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J. A. G. ; James 's Agoin' to Get-there. Mot patent. Steal it if you waat to. The party that opposcd all the constitutional amuuduionts is now seeking power by u.iing a very pleasing maak. There didn't scetn to bc any accident about the Hillsdale champion crew. Thcy ïave earned their good oamo on scveral occasions. On or about the lat of August the Adrián Press will oommenee the publication of a daily, " to be continued as long as it issupported." Sccretary Schurz is to help the republiuans of linliana lny out the democratie ticket in October, and witli it uil hopos of' cleoting Hancock in November. Notwithstanding repcated denials by tho demócrata, the Cleveland Leader says that it is truo that Mi .-. llancouk is a RoaiftP (Jatholie, and a very ardent onc, too. Home demócrata of' Kochestcr, N. Y., have taken a perpetual oath never to drink any moro liquor - that is, until Hancock is eleuted, which is one and the same thin.i'. The .simt; party that lield the infaumus " extra session " of' Congres to bluff off President llayes - Imt diJn't Moompüah their purposfi - is the onc seeki'ig power tlirough a unión general. "The country deiuauds u chango," n' wliat sevoral democrats remarked in thuir ratificatiou speeches. Soine how the country is pretty quiet ubout it. If such is really the truth, why don't tho paople join iu tho cry ? The stampcdo don't flourish. VVm. il. IJaruum, of' Connecticut, tho Tilden mulé buyer, has been chosen again as chairiuau of the democratie national committce. Jewoll, the chairuiao of' the republican committce is also f'roui Connecticut, and will watch that mule business this campaign. What glorious figurers our democratie friends are, in 1 the southerners put in a northern president to help them steal the territories. In 18f6 tliey put in another to help them prepare for tho rebeiliou. In 1880 they would put in another to help steal the results oí' the war. Gen. Hancock is one of' the dangerous soldiers whom tüe present democratie congress forbade by statutc to go noar the polls on clectionday.bccause their presenoe there, even f'ur the purpose of preserving the peace, would be dangerous to the libortics of the pcoplo. Does doraocrauy mean nothing but hypocrisy ? It is now HÏd that Gen. Hancock will not resign his place in the anny f'or two reasons. üne is he may not bo eleeted, and in that event would be just ho much out ; and the other is that if' eleeted will restore Fitz John Porter to the army, and he can fill his own nlace ky kppohltng Portcr to the vacancy. The greenback party isto be congratulat od upou the withdrawal of Gen. Sam. Carey froni its ranks. He has come out for the d'.'ii;i!ratu! candidatos, where his sympathies have always boen except wlien he got (30 nr 40 a nifílit to spout for tho greenbai'kiTH. The demawt are weloome to all "sich." Thcy carry do ¦trragth with tliem, lut on the Ciiiitrary drive vottrH to the (ippositc party. The JÍLf ptian obelisk, known as Cleopat;;i' ¦¦ nucJle, a present from the khedive 01 K'gypt to America, lias arrived safely in New York harbor, and wil! lm aoou sel U] arair. It is taid to have been ercetcti 1, iitii yoari pwvioufl to the birth of Uhrist. Haven' t heard nnythinpr ('rom the David Dav's party - oon i-ting of' hitnself- since Hancock 's nomination. Wherc wül the venerable feue rider drop? I'erhaps his posdsrou weight, adiled to that of Ilaneock'n, might breuk the demooratic phalani in tWüin 'Twould be u touli tliing tbr unc party t.i .stand up yiulcr. Tha the Iiishnien of' this eountry are beconiing OOnviooed that the domoeratic party 'u not worthy of their support, was ubundantly proven by the mmenso uational miifs moetin.i! of republiüan Iriahnirn, held at liidi.'inapoliH la.-t week. There was a large attendance and groat enthusiasm. Tho Irisli vote is to be hcroafter divided. A New York man walks on the water by uieans of a pair of zinc shqes cootaining air chambers largo enoiigh to support his weight. - Record. The democratie party botter buy up a huge lot of those shocs, for wheu tho popular wave sweops along next November thoy will neod soinothing more than their present stock of mud to keep them afloat. Coinniissionor Ixs Duc has roccntly selected sites for tea farms in Georgia, and has returned to Washington, leaving an asMstant to completo the work. He thinks that he will havo no difficulty, as thu problem of tea culture at the south, or at least in Georgia, has been already solved. A quality of tea equal to that imported from Asia is raisod in quantities in that state at a oost of not more than twenty cents a pouod, and readily fiadd a inarket at from forty to fifly conts. An old soldier in tho Springfield (Mass.) Union says: "All of the republican 6oldiors uuder Hancock will work against him. We have to choose between two soldiers, ohc a West Pointer, who has been fed by the government, and one who is a volunteor sildier aud who made himsclf ; and wo shall voto for the voluntoer. More than that, the vetoran association is going to work to prepare a pamphlct contrasting Garfield with Hancock as soldiors, and tho balanco you may be certain will be in favor of Garfio ld." An absurd story was started that a Graait club of sixty members had uuited with the deraooraoy in Chicago. That ei tv was diligently scarched but no such club could be found. Then tho demócrata hit upon St. Louis as tho place whero said club had swunj; over. But evcry republiean in St. Louis denied the allegation. And nowthe liars are all divided up as to location, some asserting one place, and some another. TIlis is the way the grand " turn overs " to the democracy al! turn out. They are merely imaginary ones, cmanating in the dizzy brainof some " enthoozeasstick " supporter of that party. Hon. P. A. Orton, a very prominent democratof Wisconsin, who has rcpcatedly been honorcd by that party because of his ability and di'serts, has oome over to the right sido, and will hcreaftor be found in tho ranks of the republican party. His defection will makc a big gap in the democratie ranks in Wisconsin, and will increasc the repubüoan mijority about .0,000. Ile was their niain suiy for years, but has now got his eyes oponed to the onormity of tho crimes of that party, and their utter intoleranco while professing great libcrality, and bowling theuiselvcs hoarso over freedom of speech. Mr. Urton is only one of tho many who will follow shortly. The democracy are having as much trouble as the old woman who lived in her shoe did with her ehildren, and more too. There are two sets of democratio electors nominated in Virginia which split don't patch worth a oent ; then Senator BrowD, of Georgia, has a sore throat and can't spcak in the coming canvass ; the New York break don't weid together " nnt a bit" gooil, which is likely to givo New York to Garfield bcyond the least doubt ; and last, but not least " Blue jeans " Williams and Sanders don't lay down together liko good little Hoosier lambs, wbieh added to the unpopularity of English, hids fair to give Indiana a position which will not require any work by republicana. Just givc the democracy ropc enough and they will hang theinselves as usual. The democratio He that Gen. Grant was a supporter of Gun. Hanooek was nailed promptly, but the papors of tliat party have over since iuaintaiued that it was a lukenai ui MMiMI T. Iuimtmc Vil&ut tluí tipvu in that line, comes the following interview with Gen. Grant, from Denver, Col., in which he said : " I otn say without hesitation that I will give Garfield my hoarty support. Tliere is no reason why any republioan should not vote for Garfield. l know hiui to be a man of talent, a thoroughly accomplished utid upright man. I have BOtbng againnt llauuock, but Garfield is the man for tho office." Ho denied the report that be had oomplained of'Uonkling and Logan havim: deeeivcd him. lle had no lettor from eithcr of thein, either bofore or after the c)nvcntion, sinoe bis return to Airaría. Be said that ef all morí, Conkling and j"tinn wore tlic last for him lo find l'ault with, and he lelt more proud of the 3DG that sttol by him than as if he had reeivL'd the nomination by unfair means. Tho following table shows the electoral voten of the several staten, and the demooratie and republican chances for carrying the election : Virginia is goinu to chooso republiean lrunidontial electorM this fill. Tho democrats have dividod into two partie. The rcadjstcra having iuet and ut in tho field a completo doctoral ticket, which will eo divide the democratie vote as to gura tlio republican ticket a iuajority. Thoy are having a " high oíd timo " over their high school at Kalauiazoo. Many of the citizens thurc aro in favor of lopping it off entirely, or makini: who roceiva tu benefils pay fbr it. Thia idea H purely un aristocratie one, whieli would re.-.ult iu giving tho chüdren of woalthy parenta an ducation, and kceping in ignoranee hundieds of poorchildrcn. The money oxpcinled fbr iho carrying im ofour schools is just so imich paid for the stability of our govirnment, In tho eduoation of the luassoH r(!.st tlie safoty of ourrepublic. In the ij.norance of thc DMfMi we aro surc to drift uto a monarchy, whieli undoubtedly ia tho ultímate object of the enomies ofour school Hystem. Thore may be in many of onr uchooli miioh Ihat ín nniii'dossary fof i torxl iractical ednMtÍ0B and (nía dron will in imc hl iWapt away, but wlnn it OODMI to waging a w;ir apon hih whoob, and Dg tlieni out of exi.stenee, a move n tha wron.a; direction ii bi inj raada, und one whiuh will be a blot apon our history and a dis.craoo. lo uur pcopli'. Tbe wualthymftn wlio bcjrndffeH the taxes he ji.v tO oduoatc tbe chiWrcn nf hi.i pnnr neighbor, wliioli seouros thoui tn tbu country as good, law abiding oilizetis, a mi-erly umi oontemptible io rit, and druw[nii down upon bis nwn hed retribuí ¦m. Nor do we bcjjeve i: pngaible to Kecuri' sorh a ron1'. Our pfOple Ihívo ton Ion enjftyed thc bloMüKiof our sxoelloot frre scliool systeui to liavu it Ktruck roch ñ dondij blow.


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