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Magazine fiotiecs. "Tho Confedérate Brigadier," a song mul chorus. Words by Itohl. .1. Burdetl, ai the Burlington Hawkeye, and muslo by Charlea K. Dennee, I'ublished by Lee & Walker, 11 18 Chestnut streel, Phlfadelpoia. Tlio alovo cornos to us wlth the complimeut of Hurdett, and is une oí the joiliest cumpaign songs ever ISSUed. The Folio, for August, la as usual repleta wlth good t tiinus in mosic, uil, litorature, and the urania. Thls Issue is aceumjanied by a portraitof W alter Kmerson, and oontains seveuteen pages of music, bealdea nmcli elM f interest to musiciaus. Pabllshed inoiithly. T.D.Tooker, mafiaglng editor. Boston : White, Smit h A Co., pulilisliers. 11.00 per yoar. Issucd monthly. The July International Kevlew, A. S. Barnes Co., publishers, N. Y., has the followlng oxcellent table of content: Jonathan Edwards, by Oliver Wcndell Homes; Frontier Folk, by Geo. Booth; Lord Beaoonstteld: The Labor l'roblera from the Labor Reform sido, by Jétate H. Jones ; Mr. Poyntor's Leoturea on Art. IL. by Philip Gllbert Ilamerton ; The Wreeking of Lifa Insuranoo Oompanles, by Jnllua Wllcox; and coutemporary literatura. $ö per year. TomliuBou'fi Handy-lïook, for tho Oflïee and Home. Chicago: Johu 11. Tomliuson, publisher, 1880. This is preolsely what it professos to be, "a hauuy book," full of Information, in compact furm, which everybody is Hablo to be lnqulring tor, and to want to know. All aboul business letters; commercial forma; days of grace, in all the Btates ; rales oí interest, in all the states; weight, valuo, aud fineneas of gold and sllver colns ; nieasuroM, legal weight of a bushei- twenty-onc attlolei ; size of ooeans, lougthot rivers, height of mountalns ; datesol admlssion of states, etc., etc., etc. Prlce íl, and i'heap enoiiKh. Joliu II. Tomllnson. Chicago. Lippincotl's magazine for August has a number ot rontribulions well selected lor summer readiug. "American Aeronauts," by Will (i. Hales, aud " Canoeing on the High Mlsslsslppl," by A. H. Siegfried, aro, as thelr tltles Indícate, records of adventure and explolt, very agreeably wrltten, and well Illustrated. " An Old Engllsh Home," by Koso Klngaley, idves a graphlc account of a famons eoantiy-seat, Ilraiushill House. "Wliero Llghtnlng Strikes," by George J. Varuey, is full of curious faclx and useful hints. An arttcle on "The Eurly Days of Mormonlsm,'' by Krederick G. Mather, is based chlefly on material derived from eye-wltnesses. ' Dungeness, General Qreeneto Sea-Island Plantation," Is described by Frederick A. Ober. Amelia E. Barr writes of " National Music as an Interpreter of National Character." "Adam and Eve," and "Studies In the slums" are continued, and there are ¦overal short storles. of which " Mallston's Youngest," by M. H. (Jntherwood, Is tho most original and striking. "Spiritual Songs for the Sunday School," is the tltle of one of the ueatest, pretliest and best Suuday school hymn" and tone books which has been lssued, at least recently. Thls is tbe third book of a series of three be ing issued by Messrs. Scribner fe t.'o., of New York. The flrst was for the Clmrch and Cholr; the secoud for social meetings, and the last lor Suuday school. The atteutlon ol the christlan pnblic ha of late been earnestly direeted to the frlvolous character of mauy of the Bnnday school songs In vogue, and the pastors generally, wlth tnoughtful Bunday sehool-workers. have craved something Wblofa sliouM not only inUrttt tlie young, but, at the same time, cultívate their taste in the directlon of that which is higher aud purer in poctry and music. Tho publishers believo that this work, which has been most carcfully edited and arrauged by Rev. lr. Robinson. with the assistanee of I'rof. W. F Sherwiu.will fully meel this great want, and that lts excellence justitles a position ia this series, whioh is one of the most popular of lts elasB ever lssued in Anertoa. Llttell's Living Age.- The numbers of The Living Ago lor tho weeks eudiug July lOlh and 17tli ruspectively, contain the followitiK anieles: Ihe Development of ltuddhlsm In India. 0rSJ""ÏU'i 'i' ' j "V; Beoongtrootlon of Bheepfolds, Btactwood; W'iiat Biiskmteare Learutiit, BohOOl, and Diamond Natural and Artificial, AVojcr; A Learned Lady of thefilxtovnth L'entury, and The Boalptorea n ti„. Kacadeof 8t. Uarks,Venloe, Macmülon .¦ Henry David Thoreau, his Oharaoter and üplnlons, VomhiU; College Life, and the Empresa ol liussla, Pttll Hall; Tlioreau's Tity and Humor, Spieiator; and for Plotloo, The Qalnea Box, Drunk In lbo Streets, the conclusión of The C'rookit Meg. and an iustallment of Adam and Kve, with tlin iisuiU ainounl ol" poetry. A new volume begins wlth July Ist. For fifty-two nuinbers of sixty-four largo pages each (or more thaii tJKO punes a year). Mie subscriptlon piioe (SH) is low ; while lor $10.50 the pobllshers olfcr to send imy one of the Anurlean J4 monthlics or weeklies with TIn; Living Ago tor a year, lncludlng the extra numbers of tho lat ter, botb postpaid. Liltell & Co., 13oston, are Ihe publishers. The August Atlantic brlngssomi' ohapten of Mr. Aldrlch's "Stlllwater Tr;medy"so interest, - ing as to muite readers forget tli' liot woather. Dr. Holmes In a obaracterUtlc poem, entltled " 'l'lie Archblshop and (11 lilas." singa With a Í):ithetic felleilousm ss OÍ gTOWlJIg old. J(hn turroughs oontrlbatea " PepactOD : A Bammer Voyage?' Lalci Montl, tho "Yoang Blclllan" of Lonnlellow's "Tale of a Wayslda Inu," wi"ites a yery interest Ing article on "sicilian Hospltality." Mark Twain has a very pongent tale entltled Bdward Mills and Qeorge Benuu." F. D. Mlllet deaeribaa the meUiod ol teaching practloed by Bant; tin, wallaee, I Qen. Lew Wallaoe, Govemor ol New Mexioo, writes " Amoug the Poebios;" F. II. Underwood has a paper on "The Preceptor of iloses ;" Richard círaní White'a Engllah artl ele tuis timo Is " Taurus Centaurus." An ftngllshwoiiian In tho New Knglaud lllll Country" is worth reading. Theshortstory Is "Svlvla's Sultors," by Louiso BtOCktOD. The polltleal article dlBOODse "Tlie Republicana and their Candidato1 whom it regarda aa wliolly worthy of eonlldi-nce and entiiuslastie support. Ooi. Hlgglnaon and Sanan üoolldge furuish poams; and reviews ol new books and an attraotlve varlety in tho " Contribotors' ciuir' oomplete a oapiUd summer nuinber of the Atlantic. The mldsumnicr edltion of Se.rlbner's monthly is a magniflcent ono, and well ralculated to enhanoe tho already excellent reputallon of thls Journal. It Is richly lUostrated, iinii exceetls lu interest and beauty the mldsummer editlon of last year, which Is saying B great deal. The lrontlsplece is a portrait of Savonarola, by Fra lïartolomijieo, and the table of contents : Oor Hiver, with 12 Illusirations: The Whlppoor-will ; About Kugland with Dickeus, giviug numerous illustrations of that author's iavorlte hai.nls, for wnieh a simclal artlst was sent to Kngland toobtain; The Plain Story of Savonarola's Life, Illustrated; WIU tho Froneh Kepubllc L:ust '.' Mldsiiinmer . The Orandisslme.s; The Bweet ot tlie Year, a poem set to music; Jim Allthlngs; Tho Wasten) Man, by Chas. Duilley Warner, wlileli was read at the Psl Upsllon eouventlon In thls city last commencement week; l'he Oomlnlon of Canada, Ulustfated; Peter tho (Jroal, illustrated ; Cor Cordluin; Mr. Seymour Haydon's Etchiuus, illustrated; AtNlgbt; Curloutlesoi Advertlslng, an interesUng paper anperbly Illustrated ; The Uook of Morinou : A Sketch of American Diplomacy; Marrylng fitles; Topics of the Time, Home and Society ; Culture and Progress; Comiiiunloations ; World's Work; Bric-a-lirao, H.W per year. ticribner & Co , 718 Droadway, N. Y. The August Popular Science Monthly begin! wlth an artielo by Mr. Henry Goorgo, ol .San Francisco, on "The Kcarney Agitation In California." Mr. Oeorue Is tho author of a work of much power that has lutely nttraoted a great deiil of att3iition, oalled " Progresa anti Power.1 Hls estímate of Kejirney and hls nistory of the aaovementa oonneeted with blm are full oí Dew couslderations. J'liis article will excite great altunllon. The fuscinatlng essav oí M. lladau on "Tho Interior of tbe Karth," laoompleted In tlils number. A paper entltled "The Method of Zadlgi" by Prof, Huxley, Uikos up the curious subjecl of retrospectiva prophecy. There is an lilustrated pa })er on that poor little animal the ' Medicinal seohf and J. R. W. Hitchcock IbUowa wlth an luKlructivu Ode on "BeoeBt Original Work at Harvard." Ono of tho InteresUng papers in thls number is by Professor Grant Allen on 'Oeology anl llistory." The Cinohona-Foresu ol SoiUh Anierlea" and "Types of tho Nublan Hace" are natural hiatory artldea In 1 i Herent tii'lds, but n'adable. Umlcr the tille i "Algebras, Bpaoes, Logloa," t. h. üalatead gives oa a cmioUK report, cm the progresa l Ihe ilghor sclences. Miss E. A. Youmans describes i'ioiessor lialn's method oí teaching ofaemistry n ooxnmon schools, and gives au illustrat ion f lus upparatus. "The Extreme ttarlly ot 1'remntuiK Burláis," "The st . (iolhaid 'fnnlel," on " San tor In and lts Uruptlons, are llrsiratu papera. New York: D. Appletoo & (Jompauy: Filty cents per number, fi per year.


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