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The Same Old Thing

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The same oíd party, inspircd by the MUBe wrong principies, controlled by the MUM mi.-t:iken politicians, pursuing the same peiiluus políoy, u secking the ipprobttioa of tho country. They have not selected llatieook tor their standard bearer becausc they have ehanged, but beeausc ue beppened to be a man who liad had no opportunity lo show forth in his own conduct the obnoxiousness oï' modern dcinocracy. ltmustbe presumed that they know he will be a willIDg, perhap.s even a zealous, supporter of the political doguias whioh Bayard and Tilden, Thurtnan and HendrickH, J5en Ilill miicI Bou Kclley, Ju.stiee Field mul Du Voorhoes have championed for 80 many years. They imagine the American people will tuko it for granted that he is u differeol kind ofl dciuoi-rat. In this they delude; tlieinselvcH. lic is one of' them or he would not have their confidoncc. It does not requiro the ability tu soe far into a millstone to make tliat out. If' the domooratic party haagiBM tliat tho objection to givins; it DOWei u ehiefly an objection to iudividuals in il, they liuve fallen into error. Soino of it member.s are moro obnoxious personally than others, no doubt ; but tho grand objection is to the charactor of tho party as a party. That is oniething which cannot be tilozed over by the proHentation of kucIi :i candidato M (ireclcy or Hancock. The record of the dcinocratiw party cannot beo