrii. ThuroaiHiii lt Ih ordnred, Ihat 8turday, the twin'Jlourth dy of Juiy neit. i ten o'olock in the tol niHHi, tw axHicued fur isuininiiif ntid alk)Winí such acconnt, aad tliat tke helr nt iw of f daoaaaad, and all other persoon taltrwtd I" ehUttí), ure raajljMd to ajtpear at u MiHtinn H ld courl, theli to lie llnldi-n ut tkr l'rolmt' I'" la the ty ol Anu Arhor, iu aaldcounly, and " cuiwe, if nny tliere lie. why lh: caíiI ccmiiiI nhuuw noi h. allowMl, And u i iiirtiier oniarna. t""1 rnid adiuiuitralrU iíi"o notlce to tli' i1 niterented lti sald infili. ol the p.-udeney ol iu nrcomit. and the henriní t hormif , by caiiHiv; S'J ol thin arder tu be pabltanad In Aun Arlr HHJ er, h - yápul prlnted uncí drculatlng I '.' hf . county , thri'e mrmwivr wek previoim to eiu "" of Ihhiíiil'. (A InM copy.) Wil. MAM U. 1IAUK1MAN, Jnill'i' ot ITobHtr WM. O. DÜTY, Probate HtElater. WH-V96