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8,108. " Theni's our figgcrs." Torriöc storins in overy direction. Villainously hot did you say? Well, yes, you are riglu, partl. On Tuesday last I'utrick Murphy, bí' NorthficlJ, died at the age of 81 years. Trof. ülney fillod the Haptist pulpit in the absence of Dr. Haakell last Snbhath. Oeo. W. Buil loit over sevonty ohiokens last Sunday umi MnnUay nights by rats. Henry C. and Josephine Garrett lost an inlaut 3Oii last Friday by obolera infantum. Another ten cent bus will be put on the next week, by Zonus Sweet, it is Nertbftel4 reports hailstunes 91 inehos in droumfereDOC durinc the storm last Friday. ____ The IJutler r:ilroad paya J. Webster ('liilds $3,200 for the rïiiht of way across his farm. The bridso on the uiiddlo YiHlanti raad, nor the poot bomte, M w;ishcd awny by the ü.)od last Sunday. Justier WioeRU .nent Jarnos Carroll over the mail for 10 days, on a charge of drunkmmm, last Thonday. Farmers keup une oye on the wheat and the otlier on tho cloud?,, and work like the old acratch wlien tbc .sun shines. The (lemocratio Ciiunty convention to noininatii county ofücors, is to be held in this ,'ity oii the IOth of' next uionth. Vi on' a Lutheran Uhuroh aro to havo tlieir annual Sun lay school jiicnio iu relief park, on Wcdnesday, August 4th, next. ' H-m-Hiim ItSmh líernímrilt, pa, 'l'tint gluulow of a Ntiailf.' ' "My boy, hIui's justalxmt as tliln As picnic lcinouade." - Clneiniiatl Star. Tbc Uothlehuiu Lutheran Church will liuvo an auuual picnic f'or their Snbbath Hchool, at rulief jmrk, on Wcdnúsday, July th. ______ ]ja.nt Sunday night Frcil. Esslinger wcnt to South Lyons, attcnded a tcmpcrance Meting and secured 23 signatures to thc JlltMigC. Whcat took a mptd .spurt uj the last of bwt week, rcaching as high as $1.01 in this market at onc timo. The quotations at present (J7(cjSü. A rejiublican county convention, lor the purpose of electing delegates to thc oongressional convontion of' this, tlio 2d dis'rwt, is to bc liold in this city, on August i next. Kven tho turniug of' a "oold honldor," uuld be ao aueoptablo thing witli the thermometer playing tag with tho 100 in Hm shade. The Hancock and English pole in Aun Arbor was erected at tho oounty j;iil. The deinoorats know whero thcir head(aarten are. Oae cif tlic firnt, if not the fust, Garficld nd Artliur polee tliat havo heen eroctod an putup last Saturday by Willie Thomas, nn Kiflli streot. Dr. II. It. Arndt, of Grand EUpidl, has Wen reoommendcd an professor üf materia Bedioa in tho homeopathie departmont "¦ Jones, resigned. Tlie Michigan mutual lite insuranco oompiiny havo jaid $1,000 to the widow of J. C. llurkhardt, that being the amount of the pulioy held by him. Tho reform club choir took part in the aerouea in the tent last Sabbath cvening for tho first time, undor tbe new roanagoment, and Jid thoinsclves credit. Kverott Scott lont a valuablo colt last Bondajr, and Jacob II. Hicks a hcifer. Bnth wcro struck by lightning. 15oth in"ured i the Washtcuaw Mutual. l'ooplo who wonder why men's hair 'urns gray bcforo thoir whiskers, should K&eoi that tlicro ia usually about eighteen year.s' diffuronce in thcir respectivo ages. The W. a 1'. U. wil! hold a lawn social at the raddonee of D. S. Wood, on Main ¦met, on Wednesday ovoning of next wk. All are oordially invited to attend. IIow satisfactory it is to take pietures of 'ho arctic regtODl and the open polar sea tod rit down anil look at them and sigh, fc l:iys as lust Tuesday and Wcdnesday. Jaff," the oourt house janitor, was wought ap bcforo ajuatice, last Monday, 'r roachly handlwf a boy at tho town Punip. butajury deeided him "notguilty." A thing of beauty is a joy forovcr," ln]t a handHome buuquet plaoed upon Uie iitoria] desk by a handsomc young lady is 1 ¦flmilur joy, tot whioli the writer returns "lanks. 11 K. Pruer, ¦ooompaued by C. M. jom Md 15. h Watts, aro to visit Doriit, Sunday next, for the pwrpoM of holdnï an aftornoon and evoning tomperanee meeting. Waxhtcnaw eounty nmked as seoond in ""wint nf heat raisod lor the ycars 1873Lƒ- ín 1879, ahetook the 4th placo, !" a fuw hundred boabeh behind Ionia, '"'ton an.l ( Uhonn. Thii yoar hor aer e WiH Ijo 6,000 moro than last ycar, will oodohanco lor firnt place. t The convention of tbis, the 2d oongrosional district, will be held at Adrián, on Puosday, August lOth. Washtenaw, Monoe, Lenawoe, and Hillsdalc comprises the listriot. The hour of the regular weokly meetings )1 the VV. 0. T. U. haa been changed. llcroafter, until furthcr noticc, the mootngs will be held on Tuosday, from 7 to 8 )'olock, p. in. It' you don't bclieve this ia a thirsty xwn, just count tho number of peoplo who 'takc a drink" at the oourt house fountain lurin? a day. The lowest estimate we liavo hoard is 840. Tho outgoing passenger train on the Folodo and Ann Arbor road was detainod bout four hours last Monday morning, bocauso of the washing out of tho track on the Sunday previous. Uy special invitation of tho roform club the members of the W. C. T. U. will hold their buHinoss meetings in the now rooms of the club, in tho futuro, free of oxpen.-io to tho ladies' assooiation. A. L Noble, E. b'. Hall, Dr. Niohols, J. C. Knowlton, Everett Scott, and a number of others from the oity, took their families last Wedncsday and repairod to Whitmoro Lakc for a day's pleasuro. Th re publican votere of this city are oapecially requosted to rcad tbc cali for the ward caueuscH, whioh appear this week in anothor oolumn. They are tobe held Saturday (tn-morrow) evening. Cliarles 1). Hildebrand is to dolivcr his leoture upon prison rolbnn Friday, thio evening, the same to bc illustrated with piotnrea It will be held in tho tont under tho tmpioM of tho rod ribbon club. The Saline people are anxious, and probably will have the mammoth tent of the Aun Arbor roform club pitchcd in their town the lattor purt ui' thiH munth. A grand mas.s iiic(ting is to bo held there. Now enys the wlly ütonocrat, "ü'ye sec tlie litlle uaiup wo play? ünr ticket liaK two unds, Hlr, tUat Aro both quite imeful In their wny ; Tho Imiid'H for you'uiiH in the north- The lirlKiitllt-r thut llt mul l)Ioü ; The tiiil'H for we'uns at tht aouth - A gouulne Kugliuh copperhoail ! " Mr. Vonnor, the Uanadian weather prophet promised that severe frosts would bc prevalent daring tho mouth of July. Whore are thoy ? Trot 'eui outl Alas, the ioe mgona alono monopolizo the business. Prof. W. W. KerrÍB dij nol ..Ck at tho tent last Sunday afternoon bccause of the heavy storm. He will speak next Sabbath evening at 8 o'olock, in tho tent if the weathor is pleasant, if storuiy in the opera house. A Otost cxcollont letter f'rom tho tcrritory, of Now Mexico, will lie found in aniilior column. "J. 1). W." íb an intcrcsting writer nnd gives ono a good idoa of that far off country, tu churaoterintios and its poople. _ Tho eonnud enumerator of York reporte 323 farms n tliat township. He also aaye that the villago of Milán, which is largely in this county, is booining livoly, and by the next oensus proposos to make a mink in the county. The Grand llapids tíuturday lluviuw crüditod our oontcinporary, the Argus, with uttoring the very same words whieh were uttered by tho Courier. This oalls f'or a $1,000,000 suit of Homo kind. Choose "yer wepings." üov. Crosswell having ordorod an invc9tication into the charges of' drunkenness against Ju.sticc Skinner, of Ypsilanti, the samo will bo comuieuoed noxt Monday, bof'orc circuit court comiuisKioner McJIahon, in this city. A very pleasant cvunt oceurred at the residenco of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. (i. (Jlark yesterday, it being tho marriage of their daughter, Alice E. Clark, with Charles C. IIuíT, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Rev. F. T. Brown, officiating. An addition of thrce ñames to tho lat ward, threc to the 3d ward, aoven to tho 4th ward, and 57 to tho Cth ward, runs our population up to 8,108 - a gain of nearly 750. Solid growth, you seo. No mushroum about that. TheEvening News componitors having requontcd a raisc from 30 to 32 cents per thousand ui'.s, the proprietora of that paper cuino forward and gavo H oonts better than thcy asked, making tho composition horcaficr 33.1 conts per thousand. A ticket adinitting tho oditor of the Ann Arbor Courier and lady to tho suiumor , trotting meeting of tho Chicago jockey nml trotting club, is upon our table. Tho meeting takos place on July 20th to 24th inclusive. D. L. Hall, superintendent. Last Sundny, Kov. S. Haskoll, D.D., pastor of the Baptist ohureh, of thia city, in tho ro-dcdication of tho I8th street Baptist churoh, of Dotroit, and preached a sermón upon "the noteworthy features of the churcli of Christ. Mack & Schmid are laying a ncw flag atone walk upon tho south sidc of thcir store, on Liberty street. Next season they intend to lay a üiuiilar ono in front upon Main street. Tho total oost of the same when complctcd will bc about $1,500. The committec on speakers of the reform club, is inaking an arrangement with a colorod speaker to deliver an address bcfore the club. At tho samo time muaic will s furnished by a colored choir and a general livoly and interecting timo is expected. August 2d is emaneipation day, and wo understand that an excursión train wiil be run from here to Iludson, wherc a cclebration is to bc held. Tickets for the round trip are to cost $1.15. It is ?aid that uiany of our oolored peoplo intend to (ake the trip. ______ It is expectud that tho ltev. Gabriel Campbell, class of 'C5, of the University of Michigan, now professor of mental and moral Minnesota Univcraity, will ocoupy tho pulpit of the Prcsbyterian church next Sunday, moming and ovening. j_#_ The oommissioners seleoted to uhoosc a site aod ereot buildings for a new school for tho blind punils. now oducated at the Plint school for the deaf and dumb, have ronted the Odd Follow's instituto, noar Lansing, for onc year with the privilege of purcliasing. _ Jacob Miller, who formcrly lived in tliis city, dicd from the cffectu of sunstroko, last Friday, noar Ypsilanti. Ho was 66 ycars old, and went through tho rebollion from the time of tho thrce months men to the oIokc of the war. Serving in compaiiy (Í, 16th Mich. infantry. John Huddy brought to the Couuikr offioc a lot of poachos dead ripe, yesterday. They woro of a delioious flavor, and fine looking. Ne statos that he has a largo nunibor of trees of this variety and as they are .sotne fivo or six weeks ahead of any other variety in this section ho will have a monopoly in tho peaoh trade. Our readers will find the letter of acceptanoe of (Jen. Garfield upon the first page of this issue. It is a document all will desire to read. There is no evasión, or claptrap in it, but a manly, straightforward doclaration of principies. It is an ablc paper. Read it. Lul Fiiday, duriug the thunder storm, tlie furui house of ö. W. Slayton, in tho township oi' Ypwlanti, was struok by lightniug, und, taking lire;, wx-. complctcly dcstroycd. A policy in tho Waahten;iw Mutual ontitlod Mr. S. to $1,700, which has already been adjustod. Tlw Flint Sunday Democrat i.s evidently not i love with the school board of that city. It says of tho body: "Tho most oonflioting, dogged, obtuso and bull-headed clemente ovor plantod iu thu human breast are there to créate dissension and blattant fights, to bring down ignouiiny on our sohools, and reproaeh on our youtu of the city." The mectiug to bc addressod by Mrs. D'Aroauibel, noticod in last weok's paper, will bo held on Sunday evening, July 2fth, at tho M. K. churcli. A colleetion will be taken up to dofray exponaos. The clergymen of the varioua churohes have kiudly consented to forogo thcir usual ovening service that all may have an opportuiiity of atteuding thoir meeting. Whonevcr you meot an oditor on the etrect or in a crowd, juat romark that "tho weathcr is as dry as bii paper," or something of that sort. It has a tendeney to makc him feel good, and also gives hitn an exalted opinión of your wit and sarcasm. Uosidcs the joke is a new one, and is rich, raro and racy ; full of pathos, and tinctured with B'ackstoneian wisdom. The word "sandwich," according to Webster, nnu " to form of alti'niate paris," " to fit botwoon othor pnrt.n." And when wc statod that certain bands " wcre sandwiehed in the procüsmon," as wc did last week, it was intnndod to convoy tho idea that they had a placo in the prOWHÍOD. That was all. Aid. Kcoch aocidontally brooght up tho 5th ward engint) houae boys last Monday evening, by unintuntiunally ptriking the iibirin whilü invcHtiating the ooooern, As (be thermometer was S() or 90 dogroeri in the dude at the timo the boya were somcwhat damp from penpmtion when thry gut up hore with their machine. A girl baby, whicli must havo beun a lew daytt' oíd, wi luunj upan tho doorItep ol' a resident oí' tho 3d wurd, on Suriday eventng lant. The gendenan und wit'c uro very much rojoioüd thcreat, as thoy wcre duail'Olll of' udopting a girl baby, iind the gift of ono saves the troublo of hunting one up. They will keop thc little stranger. Thc Bveniog Nows excursión party met with a snd accident at tho Glcn Ilouso, N. EL, because of' a drunken driver. The last party in deoonjing tho mouniain was tippod over, aud Mra, Ira Chircester, of Allegan, killed, and several others seriously wounded, amoiiK them bcing Miss Ehnma Lamb, of Ilowull, slightly injured. The driver was hiuiself fatally injurod. Dwing tho tora, laat Sunday, tho house ol Koal Ilenion, in the 2d ward, was struek by liglitninK, but only slightly danmgcd. Tliu Huid jiassed down the ohiiuiuy until it got sight of a wiudow, out of which it went, satisfiod, undoubtedly, with the micchief dono. Another house in the same wurd, oceupied by Luis llhode, wan ;ilsu ítruek, and slightly dumageil. Our poultry raisers and farmers whu keep fowls, if they do not aheady know the fact, will perbaps bo glad to learu that soiuo fellow has found out that to keep guard over hens as a proteetion from hawks by day und thiovcH by niglit, a flock of guinea fowle is bettor than a dog and gun. Tliey give instant wurning of the approaoh of a strangor, and onc always guarda while thc others sleep. The coming oounty convention, to bc held on the 27th of this month, is an important ono, and members of township oommittoes should be prompt in calling caucuses. Scnd good stalwurt deleg&tea to tho oounty convontion, and at tlio name time cffcot an organization for the campaign. Every township in this eouuty should have an oranizution. They are MMBtÚtl to NKMM. As furthor details of tho "ehiwilrie murder," of whiüh an account is givon on the first popo, rom in. the more oolil blooded and uruol it look, and no arrëstt foilow. They are afraid of the cowardly ruflian, these brave southerners are, and darc not rnake tho arrest, lf it had oceurred in the north the murdcrer would have been looking through bars long bcforc: this. lïut such íh southern ohivalry. The following table showi tho real and porsonal estáte of the different wards ot this city, as nhown upon tho different hupervisors' rolls: Koal Estáte. Penooal Eattte. Total lHt wnnl SI l!ö 130 $l,r!l,or.i wïSS; SS t5m - 'ia wanl 4 11 900 M.6B0 S39,46U í.hwara, mSi S 9)4,060 Mh wiiril, 4t9,StiU 73,.MI M8,tB Total, 3,445,2i5 fJS7,3a) IM1' After peveral changos in date, Company A are at las-t able to announeo their annual excursión for Wednesday, Aug. 4th. The routo laid out is a trip across Lako Bi Clair and return to Bello Isle park, whero those who wish oan Htay for a basket picnic, or return to Detroit, cither, as the boat wilt oall at the Lsland at every hour during the day for thoso who wish to visit Detroit. The train will leavc for homo at 7:30, p. m. i It is said, but with how much truth we will notvouch, thatthc most sucicssful way of doHtroying out worms is to lay small picce.H of boards on the ground where they seemed to be tho thickest, and lifting the boards carly in the morning tho woruis will be found eolleoted under thom when they can casily bo dinpatchod. Tho stripod bugs that dustroy vines can bo drivcn away by sprinküng sulphur on tho vincs whcu they urn wnf._ The Adrián ffaMI ¦: "Kobo bugs, grawshopperfl, ourculiu, cabbagc woruiH, pototo bugs and cut worms, aro a part of tho enoiuies a farmer must fight to savo his crops. Still overy boy muHt bo furnished with u shot gun, and f a bird takes a lunch of eherriea between his catterpillar breakfaut and eut-worm suppor, Ui death warrant is soaled. 'O, fools and slow of heart' to learn thut birda ure the farmer' s bost fond-" . The lawt isbUu of tho Allegan Tribune hns Awe two itoma: "Capt. K. 1. Allen luis beon engagod to addrosa the KkUera and sailorn of Allegan eounty, in tUis village, at their unnual cnoainpmont noxt month." Also, "A largo orowd gathcred in the Htroet to hear Capt. E. 1'. Allon, of ypnilanti, Monday oveuing, who gave an ubl addrciw on tho political wituation. Tho captain ha a powerful voico mul il ono of the bost of campaign ¦peaksn. We are to hcar him again by and by." Miss Mary H. (Jraham, of this oity, the Dnly colored lady who ever graduated at the univcrsity, aud who took tho degree of Bachelor of Pbilosophy at the recent ooiumencement.istogoto Missouri ncxtSoptember as an instructor in Lincoln Univorsity, at Jefferson City. She has proven herself tü bc a i er.son of unusual intollcct, and il cntitled to uiuch credit for her porgcverance in poshing her way through the university. Sho is only 38 years of age, The Ann Arbor reform club are to have their atioual excursión od Friday, July 30th, to Port Huron via Detroitand lake St. Clair. The cars are to leavc this city at 7:15 a. ni., and Detroit at 8:45, taking the elegant stcamcr City of Detroit- ono of tho fastest and best boats on the lakea, uapablc of acoommodating 1,500 to 2,000 pcoplc - and arrivingat l'ort Iluron at 1 p. ui. Returning thoy will leavo at 3:30, pass through Detroit at 7 and arrivo home at8:30o'cloek. Making one of the plea.santost, and best excursión trips poBsible to secure from this point, all for 1.25. -?- Wc havo recoived tho proceodings in pamphlct form, of tho 2d annual mooting of tho Michigan Press Association, since reorganizaron. It is the product of tlio Bellovuc Gazotto office, and a good job. The oonipilor has, howevor, made a fow niÍ8tako9 rospeeting reprcBentativos of papers in this city, getting tbom mixed up somewhat : Por instanco, .1. W. Koating should have been credited to the Physioian and Surgt-on instead of to the Courieu ; John N. Bailoy to tho Argus, and not to the Demoorat as given : while John L. Burloigh was the Democrat'H representativo. Othorwiso the patuphlot is a model ofneatnoas, and a credit to tho socretary, Mr. E. S. Hoskins. ____ Our enterprising friends at Chulsoa are very much elated over tho census statistios, and f'eol justly proud of tho handsomo advanecment made in the past decade. The township of Sylvan, in which the villano is looftted, hu advanwd from a poj)ulation of 1,981 to 2,261'), whilo the villuge itsolf contains a population of 1,205 within its corpnrate limita. 2'J of this number are in the township of Lima, which deduoted from 1,205 leaves 1,176 in Sylvan. In Sylvan township, outnidc of Chclsea village, there ate 1,090. The township also haa 180 farms, all of whioh speak for (hemselves in building up such a thrií'ty villaje as Chelsea has cot to be. At a roocnt moeting of the r';t'rm olub :ho following coramittees wcro appointed for the coming tena of sis months : Execativc - J, Hill, H. Cuthbert, NcWn Huthjrlaud, T. Bailey, and Dnvid Fishcr ; Finanoo- Thos. Kearns, Ja?. IJ. Saunders, md Lmm Dunn ; Auiusements - A. F. Bangsterfer, Chas. M. Jones, llobcrt E. Krazer ; Excursions- B. F. Watts, C. II. Worden, Chas. Boylan ; Spoakers - John IJoylan, B. J. Conrad, Kov. E. A. Spence ; Maño- 4. II. lloys, A. W. Britton, Honry Haskoll, HL Mutohell, A. Lsbell, Chas. Richards 8tMan Speochlcy, Ida Sohlotterbeok. Messrs. Will Watts, Bd. Milion, Kirk Clark, Louis Buohoz, and E. Comu werc appointcd ushors, and Williaui Mathows chosen for watclima at thu tent. Now that thu oouncil have gono iiito the business of resurrooting wells for drinking purposes, wliy not have the one at the oornor of Maynard and Liberty stroets clcaned out, a pump plaoed thereiu and drinking cuis attaohed? Tliis well is in thu street, is eity pmperty, and wc are told has an inexhaustible supply of exoellent water. Ilesiddnts in that vieinity havo to depend upon filter, whieh ure very expoasive, an I at bost hut poor tliings, while otUers, too poor to afford even these, of whom the writer knows personally, bring well watur a distanoc of eight blcKiks. This well, fixed up as bas been the one in the court houso square, would afford hundrods of people good wator, and be of groat valué as a drir.king fountain bosides. The requoat is not an expensive one, ncither is it an unjust one, and the council by fixing it up would bo the means of doing a goqd deed. The following dircotions, if carofully fol ' lowod, uiay bo of groat -benefit in case of ' accidental or other föTsoning, and ought to ' bo out out and proservcd in every family, fof they may como handy ome day : If a person swallows any poison whatever, or has fallen into convulsiona from having I ovcrloaded tlio stomaeh, an instantancous nmedy, most efficiënt and upplicable in a ' large number of mm, is a hcaping ' apoonful of cominon Balt, and as much i cround nm-itard, atinad nipiHy l" u teanipful oí' wator, warm or cold, and i lowcd inatantly. It ia scarecly down beforo it bogins to como up, liringing with it the rem&ining oontents of the stomach ; and lest therc bo nny remnant of (hc poison, howcver small, lot the white of an ogg or a tettspoonfill of Htrong cofToe be swallowcd a loon a.s tho .stomnch is quiot, beoause theM vcry oommon iirtiolos nullify a largo numbor of virulcnt poisons. As the fruit season is now in its glory, pnrliaps the following advioo from an old housokeepor nwp40ting canning will be of interest to our lady readers: OlaH and qtouo jara aro tho only kinds to uso (lor the acids of fruits will not bo healthful if preserved in tin) and they be purehased vory ohoaply. Nearly all the fruits remin their flavor better if they are stoamod instcad of stewod, as they are not eo niuch brokon up. To four iounds of tho fruit tako one pound of the lump suar, as it is less subject to adulteration. Fill tbc jars within two inches of the top with the fruit ; mclt the sugar in very little water and turn it boiling hot upon tho fruit ; placo the jars in a pan of boiling wator and let thcru stcaui ubout ten minutos, or until the fruit, by the expulsión of the oold air, has boen forood to tho top of the jar ; put tho cover on at once wilh a cloth, ho as not to burn your hands, and sorew itdown tightly wbilo in the boiling water ; eet tho jars on tho table to cool, and if any bubblos appcar in them take off the covers and boil again until the fruit is again foro 4. A Ciuciniiati truvoling man has beon taffying a reporter of the Enquirer, üf' thai city, into bolieving that, as he oxprcssed it, he "had a peculiar looking pookot book, its cover being tuadc of cutido taken from a young lady who bad been dissectcd at tho celébrate J ghoulory at Ann Arbor." The reporter of the Enquircr was imposed apon. The oovering reforrcd to was made from a portion of a tonguo, whioh was cut off from a travoling mau in a railroad accident, and picked up by oue of our blackdiiiitus who was Htruck by tho peculinrity of the metal, took it to hi shop and haiumcred it out thin and made the covering rcferred to. This is the history of the pocket book. The pocuüar incident of the tonguo boinR cut off, was tho fault of the man hitnself who would insistupon kecping the thing running, ven in danger. Wc havo sinec lcanied that the name agent who met witli the acoidont iurohaned tho ouriosity and tluit his nmsoular organ hu Binco growu to l'ull size again, whioli Heientista atlribute to the fact of OOaatint oxer rtiürta