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I THE - KeadeH of this notice is invited to cali on us whcn visiting DETROIT. Wc promisc a cordial wclcome and an attractive display of rich and artistic vvares. M. SMITU & CO., Jewclcrs, Silversmiths, Watchmakers, and Dealers in Gems, Corner of Woodwird and' Jefferson Avenues. Qt-jpParticular attention givcn to mail orders. KttW I INSKÏ & HKABOII "S BAKEKY.G110CERY tKD FLOUR AND FEED STORE, Wu keep conntantly n hund, BRKAD, CUAUKKR8, ÜAKKS, ETC, POK WIlol.KSAi.h AND HSrrA.ll. l'HADK. Wu hall also fceep s dupi'l i of HW1KT DBUBKI8 HBNT WUITK W1IKA1 PLOUK, DBLHl KLOl H, KYK FUl'K, 11UCKWHSAT KLOUK, COKN MBAL, FBBÜ, c, Ac. At wholesalc and retail. a general stock ol CJROCERIES M PROVISIOKM conntantly on hand, wblcn will ) eold on m rm ablc temía w at Miy other honte in the city. ('afln uüid for Butter, BgKfl, and UtMintry Pnnlur' (eiHTally. BUoodn deltïcred to any part of tho city wlti eut extra chargu. yr KIN8BY A SBABÜLT. DANDELION Dr. White1 Dniideli(u Altf:rattye, the (Jreat Itlood Puriflcr and Henovator. A Hpecitlc for Liver l'omplaint, Iti]iinirinHM. t'hillr and Pcver, OywpèpÊt. Kiducy Dir-i-a-i-, HltiiiiiüitiMin and CofHtlpfttloD of tfafl litiwcld. Removes nimplen and HHlIowncutj froni the nkin, prodnciofi a clear complexión. It iw purcly ¦. :'ttb!t'. pcrrctly banniusH and pletuant to takt;. Pint bottlec only f 1, and every bottlc wiirrantecl. PULMONARIA, ; iït for Coujjhs, i'old, Aethma, ltronchitix, OroPpi Whoopint CoiiRh and Inciplent OonsiimptUm. Filly centi per bottle. Iatl-c buttlfH $1, and every Uotilc warranU'd. Kor naltï ni Ann Arbor by Bbtirhacb A Son, íind druKiets everywhere. ¦ in ,m vxixrf xti 9 yii AXADA. S } FAMILY MEDICINES. The orlginator of Dr. Chase'R Family Meillrlurs is tbe nitlior of lr. 4'haHc'H Kcoipew ; or, Information fr KvrylMMly. mul otln r U4lp llimks beariiiK hls imiue, aml wurx brongbt abont tliroiiüli the iBqnirles of mauy of the piirohaunni of hlu BookH for soinetblnf te IDMt tlietr HiiKcrliiK and complioiitid iIIh(urm1 coiultttonu, whtch they ülil not ilnl def Hurlbrd in hls Uook8. The proprietorBhlp of tho Medidnos, and the biiBlnpHs management of the name, havlng pawl lirto HM himd.s of the DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE C0MPANY WITH HEADQUARTERS AT IDIR,. CHASE'S mi ram house ARBOR, 1114 II., Wo woul.l ay to the public, that thcy CAn rasi ¦ÉMrM tlwit lr. Chiuc'M Family MellIik-m will kIvu them a Kreatur Katlfiicll..n llmn miy other, for the DisoatK for whiih tluli imiiu'H lndiuate them to havu boen pre parad eijual ti that of hls HookB over all olher l)iKkH of ii lmllar oharater, as shown hy th,.lr s:il, s, wlilch hnve emtttémi the sjiIch of any other, reaoHlDg over million opIcH. (live thora a trial, tinr.foi... itii,i know ror yQMelMt is uil wo aak. DR. ClIASE'S öoughandWoundBalsam Bm Ihvii lonn.l thn umi mot cert-nln Curtol CoubIih of ny preiMinition In qalckly rellevlug Honrm.n.iw, Soreneas oi lk Tliroutnr r.uiigH, I'aln or TlghtiieMB ncr.isx tba ('h.-xi, UroiiHiHlH, f1llt(J iiiééK More TlmwiT, mul (onxumptlon In 11 lu caillur staden, lii-.lilut; Quugh, (.'ïouji, etc. Vrht ilpor Hol tic, or Dottles for #5 im. CHASE'S DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL AND BLOOD REGENERATOR l'i.v.iiiN ,,,,,] currHthpriilniiml Dltrm of tho Uynpnpllo rtfl.T itimtla, nno lor rnrirylnn an, i{uiu.wlu(5 t)i bliHl, qulokly UmliiK u], tho Sh.lllllih, Ull nviiioKltiMg IIU. Wllc.h'Sjslulll. 1'riiT f 1 per Bottle, or Uottlos for $5. DR. GTIASE'S Liver 1 Anti-Bilious Pilis Kor curnig iho Dlmii of the Llver, itn.l coi - roctlng ltlllouu cundltloiiB of tlie 8yïlem, as wrin as for all CntWtic parpoaea. Sin?nrcoiito.1; HclhiiK for S rentw pr Box, or S iioxt-M, i)OHtiiil, fr n. DR. CHASE'S AMERICAN LINIMENT AND PAIN ERADICATOR sailoubl.i-Ktii.iiKth l.liilinfnl,Tiullciitlnt Intriuil or . umi l'ulii qiUchet and more pcriimiifiilly Iliiui any otln-r In une. TwoalsM. fO erntM umi !,- or Iniye Roltlen for 5. DR. CHASE'S MEDICATED PLASTE R fi pat up In Roll or Sück Konu, whloli will ipnwd l'hiütiTH. Klvlngaatrengthonlng umi luMillnt; Baalaafoi MTo oanla not étjualad g Uioso for wlilcli you pny two .sliilüll(; 'l! liiKforÜXiviilMpiT roll; Uve nillH.iJwjíjHllí, U. Dr. CHASE'S cTtáRRH SNÜFF In for Ihe iiick oare of "Ookla lu ti, y Head," and iW)lns !'l for OIO Chronic 1'alHrrli lliat ra.-.U,liHMRi,,l.,. tlimi aklfcfc Wil III I 1IWL. l UIlltl(. ,ny oí itieae Medicine, ni vonr Driisotat Uas not gnt tham,)or for any fdrther Inftïrniation ii reluUoU Ui lli.'in. hiI.Iivum tl,,' I. A. W. 'HASK afDHHI COMl'ANV, Aun iiimi Mlt-b. VUtltl