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The W. C. T. U.

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Tho W. C. T. U. intend in a short time to hold a unión meeting to bc adJrcsscd by MrM. Agncs 1)' Arcanibel of Kalamazoo, on the subject of " Work ia I'risons and Jails." This lady lias acquired the title of "The Prisoner'H friend," having devotod heraelf to this work for more than twclve yoar8 past. The following extract from a lcttrr from Bishop Uillospie of Western Michigan will show theestimation in which ¦hl is held by those who know her and her work. lic writea : "I am very familiar with Mth. D'Arcainbcl's work in jails and prisons. Aside from my own observation, 1 have conversed with the wardens and i-huplaiu.s at Jaekson and Ionia. I am doeidcdly of the opinión that sho acU with great judgiuentinherintereourse with prisoners ; I know that she has accomplWied much good. I oau very tiinccrely uommend her to njy friends at Anu Arbor as onc who should have their confidence and enoouragument, and onc who can inipart more information with referencc to prisous and priconera than any unofficial peon with whom I am acquainted. I am very glad that she will visit your city. Urge your friends to moet her." This tcHtiinony from ouc st) well kuown in Ann Arbor should bc Bufh'uient to brin out a large audioneo. Time, and place of mocting will be given next weck. JTio MMM o( tho union are particuUrly re ((Ucsli'il to be present at the meeting next Tuesday aftornoon at the club rooms, to uttend to business of iniportnm-r.