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TO AGRICULTURISTS Thi' anderaigued mr mm1 mamUhotnrlng :i ¦ aalt fbr MrtlUalni porpoaea tlutl li i'r-nii;u iy ¦ to UM usi' lor wliwli it is il. -Kin lic. 1. K i iiiiu. i lm (toni .11 ii, or bard lamp, mm is iitu'i.' i'VJi prooeas. whlon leavea Inoorporated ui tii.' sait all tha vialaable plant food, aa wel! ,-is Ingrediënt oaloalated to froe mui renda soiuhk' the Ammonla alroaily oontained In the oll. We propoae id placa the prloa m Iow thal none hall !.¦ detemd lïom glvlng il ;i lair trial; The ose of alt tor ItorUUslni pnrpoMi is no tonger aa rxpnimrui, bal iis been (ully proveili not only nlentlfloally and thooratl caiiy, bat praotlcally, by cores f onr moat auccestful agrlonltnrlitii, Wc hiMvwiih preaent tha expertenoe umi pplnlcna ol lome dí tita leadlng Parraen and Solentlsta "i thla and other oonntrlea, hoping i ii.u iiu' peroaal i the same may ba mntually h.'iii'llcial. Wo Kiiuii oontlnne to gathw aoeo Matlatlct at we oan on thla lahjeot, and bope eaofa ind cvcry ono wlll nid u.s In tlils by ;i inw us tho benefit o! iiis experteooe. Orden and oommnnloatlona muy ho aldreaaed to elther of il; underalgnedi vfho wlH furnish all neoeasary Information hs t. pi losa, trtfnaportatton, otc. THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATION, Kaal BagiBaw, m "ii. THE AMERICAN DAIRY SALT C0„ (ümitod) Synicuse, N. Y. THE OHIO RIVER AND KANAWHA SALT CO., Olnoltmatl, ohin. Mr. James Tolbert, per k. ;. Browni ban thi Halt fti nulo ni the Ferrton Lnmber nnl in thi cuy. SS-yr PERDON LÜHBBH YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manufactnrcr hihI Dculrr ir. SACINAW (ANG-XAWBD LDHBBR, LATH AND SHINGLES. Wc all to rIvc uu a cali, nnd examino oui stock belort' purcliuBiní,' r!r uwh:rc. ALSO AGKNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SBLLS KIRB ItliICK. JAMES TÜLHEUT, Trop. T. J. KKKII, Hapt. rcb.lï.'TU iÏANGSÏEËFEIl'S OYSÏEE AND ICE CREAM PAKLOES, 0 AND 32 MAIN ST. CATERING POR PflRTIES AND BANQUFTS A SI'KUAL'I'Y. Wi-ililti) Cakes, Icn ('r-ftin, Mncaroons aiuM'ri'am i;is l'jnunidö MAT)R TO ORDKIt ON HllOKT NOTICE. Whittoftn'a Prench Oaodles, Pronta Kí"h, Malaga OrHpc'H, Florida Onngei &C.t Ac, KEl'T CONSTaNTLY ON HAND AT IIANGSTEIIFER'S :to AM) 39 MAIN 8TRERT. BOATS TO RENT AND F()R SATjK. fl.r)-lUin ANTÓN EISELE, 1!C AI.KH IN - w -iimí iAh_j i r ThcpuiM., t -,.,uoca!lnid tttuftine olmoM KNOXVILLE,TENN.,MARBLE of which wc hare u tnpply or ncw deairnt. u la superior lo uny marbte in )ic:iuty nml duruiilily, and tutea Ihe plucu of Scotch (ininitc. PRICB8 LOWn THA EVER. , Wülílí AI.L WAKRANTKD. Shop- Cor. of Detroit and Catlierlue Sis. ANN ARBUK, MICHIGAN. llid EXCELSIOR IIAIIl WASH. fj& Tllis iVlcliminl Arlicle VgSrl ft r.--r.-s l hf ercuti'Ht riiiW J&mR Hh ftr:it:vc, íiiviuMnirin aml Jmn&T f ¦¦ -¦¦ -'¦ ir. 31 g ticle "i Ube klnd HE to tho hmtaii iamily. ft WUm3FA Hfc clean -in ti' hnir nnd sc.ilp, JffS SS K'l'tnVH (líttKinill, C'IlllVl-hH H- K rootn, HofluiiH Ihc h:úr, iMkBCTfca príiduclnj; n iipprnr„ W mee nucí iiulucuí b Iti.xurl'd', March SO, 1SS0. nut (,'rowth. PnEPAIlKD I1Ï MADAME GOLDMAJÍ, TOLEDO, OH 10. certifícate or analvoi: To whom it muy concern: - ] tmvi' examinad Madamk (Jdi.dman'k Haik Wasii, hikI iJi;1 ii ni contain no Ihgrodlunl that will prove hortln] to the baii ot oup. It la Ín no use of the word i hilr dy. iu congntnenU ara mil culcuiim-il to :ci u sédatlveí and ehock fluir irntaiion oí the Kcalp ilmt reaaltg in ecrelion of dandruil' mid ftn annoTlns ilchlní;. 9!iS-'jye s. II. 1)OU(LA.S. BUY A HOME IN MICHIGAN. 5 TO 1O PEK ACRE! fMf .Solln! Sur )'ruM: Knllrond lln.ii,-i 'iilr nf I. muía, ll.alllii ('Ilni:it-. Vlmiili .lint t lililí li. I ii1. III.I til IUulutlU. HICHEST REWARD TO FARMERS. 'i i., se I inda uro a lonic distuiioc "jti of th Ippl Kivcr. Largo aniomit saved In travel and tuiusportuti f crups. j. Uve pnniphli-l In KiikIIhIi unil (ícrmnn. Addrew n o. m i.ii nt r. Oommlatotnr, Orand Rapldi, Miciiígan. 98] ilion Bend for dlrocttoof for Setf-Hetianmant. 75 Woodward Ave, and 1 Opera House Bloei, UKTHOIT, HICH. M81018 STEPHE2ST PEATT, EI6B LUW AID FBESSDBE IDtLIlfiS ol' 'ill kinili, CUOEE n?IS, tod al! Ohoit Iroü Work ¦ju, 216, "is (' rnaBt v . r . Tiiiiiii amo ron ui u kth., UöirOlt JVllCll., Eopilrlnf Jeto. Elvot: ini Boller riito for Sale 'i 1 tOOt


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