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Republican State Convention

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A republleau state conventton tu Domínate oaiuiiiiHiiN ..i sime oflkMn and elootori Cor l'nulileirt and vtce-proHldent of tlie ITattad stuies, and ior tlir trnn.síicimn of other luis!n-'ss, wíll bo ht'lil at thc opon hoUM lu the city of Jactsou ut 11 o'clock a. mi , on Thursday, Aunusta, 1S8U. Iu accordance wlth a resolutlon adopted at (nmd Kaïn as, May 10, gU, overy county wlll le en Ulied to on delégale for ttach 5ÜU of tüc total voto cast for govornor at the laxt Hlatc eleotloo (In 1S78), and uno addltioual delégate for every fractlon of 'M) vuU's, luit Otubh organ lned county will bo entilksd to at least onc delégate. Under a resolution of 1S5S nu Aetagate wlllbe nitltleil to a soat who does not raslde lu the eomity ho proposps to reprosent. In aeeordaiu-e wlth a resoluthin ailopted at a meeting of tho stali' central eomniilte at Detroit, June 23, ÍSSO, the seeretary ol Men county convention Is requested to lorward to the oretary of the state central conimlttw" ly tho earliest mail, after tho delcpiUs to Ihl Htnte convoutlon are choseu, a cortinod list oí micli delégales as are eutltled to slt In the state conveutlon. 11. 1'. IJaldwin, Chatrnmn. Wm. Livisostone, Jk., T. 8. AI'1'L.ehate, i; w. C'orrKKLL, HhkA.Beai., JNO. C. SUABP, JAMBSMONUIK, ü. C. TipMTKINS. .1. M.KHK.I'AKU, K. O. D. Holden, W. 8.QBO1 t'IlAKI.KN U. NCUIOK, N. KlU'ATUICK, mi Wickks, T. C. l', Wm. Hartsi'fk, W.N. Bkown. kiiw. UBKiTUNa, Tiios. t Batí .. State Central Coiniiütloe. W. K. Batbs, Sccrelary. Dktroit, June 23, 1SSO.


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