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Dou't (cl The ciniis. If you are subject to the A#ue yuu must bc Miro to keep your livcr, bowelaud kiiineys in good free condition. When , you wili lc safe l'roui all littacks. The remody to use ia Kidney-Wort. lt is tlie best lrcvcntation of ;ill malaiial daSMM that you can take. Sec large advertisemeiit. Farmers! $3,000,000 can be Haved every yenr by the lamiera in this eounty if they will properly oolor thcir butter by using Wells, lliehard.son & Co's Perfboted Hutter Color. It ín lar better tliau earrots, innatto, or nny other eolor, at ouc-tburth the cost, aod no work to ue. It RÍv!s a splendid June oolor and never turn.s red. Do not fail to try it. Nature's Nliike-way. The Kidneys are nature's sluice-way (o wash out the debris of our eoiistantly changing bodies. If tliey do uot work propurly the trouble in feit everywhere. Then be wise and as soon as you see sius of disorder get a paekage of Kidney-Wort and take it faithfully. It will eluun the sluice-way of sand, gravel or sliuio and purify the whole system. "C'Inclio-Qiiiniiic," As a febrífugo, tonic and antiperiodie, is declared by ])liysicians to be superior to Sulphate Qmnine, and is vastly cheapcr, the dose beine tho Hame. It can be obtaincd of all l)ruggists, or will be sent, postage prepaid, on receipt of prioe, $1.."() per ouncc, by BtLLTNOS, Clapp & Co., Chemiiits, Boston, Mass. Dccay of the Tecth. Arises from various causes, but prineipally it may be attributed to early neglcct or the indisoriminatc use of tooth powders and pastos, which givo a momenUry whiteness to the teeth while they eorrode tho cnamcl. The timely use oí' that delicate aromatic tooth-wash, Fragrant tíOZODÜNT, will spcedily arrest the progresa of decay, harden tlie guuia, and nipait a dclightful fragrance to the broath. It reuioves those ravages which peoplc raotani in their teeth from the use of sweet and acid articlcs. Pure, harmless, and efficiënt is Amkiucan Bam.-Bi.ue. Housewives who have once tried it will use no other. All grocers have it. 9!3-'J(.)7 Castoria Xiliions of Mothers cxpross tlicir dolight over ('aitoria. It Is uature's remcdj Tur iissimilating' the fooil. Uulike Castor Oil, it is )kasant to tako, and iinlike Morphlnc Syriips, it 8 liarinless. Castoria ret,'iilates the Bowcls, destroys Worms, Cures SOUR CURD AND WIND COLIC, and allays Feverislmcss. Wliat gives IichIIIi to the Clülil uromotcs rest for the Mother. ('iiililrt'ii cry for PilIicr's Cas toria. It is the mst reliabl, efl"cctivc and lo)ulnr artlele dbpouMd Ity DrngglgtK 1TEVER Sliice ln'lin;' reineilie! have been uurd liy surrraiiNG man han tlicr1 bfn kimwn fuch ibaohitfl Pain-roliov ing atienta iw Uw CENTAUR LINIMENTS. Thoy oothu, heal and euro. They IIGAL -CnU, Woanda, (lalln, oicl 8orcn, Brokcn Breaste and Sore NippU-s ; OURK- Pain In the lJuck, Khamniitiem, Sciatica, Lumbago, HeanJgia, Eaniclie, Tetter, I'iniplus, Itch, Salt Hheum, and uil Besh, hone aiul niuxcle ailmeDüj of Aiiimnls ; M'HIM K -Iiiriiiinniiitlon and Swelltnss ; KKLIKVE-IdólH, Fi'lotu, Ulcere, Sor,' Thr,.:it. UroiK'Ultii. Oronp and uiiirty; KTUA"r i'uii' fri.rn Hume, Scaliln, SIIki'k, FrOHt-bilen, Hpraine mul r.niirc. The exporiencc of conturlöi has made the CENTAUR LioimontH the nio.-t Hïcc(iy and ril; xtivc rumtivo :l'glt! r for MAN and BEA8T Uk world htiB cvor known. Tlio Centaur LINIMENTS havn rcllevod more hod-rlddcii rlpil' ; li. nl.l muro Irlluiul woiiikIn, and aveu niore valuablc aiilmnl thun u!l oiIkt linlMi.-nt, OlntmcntA. oiIh. uxtnCtA. nlilpliTH ftnH " ftftUdd " killen" and "dktu cureH11 couibiiied. IMiyMlcfniiM ftinl VeterioAry Suri,'i;"iiH fii.ior c the oiilaiir I.IiiIiik u ¦ ; mlllioiiK of min, womeij and chilriren In all countrioH nw llirm, li(l Uoapeki.')iTi, tttmm, PlWlMld Tivelrx, LWrrymoli, ToAIDSten ind Stock-iirowerH, ro th r imlroun. Tbèy arc clran, thcy ure huiuly, tliry are clicap, and Lhuy are rrtlahl-. Tlicre Is nú ¦tril)-, pnln, or welling whleb thoj w!H nat allivUie, aabdue, or cun!. Bol tlirougliout TUK il Itl I Itl.n l.l.ivm lor "O cont and #l.(0 l.otll-. Trial l.oiil.-r-, 9t ruilt. Gatarrhal F0IS01T Wel Ic l?lyer'n Treatle on atarrli exjiltilnH the followlug iiiiiiortimt fcl( : 1. Tttal i0 ai rli d ('oltln becorae n poisonowt infut'nm, ut flrft local, and nnully coisfittitioiui. 2. Vial, Met CiiiiKtitatlnnal, the liif.crlon i Iyuit'l thé reuch ol nuTf lociU ri.-ineilfu'. :i. Thui, uiiimi iiirs u the noxiiüB are necosaarllj iinUloitrit Into Die ilomach nnd inhtüed Into the í-ír, IhiiH jxn3(imif tlu' Jitr stivi'. H,'s),iniiory nnd Cienito-llnimry ort;iiH. 4. 'fia (iilarrhal virm rollowx tht' nmcoii" momtrrtuc and ctiui: IiettJ.tittn, tiyapopsia, Chronii Dlarrhn-a, Jlrouchif i , J.ucoitïmi'ii, and ' 'olitnimp tlou. 6. 'liial Hmokee, Doiirtivp, Inlialutii!, unit IhoImble Suiill'rt, cwutot K)ittibly remove laftíctiopa ímUunmatlon froni th. orKan numed. ii. 'JTltU an antulotf. for Cntarrh mnat pobhi-hb ftn an inoailulice aillMity lur, aud the ipiality of tetad absorbed 1y, the puruleiit nnicout wtu rever located. Itascd iipon thoso iilain tliorl('s, ]r. Wei De Moyor's Cntarrh rnre has provcil tu iiiliillüiic 11 nol milt relieves, it cures iil:irrlivat any stajfe. Home tesliinony : Cured! Cui'ed! Cured! Cured! W.l. WoorlH, Bt llroadwsy, N. Y.,Curt.'d of ('hrnnic ('atarrh. ï. J. Hailett, 859 firoadway, N. V., I yoan Cataarhj 8. I.. Brnsh. M:i Hromlwuy, N. Y., 10 ).uiv O turril. S. BMdlet, .Ir., .IiuH.r. Iüf7 Brnadway, N. Y., (ludy frii:inl), curod oi ('tminic Hny Fever. Mm Kmn (' Huw-, 59 W. Washington Squaro, N. Y-, rurrd t)t 'M) yjirn l'hnmic CalJtrrti. Rot. Sas, A. Hem, M J st., Bronkln. "II rcft(rtl huí lo iny niiiilMt'-riul labotv. li. v. Ch.iK. .1. .i„iii-k, N.-w lirirlilmi. S. f. " Wirlli ten umus the ci)t." H'v. Alcx. Fit-.-M, Cairo, N. Y. " It hun wurk'd won(lcru in Hix hmm In lOjr puisb." I.. F. Newauo, 305 PalUn St., l!rc.lyn, amd pi I yektt ('lininic ('iiUrrh. Mr. .T.Swrt.,,ir.,iii Warren Si ..TerBoyOIty, i -n. i of 1m yuva Clbranlc ('mUii-Ii. Ac. itc. Ac. Ac. &i'. A rMil rtiri' lor Urifl nialaly in tlu1 üqbI Important Atoeornj br n-ii.Y ui aaman mflkiriag -: n. . vu-riiinliou. Wel ¦¦- IIijitm hturrli i'nrc in i'l(l hy'all l)rai;gtati, oi Utittretl liy 1) II. Diwm JfcC.i., 1 l)..y St., N. Y., fi)rH.SO a pafkag. Tu c'lulw, hí lar 7.ÍM. Ur. W- !? Meyer'a Treattae, itli l"il ex1 h : i . . , r i . 1 1 u aIh ,,vrru]ir',ninc proofí, íh )OHt-iail 'm. i niMit iv to mi i.o.u g a iikw--i'()w Uf AIITm ACFNTS TO SELL TEA, Il HUI 1 1 I "'" " HUM l( II. M', '1 - ¦ I..'. I.-. ., i-.. , UIV.HI I M...