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QNK DOLLAR wlll bc p.iid to the person flrst sendini: m th present reeliicncc of liuiiii'i Iti mi-on, or 11. ii - who llved in Washtinaw Coiinty, Michigan, In 1845. Addrenf., J. E. WISRD, Lunulnp, Mich. T OST. Notick- I hnvo ihln day lot '(rHfieatt f itt-poHit u. 7,h:io, luoed iiy Cheltn ituk, oi Cheba, .Michigan, fur Wmu Hnndrcd Ifcillarr. imy tu mjsi-lf. All pumona are hereby wimea IMM to purchanc alrt rrrtinciitc: of dupimli, ai nnyment i1 thu haa be.n nto.ed. ANNA COLENKNtt. ,ltino Stth, UB. ! '.W T M. SW1FT&C0. Aro Ht-lllns Their lt. si FLOUR FOR $5.50 PER BBL, ¦.75 Ver llnndred. n m T)UiUNÜ THE SUMMEH ISBTKUCTION8 IN Tn GERMÁN LANGU AGE WILL BK OIVKN BT QEBB J. BEUC2KEB, B00M2 23 DIVISIÓN 3TS2ET. D'.a-iftKi TTOU8EKEEPERS FRIKNÜ. aHllnc and Monitor III Mtoven of all klnilH at jr.MnUCIUni ¦ South Main utrect, W-lOM LÜR SALE. A Farm of twontyonc acrcB. with a cood dwulllup house on lt, onc mile from city citv llmits. Baqobt 95t( At TUK OOÜBIBB OKF1CE. poll 8ALE. I tmvo n Rood wi:ll-bu!lt houec and lot, cituaicd nu Kli.!il.-Ui Htnot, No. lft. Thcre ie H Koodbain Mini wKïd-eh(jü on tlio place. The proptTty is new and in fcood repair. Term vory lilicral. Aply to DM IBM MUS. K. E. WINSLOW. UUR SALE. I hayo a sood rLOUBIBG MILL of tour rnn of stonc, tlMt I wlll eoll or exchanj;1' fr jiroperty in Washtenaw l ouuty. WKlf HXOI A. 1ÍEAL. ï) F. BOYLAN, lli-ul r.Nt Accnoy. Farms and nonaes bought, sold, ccntcd, roi-alrcd and liiBurcd. (Jtllcc tX WOLVEKINE 8TOKK, i).'Xttf " Corner of iluron and FIttli Htreota. POR KXCHANGE. 1 have a farm ol UK) acres tn the western part of the State, valned at $0,000, which I wlll exchaiu;e for Anu Arbor City property. KICK A. IIKAL. pROF. REÜBBN KEMl'F, HavintT Jupt cnulnaterl from the Oonflorratory ul Hule ai StmtKart, liiTinany, wliun' Ko reoivml n Itmroui'h rduCJltinii, ftnl llMtTUOÜiMli in tb' lat'-'t mthou of toachiiuc nuulc, is now pfepsred to 'ivi L.t-KoiiH in llurinoii) , umi on Ui. Piano umi Ortfan. Pbaot tuncd on raMonAble t.-rrn?'. K'i.oimh, luirllu'rtHt. corner ol Mnin aiul Liberfv Btroets, klr, Anu Arlmr. Mich. IW 1000 I I (MIKH ANU LOTB FOKSAJjE. Bererel nxd brlek dwcillni honeen.anrt a numner of rniiiu'ii dwelllngt, di-sirublyiiiint.'d, wlth one or mor ;i !- ii.r oafih, for faW on i:iir t.'rmn umi r.'aeon kbieerodlt. AIko, fllly city lots. well located, wlth (OodUUa, nd on long erom. Also, farms and mortgaro tor hhIc Momy nafety Invested for lcndcrc, at rn i!r rent. Inoüiroof WCf B. W. MOUOAN j. a. i"oi.iíi:ms' LIVERY STABLE Tlie biX mul uioBt cxenelvc In tho city. HACK AND BUS LINE Knnninc to all trnins niyht and day. ONLY LINE WHICH RUNS TO NIGHT 1 RSINS. Tho )wpt hack in th; city for ludio mliinj'. Ordore filiad pfompUy for ill kindn ut cnuvojaii' Particular Attention to Orders for Funcrils. COK. MIN AND CTUAIIISE Sth., IW AUBOH, - Mirllli;. Wl-UMI A LL KINDS OFBLANKS rHiNTin oh noiiT hiitici AT TUE (OUKlEIt JOB ROOMS. W.W.BÜSS&CO., WHOLESALE AND UETAIL TOSACCO HOUSE All Gooods Sold at Detroit Prices. Agantl for QLOBB and BBAL OF DETROIT tobaooo. N0. 1 EAST HURON STREET. 981yr ZAClLCHANDLEll. AQSMTS WAÜTEO. S. D. Z. T7LEH ft CO., Dotrolt MB-990 ifotKM to Credltors, STATK OF mOUIQAH, Connty ol Waihti'naw,Bp. RoilM t hun-by filvt'n, thut hy an ordtr ol Uta Probate Conti fat tho (-''iinty ol WêahteBwfmado on tliu iwcuty iirnt day ol .Juno. A. 1). L880, px mOOtlu Iriira thit chile wttTfl till(wud for crcdituru 10 pMSeDt thclr clniniB apuliipt the ustnio ol Truman lï. Ueatfa. liiu-ol t!üd county,dcciwc(t,uinl tbut all croditrHoi Huid Aeoetiad raqalrad to promit tlu'irclainw to fililí Probate Ooartt M Uh l'rotmtc ' tfllct:, in the city of Aim Arbor, ftir ezamloaUon and uHowniíee, 09 or belbn Uw twonty flrst day of Decombrr iioxt,aii(l thaf inofe riuiniH wili b6 hnarq beflaro hhiM Oonrt on Tiusailiy, the t wnity-li'Ht dny oi Srptrniltur, aiul 00 Tiiohday, the twt'iity flrn) (tfiy of Deocmbei ll(Xti !lt ''" o'ciock In tho forenoon ol BAcbol hhhI rtiiyn. Uutt-it Aun Aihor, .lime Ülnt, A. L. iHXit. Ull-I.IAM 1). HAIUUMAN, Qtt-NB JiidifHol Probate.