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The Why And The Wherefore

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OF TUK GVJEAT RI .Sll AT BACH &. ABEL'S lal. Thcy carry the lareat stock of uil kind of vooil to be foiind n Ann Arltor, ui,, makcs khoupliiK a maller of plcnuiire. d Thelr larfe !!¦¦ r l-ncllc' and ent' liirnlliliis Oood, Hotiery, Glovea, Intlcrwcur, I F.mbrolderle, lnrukols Ribben, Fans CefMU, aiul l'am-.v lr--.. mmI, in mi re O Uu-ir patroBi almoNt ovcry artlclc lliey whh lower llian il au ba fonnd in any oilu r Ikii in Hu Hj. One prico and a low priceforLadies', Cents' and Childron's Spring and Summer Undorwcar. PARASOLS ! PARASOLS ! Our Kloek oí PanweH I spriii( In nnul novel, varled aiul la.lim. Tlu-y are in eolor uii ¦trie lo inaleli Ilie revallin .Ijle of DreM Goods, belng n alln, Silks, ltroeale, wllli asort ¦¦¦ei !!¦!¦. LOW PRICES PREVAIL IN THIS DEPARTMENT. Stt.KST StST .K$! SttKÖT It I an nekMowlcd(s'l faet lliat wv lead Hilk Tradc in Ilic Interior of ilie state. Wt havo Btfrafttami Ilial 110 ollier lioii-e in llii -eelion OMtH. Bpeolal allenlloii ealled lo onr IiuikImiiik Black Silks at 55, 05, 75, HO and 100 centn. Elegant Black Hlks, heavy enongk lor uk, ai $IJU, 1..{!) and #1. 19. AImo a fiill Une equall) aa Otaeap froin I.O lo I.OO per yard. The (real batgatef for ihe next ten dajr wlll ite onr $ .25 Cotored Silks at $1.00. Wo rospcctfully cali your attention to the abovc, where you wlll find facts and figures worthv of vour notice. It is to your own interest, and you can not afford to let the opportunity escape you. EEMUBKR THAT THE PLACÍ TO TBADE IS W11EBETHEÏ MAKB PBICW. M sov Wiiukk Til KV MBCT Til KM. CASH DRY COODS HOUSE.