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Origin Of The Word "yankee."

Origin Of The Word "yankee." image
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Tlie Virginia (azette, of June lOth, 17ïf), givcs the following origin of the Dow l'ainnus term "Yankee," appljed to cilizeas of the United Sutes, which is dóubttess tlic truc origin : "When the New England colonios were first settlod, the inhahitants werc obliged to fight their way against niany natioun ot' Indiana. They Fnund but little difficulty in subdning thcm all, except one tribe who were known by tho Dame of Yantóos, which signifies m mncilik. Al'tcr inuch wasto of blood and treasure, the Yankoos werc at last subducd by tlic New Kngland raen. The romaius of this nation (agreeably to the Indian custom) transfcrrod their name to thoir oODqueron. For a wbile they were ealled Yankoos, but froui a corruption, comuion to ñames in all langaapres, they got through tiuie the uame of Yankeeá. A name wbieli we Uojm! will soop be equal to that of a Koman, or an ancient Engliahmaü."