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Republican County Convention

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A republlcan county convention, toelectlG (lflt-uteH to cougresKionat convuntlon, lo he held at Adrián, 011 Tuesday, Aumist 10, 1880, and to trnnxact such othcr buainesa as may properly como before it, wíll be held in thr court Uouho, in the city of Aun Arbor, on TueHday, August :i, 1SS0, at 12 o'clock, ni. Tho severa! cíüch and townRhíps will be eiiilt.u-ü to üdlugatea íu the couuty cuuvoutlon us fullows: AnnOrborTown 4 Northfleld 4 Ana Arbor City- l'itlsflcld i Fint Ward 4 Salem 1 s. id Ward 4 Saliue li ¦n.ird Ward, 1 acta Fourth Ward 4 Sliaron _ 6 Kirth Wiird :t superior i Sixtli Ward 3 Hylvan C AuUKla i Webstor 1 Brldgewtei 3 York r Dexter .! Ypüllantl Town 5 Kreodona : " (,lty, 1 w... :i l.irna 1 Beeond Ward : IaxII I Third Wunl : Lorndoo ;í Kourth Ward 'i MHiiclietor B t'lftli Ward 3 J. K. LAWI1P.II0I, A. J. hiAWYKK, Secretary. Cbalnnan. EXECUTIVK OOMMITTBK. ('. R. I'ntdHon, YpKllanti, HenryS. Dean, Ann Arbor, James L. Gllbert, ChelM. UOUNTY COMMITI'KC. YpHllanll, ChaH, Hleginund, Ypsihintl. Ur. V. K.Owon, 'psilantl Town : Wm. Ijiy, " York : Jolm W. Blakeslee, Píor.i. l'ill.siii-l.l: A ndrew Campbell, Yptülantl. AuKiiHta: J. Webster Chllds, siliii( : CharloH Clark, Sftllne. A nu Arl)or: Frank Kinerlok. Ann AtImu, " " John F. Lawrence, " " " Henjamln Brown, " " Aun Arbor Town; John C. Mud, Ann Arlwir. Halem . W. U. Tliompnou, Ann Arbor. Northflcld : Wllllam Doty, Houth Lyon. Superior: Oeorue Mi :Ikiukh11, Ypsllantl. W'.-bstiir: Robert McCall, Deíbl .lilln. Sylvan : Wllllam Judaon, ( 'hulsea. simron : Somnel II. Bmlth, Manobaater. Miiii.'h.'Hi.r: Jolin 11. KiUKky, Mauclicslor. Brldgewater: W. w. Heaa, Clinton. Lima: Wllllam E. Stooking, Cholua. Uextur: William Wood. Scio; J, W. WliiK, Aun Arbor. Lodl: Jacob H Hicks, Ann Arbor. l. ii.iuii : Charlen Oanfleld, Ohelaea Krecdoiu : William FiUmolur, Fnnlonla.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News