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TO AGRICULTURISTS Tho öndari'.gned arc now manufarluring a iiKiiltfor furtlllzlng purpowH tliat II pwnliarl.v .i(i.,.iiil Ui uw: lor whioh It iadeslgned. I! in cnliroly ico frnin dlrt, or Imnl lumpH, and 1 mode i a itocchn wMich leavea Lnoorporated , m tl, o salt all til vnlualile plant food, as wi'll M iiiiirrdl'Uts calrulaud to tree and rrudt'i sol II ie Alillilomii iili. ady loutulliud lb tilt We pi.ipimc tci piada Uw prlce o low tlint noiin sliiJl bf (lcterrcil Irom ivliin it :i Ml trial. Tliü uho ! .snit, tor liTMIiin:: iurpNBen js uu longtir an dxporlineni, bul Iuls beeu fully proven, not only sotentlflcally and theoretr cully, bilt praclli.illv, liy MOTOS (if uur mout siuciwsful aisricultiiri.sls. Wi horewlth present thu experleooe and opinioiis of som6 of tlic teadlng Kannrs and WtkÉtl "I thil "Hiil Dther rountnra, hopIliH tliat tb porusiil ol sunii' m:iy lr imaually boudftciali We sliall bontlütíe lo t;"""''' iUOh Rtntlstlcn iiH wé i'nii (in tlilN fliiUJoct, atul htijx1 cach mul BMty oue wlll ijld lis In tlils by Klvlnt; nu tlm benefit ui hls (xperleBO. Orden umi communicatlons may be ililrcsMfd to rit her of the OndenlgBCd, ho wlll IdruiHli all IIWM1IJI Intormtitlon a-s to pii-i-s, 1 1 Hli.'PortalloM, i-li'. THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATION, Eftál satiliiuw, Mlch. THE AMERICAN DAIRY SALT CO., (Limited) Syrnfiuse, N. V. THE OHIO RIVER AND KANAWHA SALT CO., Clnciunatl. Oliio. Mr. Jamc T.ilhvrt, ].t K. (. llrown, ha tliio -hH fiir wilf ut the Kerilon I.nmlK'r Ynrd 111 Ibis city. FBRDON LUMBER YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Mannfactiircr and Dekr in 8ACINAW ganü-sawiïd mm, LATH AND SHINGLES. Wc Invite all tn jjlvc nu a cali, nnd csamino oni ptock beftirc purchtutinK ilwlnn1. AUSO AOBNT POK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SKI.IJi KiKK BK1CE. JAMES TOLBKRT, Trop. T. J. kt.M II. Nui.t. feb.12,'79 HANGSTERFER'S OY8TER " AND ICE CREAM PAELOES, 30 AND 32 MAIN SJ CATERING FOR PARTIES ANO BANQUETS A SI'KCIAl.TY. W.-.lilin: ' ik. - . !(, ('Klim, M;iCiirooil ml Cnn Kf Pyramldt MAM TO OH1IF.K (IN fltnuT NOTll'K. Whilnmii'H Krinch (,'iiikIíck, Frcsli PiH, Mla).' Ornp8, Plorida Orante, Ac, 4c, KBPT CDNSTANTLT ON IIANn AT UANGSÏERKER'S : AM) :ii MAIN STUKHT. BOATS TO BENT .AND FOR 611-1010 AM 1 UN ÜlSELli, DKAl.KU IN mTnwmmm - ¦ - hkh Tlir pnbllí Ib invitrd tft cnll and exUAfoe Bpoclmoni f the celebrated KNOXVILLE, TENN., MARBLE )f which wc Imv.' n Ully (il íiew (h-slgiin. i Nii.criiii to any Fu hcHüty mi diirHliüity uud MUÍ (Se lilocu of BOutOk (inmiti-. I'kkis i.oweictiiw i:%i:r. WID1K AT.L WAlíRANTKI, Shop- Cor. of Detroit and fatliertiic Sts. ANN ARBÜK, MK'IHOAN. l.r,tl American BALL BLUE THIS 18 THE BEST BLÜEING I1ST TJSE! it ís not toisón ors: IIKM'S BLEACHÍNO aml OIVKS A HKAITIFTI, 'I'IXT! KFor Sale by ill Grooors._gEJ American Ultramarine Works, .¦.¦ lliiidon l,niio, STew Vork. ilKMyr ¦ STEPHEK PEATT, HIGH LDW AND PREESURE BOILERS ni kII hludt, 3MÍU PJPI3, Dd aII 3hoat Ir Work il 1, -Jl(, ÜIm C'onsn.'ss St. Wust, riMKD ani) rotiaii ti.., JJötroit, Míen., Eojiirlng loa. Siroía mi Bciiír Puto íor 1:1o. ___ :m iii7 ÉZIMMERMAN FJtVIT AXO VEOBTASZa DRYER & BAKE OVEN Over 11,000 in use. Tho BEST in tUo markot, MaUocntinlyof Unlvaniznl Irun AGENTS WANTEO. rtfii'i for Circular . AtMrcsa ZIMMERMAN FRUIT DRYER CO., ClnciunaU, OMo, ¦_ 9H8-W4 All about rprVAG s e n d e? r. rz 1 u A Au of tho CAZETTEER & CUIDE, whloh ooñtslna lull mroriiiatioii on sil maltora oí luuml mliUij(Kl"1lii" I.ouumrHtatn.-iuii1 BUOWoorruot ¦t)unly ninp of Texas, 36 i U6 luutaea JOHN ROSS i CO., GEN'L GENTS. ST LOUIS.MO. i