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LECAL NOTtCES. Chancerj Sillo. CJTATE OF MICUIGAN-Ttc Circuit Conrt ka 0 UieCoUDtyof Wiiwhieiiaw. In chancery. Uminnh M. Lovuland, oomplftinant, !'. Kuphemla A. Lont umi Prendí A. Yonng, dafendants. In pan hiiiv mui ty virtne at ¦ drcree of snul coort, maas nd( nt-red In the abovceniitl.-doiascontbi'thlrtyflret ilay i.l M.nch, A. 0. 188 I NoUce II hw-ebj Hint 1 ahall teil ai pull "l bl(l' der, on Monday, the eccond dny of Auenst, A. l). ISStl, ut n-n o'clock in the lörcnoon, t Ule Iriml Mum ui thu ooart houso 1 ' Ami Artmr, county ui Wanhtcnaw and Stati' "I Midihtan, tlie follüwlnji leaerlbed n-al estáte, belng Im mg menüoueil aml diecrihed in cilil dwrec, to wlU AU tbat nateel ot Iniul sltmti'il In the towrxhiii Ynrk, cimniy and sute atbrcsald, known, boanaed , ril.. 1 m fullowB. lo wil : The noith huil of the niirtln-ant quurtür of the piMiHu-ant qajrta n. ection thiity-two, towii8liii hor, eontb uf rum ¦ bU eaet, ciHitHlnlni; twonty acres ot land. Auu Arbor, Juno 17, 1880. .:Ali:s MoMAHON, Circuit Oonrt Uommteeloncr in and fur Wtwütcnaw (.inti'ty, Micli SAWTKRjfcKN.-WI.TON. Solk-ltors for Oompliiinaiit. fj_ ¦"¦ bUte uf (liiiiuicey Brancli. QTATB OF MICUlGAN.Countj nt WaebtenHw.ap. At a Mutua of the PraMM l'onrt f"r the Coniity of Wuhteaaw, hulden at tlie. l'rohnte ofllcc, in the i-it 01 Ai,n Arbor,on Wednenday, the twcuty-thlrd - June In the. y.-nr One thoaaand oljrtit humln-n ann Rlghty. Trotent, Willlam D. liarrimun, Judge o' In tbs matter of thü ertate of Chnui.cny B decoaeud. Anna Branch, idmlntotratni w "" mto conrt and nertt thut une 19 now prepured Ui runder her flmü nccouut ae eucn " Tbcrêopon tt Is ordorcd, tbat Saturrtay, Wil itwJ; fourth duy of July next, at ten o'clock to the rorenoon. be iusiiiod lor exumlmnn ai.d wlpwini ancb acoiunt, nnd that the heir Bt luw ot HU deceued, and all othcr panooi Intareetea Bi re requlred to apjwar t i"-"; '" aald oourt,tben tn bc holden at the Ptobmte W in the city ol Ann Arbor, In eald connty. """" ¦ U) tl.cre l.e.wliy Ilie Blld co.iint '"" nol b allowed. And It is fnrthw or.l.-red, ai cald admlBtatratrti ivo notlce to the pjtb Intcrwtad In nl enUte, oftta t-ndoncy of N , and ihe hearing iausmi;a'v „i tbia ordet to be pnbllAed In th Ann Ariu.r ( or ter, u newpapor printeJ and drcnUtlns ta ooanty, Uui ¦ ucoeMtv eeke pnrlaw ie f""1 ""' of Ib:iiii.l'. (A iniecopy.) W...UAM D. BARBWAH, WM. O. DOTY, l' Hei C-Wi