3HUHCH DIRECTORY. linptist Churrli. Ukv. S. Uahkki.i.. PaMor. gih'ian rli m, LOM . "I"1 7 ' iftur m-wnlng Bervto. : moa Ing '¦mrd'iy cvcniw :it 7'-4 oY'ock. CAtholk Chun-h. i.i.v. runa Fiitm, Pastor. l ,v l i" ¦ .. lUji VU, l"tt ¦¦ ¦ Veapua ,'. K. Sun lx ScltOOl, i P. . Cjuigregatloaai Chorch. '.V. II. UvKKit, Pintor. mu r leoe. 1HS4 a. m. und 74 r. x. '..,,,,1 ls - -i.upt titiT nunlnc ervice. i ii, 'i: uil; Thuroda; srenlnf it "% o'ciock. Kpisoopal Church. lUv. Wvi.lyb Uall. Héctor. ¦; ihvuli urvlcea, MH( a. . and 7J4 r. x. Huuilay Schooi, 1 f. . K.MiMiMurvicun.Thuiwlaj evenlng at7K K'dock. Uriiiiin Mothoilist ('luirch. Usv. C. Hklwio, PMtor ath larvtoee, io a. . and7H p. h. HnDdaj Üchooli at niae o'clock 4 m. PrajM tnouUng on Wodneaduy. Lutheran Church. Iíkv. Jam Nïl'MANN, Pastor. U1J4 a. M. and ly, p. u. s.niJ D -i ni il .iitur mornlQK nervica. Prarar inmaiiiK, Tliursilay eveniuKflt7H o'clock. Hit limliHt Chnrch. Ittv. .Ioiin Amuirsii, l'untor. Htbbatta !, lii a. u. and 7H p. H. a ui, I iy Ui liool afler mornlng ernc. : noel :ni;.Tlir"ilay evunlng ut Ti n'iiock. : imi!ob Meeting, Sntnrdny 7 r. m. l'rcsliytprinn ('hnrch. RlT. fuo T. Buown, D. 1)., Pustor. febtwlh -:-rvic m, in 14 l. ¦ and 74 p. M. Siimtiiy Scluiiiliiid UUili! clans aftor imirnlnt; vi n 1 tkandky evonim; ut K s'cluek. Ynnng Propia! Mi'tini;, Sunday 114. luitariaii (.'huroh. liiv. il. T. SiiNiiKitLAND, Pastor. tMriMtk B.i vico, 1U4 a. M. and Vi r. u. Sonda? Bchoo] .it 12 v. Btadenta' lütilc Claeo at 9:15 a. K. ion r,n1lioriui (üiurch. iv'. il. t. hkthkh, Piatar. Ithtxth - ¦¦! v eai ut mv4 a. M.and7p. h. ¦ iv hooi ifloi imirniii!' xcrviro - , ,-,lii,-mi;iy i'vnini: at 7o'c!ock BUSINESS CARDS. 1T :. w. BARTBÁM, Veterinary Snrpoa. ((iradimto of the Ontario ry OoOtR! Toronto, Cunada.) ƒ AIIUmMOl HonM, Clttta, aml OftT Don- tic Animáis trotad. Offlej, 5 S. Milt 3t., ot City Toi Stsro. raadde. 47 8. División st.,Anu Arbor. ƒ ly(S7 " LMiMl ladi's! missesghayleys A LADIK81 STORE, No. :i S. MuinSt., iorCoracta, TTiTowsIlnc, Tnhli' Uncu, l'ol too. Uoeo Hiirt slik Biodkerehteb, kliee. (.rni't nnd .lel Set, and Ladii'H' KtuxliiLTcat rariiMy. No. ; S. Mici S!. No. 8 B. Main St. 'Mi yr 0. C. UtRURBi I OFFICE : No. 32 East Washington Street. Fcirmerly ocenpied by Dr. Krollilngliam. ƒ WOW 1IKXKY U. H1LL, ATTORNEYATLAW lU-al Estat Broker, AND INSURANCE AÜKNT. oppici : o. 1 Opera Houfte Illook Ann Aiiboh, Mie H. 7HStl WILLIAM HERZ, lloUSU, SION, ORNAMENTAL PKBSCÜ PAINTBR. l'ai:rini;. (JlazInK, OildinR and C&lcl Jmlning, nd work of every decriptloii# noaa In the bet Btyle, ana worrantcd ft o 1,'ivu Hjitirtfnction. Shop No. 4 We8t Wisluntrton Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. ƒ ö.ir-tf J WM. ('. STEVENS, M.D., Physfcian andSnrseonX yiii Washington Street. timer Jloiut-T lo 9a. m., 10:30 a. m. to 12 ., 2 to 4, and 7 to S r. u. lUndenee- No. 10 Grove Street. 13tf F. SORW, llitUHH. HlUM AND OllNAMHNTAl ƒ l'AiNra. PaperlnK, Glazinf, ƒ wtldin, and work of every ƒ I criptlon dono in the bent Btyle. ƒ i'-iimn, UUb, and Varnishea os ƒ ml and for sale. Shop, No. Si f II Ktwt Wanhincton Stroot, Ann ƒ : Vrl„ir, Mich. 03tf W. II. JACKSON, DENTISTA 'IIIIif over Bacb . A in-r. nntranco by Klrst National Bank. 7natr THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, Michigan, ' MACIS ÍESEm SATOS EDSINESS CAPITAL, $50,000. Orgutnd under thc General HankinR Law of thl i lio Ktockholderii are indlvldnally Hable lor an Jiaumnal amount enual to (hp ntmk lu-ld by them ueBt of UeiiOHitoi-H of $100,000.00. sï!"P,p''r '"' IntereHt Ib allowed on al ; ""Mt" Dapoalt! "i oiw dollar and upward, accord ¦'"¦ '" rn,-H of the l!iii,k,:md Ínteres) i omponndi-t ' "i aiinunlly. n „„..y t loan on unincurubcrud itkta and otbei (ÓM Kecurity. ''"¦"¦'or-Cr,rBtlanMack,W . W . Wincn, K A Dea Wllllam Daabel, WlUlan 1). Banimai KuiiiH llincock, and Wlllurd B. Smlt onicern: '"¦'¦tin Mack, Pre W. W. Winm, Vicc-Prus Ciiab K. BnOOOI, ('arhlcr. '.115 -UW Q.OTO WINANS & BERRY - Fon - lltCllíOT TAIL0RIN6 'or thc follouliiK NMtM! iV' U"rwork '" :'ii tat-cta. ¦nii.iv 'y ta 'hl' "Illv r""ir '" ""' Btata whc i yon „ perfeei n, „.,(,„„, tning on. Invil, .''""' '"'t"1-' utortDMBi In Ule Sute over 00 dlffen-nl atyln to aelect from in iüÚ""' ''"""'"¦ Woolmuand Warfdt. r„ ' K '""' "¦"" l"it flrt-cla trlmmlon. ¦ ¦ Ha luli M pi , , ni. h,.,iw Detroit prlces U I.NANS & BKUÜÏ, W No. 11 South Muin Street, Aun Arlmr aun í,'.1,1.'1" "f Pr'utl"K nuil Jol work wlll Iw lohM,pi"K t.'OUK1KK offl0" lu ber "tyle ana ""epr ratea than at any .,lher ottlco.
Veterinarians & Veterinary Medicine
City Tea Store
Misses Hayleys'
Clothing - Retail
Real Estate - Agents & Brokers
Insurance - Agents & Brokers
Painting Contractors & Services
Physicians & Surgeons
Banks & Banking
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Winans & Berry
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
E. W. Bartram
Henry R. Hill
William Herz
Dr. Wm. C. Stevens
F. Sorg
W. H. Jackson
5 S Main St
47 S Division St
3 S Main St
No. 32 E Washington St
No. 1 Opera House Block
No. 4 W Washington St
32 Washington St
No. 10 Grove St (31228
No. 11 S Main St