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I -TIIK ReadeR i of this notice is invited to cali i on us when visiting DETROIT. Wc promisc ;i cordial wclcomc and an attractivc display of rich and artistic warcs. i . i I M. S. SMITIL & CO., Jewclers, Silvcfsmiths, Watchmakers, and Dealers in Gcms, Corner of Woodward Jcffersoa Avenues, [J3pParticular attention given to mail orders. D77 uw DIN8BY & 8KABOLT8 BAKERY, GBOGEKI HD - FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep rmi-fintly 00 h:uid, HUKAP, CUACKKUS, 0AKR8, BTü., KOU WHOLKSALB AND HKTAIL TUAOK. Wc ehall aluo Si'cji a "iipily o( 8WIKÏ & DBUBEL'S KKST WIIITK W1IKA1 FLOUR. DBLHI VU)VK, KYB KLOl'1.. BUCKWHBAT KI.OI K, (JOHN MBAI., FKKD, c.,c. At wholeealc and rctnil. a general stock ol (.lUMCItlls M PROVISIÓN connUuitly on band, whlch wlll lc o!d on ae ruaron Ibtotnu au ntany othcr honoe In the city. ('anli naid for lJuttor, Bííb, and Country Prodnc gcnorally. pifdoodp dclivercd to any part of the rity wit; out extra charge. yr K1NMBY SEAJ1OLT. DANDELION Dr. White! Dfindolion Alterativi1, the (irtuit Kloori Purlfler and Kunovator. A epcclflc lor Livlt CompUünt, BlHoaioess. OhUta tnd Fovor, Dyspepala, Kidney Disease, líhcuiualiHm ml ConetiiKiiloii ol the r.'twi ¦]. Komovai pimplen mul BAUowneM trom thu tkln, prodaclng n cleir oomplexioa. lt in paroly fi'-tflitic. porfectly bannleM im plensafil to tako, l'iiir bottral üuly $1, and every bottlfl wunntad. PULMONARIA, tL SS lor Ooaghli i'iiltls, Anthmu, lïronchitU, C'roup, WhoopUiff coagb tod [nclpient Consamption. Pifiy centl per bottlc. Largc botth-n SI, nnd every botüe vvarrnutod. Kor palo in Aun Arbor by Klicrlmrh A BODta&d Iruriftr rvisrywhrn'. M0 1010 FAMILY MEDICINES. Tho origlnator of Dr. ('liase'K Taniily Medlrlni's Is tlic nnthnr Of Ir. hnr'n IC-fix-N ; KT, liiloiination for Kvcryboil y, and Otber Roclpfi Jiooks hilnrillg lils name, :vnii woro brouiit abont tbrongb the tnqntrieB of many ol ii..' parobaaen of iiih Booka lor BomeUitng to meet tbatr llogcrlng na ocmpUokted iii.slas.'.i eondlUona, vrhlob tiicy dld oot Umi de¦cflbed in hls ïimik Tho pr.iprleUirshlp of tho Mpillcinra, and the business management of the sumo, haring paimrirl Into the handfl of the DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE COMPANY WITII HEADQUARTERS AT IDIR,. CHASE'S mi F1TI HOUSE A ARBOK, llllll., Wc wou ui sny to the public, tlmt they eau re1 nssureil that Ir. Ckm+tfm Family BtedicluoH wlll givo them ii greatar aatUboUon thau any others, for the for whtch tiu'ir iiaini'H Indícate tbemto have been propand- oqual to that of his BookM over all ol her ixHiks of a slniirflr olmractor. as shown hy thilr ¦alea, wiiich have ezoeeded (he salea oí any Other, nvicliinu over om1 millioii -oiom. qjjmi ti,...., tl .,-iui. ttn,r.t(,rc, and know for yonrselves, la all we ask. DR. CIIASE'S GoughandWoundBalsam lias been bond theqnlokeitand most rertnin oure of CoughH of nny prepnratinn in dm ; alan qnlokly reliovliiK HowMnaw, Bormaa af the Thmut ta I. lillas, l'alll or TíkIiIiiokh aorOM Uu t', BronoblUa, Olergyman'a Hme Throat, :mii coiisumption In all lts earller Wbooplng (High, C'roup, etc. l'rice $1 ier Iiottle, or O Kotllcs for 5 DR. CIIASE'S DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL AND BLOOD REGENERATOR Prevent! mul cures the Puin nml niotress of tlio Dyapeptio nfter mesla, uu] fnr Porliying and EUnewlng tne Blood, qnkJkiy timiiiu op Ibe Btomaob, nml inTlgorating tbc wimio Byalem. I'rlcc i per nottle, or ottlos for $5. DR. CIIASE'S Liver 1 Anti-Bilious Pilis Km oorlni Um Uhmm of the l.n-i-r, i ,-,,rreottng BlUooi oaodlUona f the SyaUim, aa will hs fir :ill Culliartlc pnrpoMa. Bagareoated; lelIlBg fur as c-ont- per Ilox, or 5 Itox.-w. poHtimiil. for 1. DR. CIIASE'S. AMERICAN UNIMENT ANJ PAIN ERADICATOR isa donMe-rtrengtn Uatataot, aMdtaaUng intnual ui ixl.'in.'il Pain fiuiclcci mul more permanenU; toan any otber In ose. Twa sizrs,5O ci-ntM umi l, -or (( lart;c !!.¦(( kti lor #5. DR. CIIASE'S MEDIO ATED PLASTER b put tip in Holl or Sti.k Korm, which wlll ¦pread ailosen Piasters, rIvIiih n streiigtBi and haaling Piaster tor two ccntfi not pqunleU by UuMe Rn wblab yon pay twoshllllpg; s.-nInKforMTbenta por rol 1; tivo rollg, pottpatd, !. Dr. CHASE'S CÁTARRH SSÜFF is ror the qalek 'm-o nr "Oolda In tb )i and dotng all lor old Ohroale Catarrti tlmt medicine can do, Balling tor saeta. perbotUe. IV OIÍIH KIN. Anyol ineM Medlolnem, (II your Drugglal liai mil Kul Ilininjiir for any iiinlnr Information in relallon u iiicin, addrea tlu lr. A. W. ( IIASI' MKIHCINK ( 'OMTAW, Ann Afluir. .HIrh. 'a;tf


Ann Arbor Courier
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