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LECAL NOTICES. Estafe of nurali Ful Ier. ÜTATBOK M1CU1U A.N, l'oimty At n oiwinn ol thr Probate ("onrt or OonotJ of W;wht naw, liolilcn a' tlic Ofllcc in the CitJ et Aiiii Arbor, on Wrd; cwilay. the thtrtleth ilny of Jon, i;i the ynr nnrtrod it, Willuini I). llammiiii, Judtfc ot' Pi-otmu-. lu the matter "f the estatn rf Sarnh Fuller, flecowod. on readlne mt flünu tb p . ol Wiiiiam II. l-anc, poytag Unit n certaln Instromooi nowon lik' lu thií cnurt, purporüng tobe Ihe last :" ud tentamentol eaid aecoased, muy b admitted io probate, nl tliai ba mj b tppomtM axecntoi thet Thuri-iiiMiu it t rardered, thnt Moiiday, the f.voinylxtli dy it .luly m-xt, at ten o'dock In the toronoon. be asalcnM fot ihe heuing ui aatd pvtttion. and wat the aovisoes, logateea nnü at luw t anld duceaaod, ni .il ottaei peraona tntereat d in aatd in reqnlred to ararnt at a awaton ii. mi to ba hold' n at ihe Probate ütllc'city ! &11D Arbor, aud ahow caoae, il nj thore b, whjr tha prayer "f Ihe etltloncr nhould not be erantuil. And it to [urthet nrderwl, that lalrt pettnoner i'ivi. notlce t penona Interoatod In aald oetatHOÍ peudenc) ! aald petll on, ii"l the hearing there"f, iiy eanalni; oopj ofthH ordei to be publiahed In be im Arbor (intritr, newapapet prtnted and circiilatini.' In sniil coanty, three racceealvc weeka pn viima to yald iliiy "f h'urni'. (A troo copy.) WILLIAM L). HAKK1MAN, Judge ut' Probate. WM. S. DOTY. Probate Barfater. IN W8 ('oinniissioiiers' 'otice. S" TATKOÏ" MICHIGAN, Ooonty of Whtenaw,. The andtralsned haring 1. . appo nted bj the Probate Oonrt br aald Oonnty, Oommlpali rs to rooeln, examine and adjtut all clatnu aud demaiida ( all peraone agalnst the aatau ol Kruuklms. Bcmli g way,lto f -iu'1 loiuitv. dei ned, horeby i;w Hint kU montbB Irom date are rtlowed, ly order of aald Probate Coort, tot erodlton to preaonl theli ¦ the estáte ol eald dece isod, and that thej wlll i t al the offloe oJ the Jadge ol Probate in tno city of A nu Arbor, la lald cuunty, on Tlinreday, Uie twontythlrd ly ol BenMmbcr, and nn Thiir-dnv, tl; twi'iny-thlrd ilny of December m-xt, al ten o'clock n m., oi each of aald dy, tu recoive, exatn] tdlasl n:iid claims, batcd. Juni' -¦!'!. UASOA.L l.AUAWAY,) K I!. l'DNI), fomnilfaioiiots. ISAAC WYNKÜP, S '¦'¦'¦ All kinds of Hook-Hinülnc ilonc ut oarl-r adato on huil notlce.