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Too Much Water

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Allcm's eroek "gotite baok up" so to spoak, last Sunday afturnoon beoauso of 80 uiuoh rain, aotl wout tcaring along ita bimk through tliu city, ovcrflowing Rardcnti, fliiodiiij; collar, tearing Jown Linbankuioutw, wasliing out tho railway track, and doiiiR all the dMMge it possibly could. The Toledo & Ann Arbor K. R. wan ably tho worst suflerer, as tho track for quito a long distaneo runs along tho ravine traverBcd ly tho crcek, and it was washcd out iĆ¼ nutuerous places. A construction train wan at work early Monday inuruiiiK, and it was noar 11 o'clook beforo tho uien could undorpin and temponirily bruce up the traok wliere wa.shouta had ooourrod, so that traint oould pass over it. Mr. l'ileher tells us that it wilt tnke thcir entire foroc five or six dnys at tho vcry kast, to put the track again in good repair, in and botwuen this city and tho junotion. 11. K. Ailcs was also quite a loser froin the wa.shinp out and deslroying of an euibaukment which his mon had just oomplctcd, at his ncw machine shop where tho creok SNMM lluron streot. The damage will cause a serious delay in the complotion ot' tho work, and conniderable ospenso bosidea. Oellkra siluated near tho ravino wcre alsofilled up, aml wc notiocd soveral gardons which had boon completely ovorflowed. The rain also waahed out tho etreet in front of tho T. & A. A. railroad dopot, leaving aeveral ugly gullios to bo filled up. In othor parts of the city streets wero gullied out nnd minor damago dono by the storm which waH tho most poworful knowo in this section Cor a long time.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News