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J. Q. A. Sessions is in Charlotte for a Püw days' rost. Ed. Honning, of ChioAgo, was íd the 3ty last Monday. Aid. Mathowson, of the tll'th wiird is resuporating in New York. Dr. I. N. Kldridgo, of' Fiint, wuh in the city tho foro part of the weck La.t Tuesday Gen. ü. D. Ilill, ..1' Washington, D. O. arrived in the eiiy. Mra. A. A. Stevens han OM est ol a visit to hor unole at Poekskill, N. Y. Mrs. S. B. Pierson and duughtor, ol' Lawrnncc, Kansas, are tho gucsts of Mrs. W. II. Lovejoy. W. II. Martin, olass of '6, representing E. W. Uillott, of Chioago, has boou in the city tho past wcok. Ilov. J. Alabaster proachod in tho Himpson M. E. ohuroh, Dotroit, last Sabbnth morning and evcning. Monson W. Uliss, of Toledo, spont Inst Sabbath in tho city, visiting his parents and othor frionds and relativos. Mrs. John S. Koster, of Detroit, ia sponding a few wocks ut the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Clark. Tbe Michigan Tribune, oí Battlo Croek, has this personal : " Mrs. Dr. P. B. Bom, of Ann Arbor, at C. 11. Thompsun s." Hon. Chauncey Joslin, of our noighboring city of Ypsilanti, has boon suggoated au a good candidato for the democratie gubornatorial nomination. David N. DoTarr, who graduated at tho last oomuienceuient from the medical dcpartuionf, haa gone to Iowa to enter upon a practico. He wast nceoinpainod by his wife. W. lt. Clark, of tho class of '7ü, and his wifo, formcrly Miss Clara Handy, arrivcd in the oity last woek from their home in MassachusottH. Mr. C. has gono on a western tour, whilo Mrs. C. remains hero visiting her father, Isaac Handy. " Bert " llenion, ono of the famous "socrot 9 " of years gone by, was in town last Friday and Saturday, viKiting his paronts. He is now traveling for an Albany tirm and i upon tho road all the time. His brothor, Lona Henion, travols tbr the same firm.