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Col. Itobt. Ingersoll explains it in this way, tliat tho democratie DomioMa are not good cnoufih to got any republiean votes or bad cnough to créate donioorntio euthusiSenator Hrown, tlie ncwly appointed t-ucot'ssor sf Oen. QordoB, nfíuei to tako tho stump in hia state for the demoontM noinineoM. Col. W. T. lMton, nephcw of ex Gov. Samuel J. Tildón, of Now York, died at the Kverctt houso, N. Y., July 8tli. Hia dcalh was causod hy an afFoction of the heart. Tho sudden democratie growth of fervor towarda a general of the unión army is regardid with tho samo suapicion tliat attend all manifestations of death-hod rcpentance. Oencral Howoll, editor of the Atlanta, (ia. , Constitution, took cine (jood look at the Tainiíiany crowd at Oiiicinniili, aixl rcinaiked: " If I livod in tho north l would bt u ropublican. " The Molilo Hogister wants therchol raider Whoeler to L0 to congres from that district, hocnuHO ho in a tower of streiiKlli" amorío tho oíd rebela " who rcmunibor his ('loriotii oareer," and the young ones " who filory in the liistory )f"t ticir ('ui Iits. The lJoston llcrald says that we we inclincd to think that (Jarfield will row npOB the sober Hccond thought of the poople beomino of hts actual qoaiiflofttiona for the ohief BtagMtrMy, and that Iliuidock wil] Iom, by Iht ohatsoter of dia oaMhtg snd his lack of ón eiperieooe, :i part of hi followinf. Every few dtys we sce a Ion;; list of hangiifjs iü tlio goutbern states, and we noticed lartiouhirly, but have not found odc white man aiuons them. It is a nogroe ove.ry timo, c white law breaken, nrardorers, p(c, 1! MOape. If ovcrything is so lovoly clown horc, and tho Boutln-rn poople "ueh moek atnbs, wliv is this o? Qarfield and Artliur l.uih are MaflOns. 'hu Washington Sunday Hcrald s:iy: 'Brothot James A. Qarfiald isa ohartor uembor of PanUlpha LodgOi No. 2;, and a uiciuliiTofUo'.uiubiacihaptor, No. 1; Coumbia cotnuiaii dury, No. 2, and Mithra.s od;c of perfeoticm, A. and A. Rite, all of ity. BrothOT OheetM A. Arthur is a ujeuibor of all the laasoniu bodios in Now York city." It i.H tlie soldier arnl Htatosman aiiainst the soldier. Tliis is tho issue, üarücld, who was a brave soldior, gocs lcforo the icople m a BtatMDwn triod in liigh public losition.s, and in all of them taking tho ïighest r:mk. Hancock ks bcforc tho jcople with a fino military record, but bsolutely no oivio record. Ho is tho military oand;d:ito of a party which for ten MSn lint lcn donouneing military prosilents. Tho Nation, which has of late yeara twen stronily inc'incd to bo deinocratio in ils views, t.-ikos [he same ground taken by the New York Workl, Senator Thurman, llonry 15. l'nyne, hyman Tiumbull, Judgc ,J. S. Hlaek. and Jud;c l'oland, chairman of the Credit Mobilicr UTWtigUiog conimittee, namoly, that Gon. Ciarfioldwas not guilty of any carruption in the Credit Diobilier matter.