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TO AGRICULTURISTS Tho umlorsigned are now mnuufacturlng ;, salt for fertlllzlng pnrposes that is pecuUurl Adaptad to the uge lor wlilch it 1 deIgned. I is , minly CTM frorn dirt, or hard lurnp, nud i iiimli! by n proces whleh lraves Incorpórate m the wilt uil tlie valuablo plant íckkI, au wel M tBgrdieni culculntud U) free snd rende ¦olnbU tin: AiiiinouUL ulready coutulnedln th HOU. We propone to place the prlce so low tlm none hall IM deterred from givlng it a íat trial. Tho une of stilt lor furtlllilnï purpoiw 1h no lonuor an experiment, lut bal been mll proren, not only scioutlflcnlly and theorel eully, hut prnctleully, Of score of uur iib :ini ii-ssiin agricnlturlstN. Wc herewlth prexont tho experlenco and opliilons of soiiio of the leadlng KarmerH and Keieiitists of t.hi and other comitriew, hopln that the porusal of the Haine uiay bc rautaally beueüclal. Wo shall continue to gathcr such stiUlstk' a.s we can on thiH Ruhject, and hopeoarh uiu every one will aid us In tlils ly kIvIuk h the benellt di hls experierieo. Orders nnd commuiileatlons may be ad Inssiid to eilher of tho undcrslgned, who wil Mimlsh all noccfisary Infonnatloii au to prloe transpnrtatlon, te. THE MICHIGAN SALT ASSOCIATION, Bost Sjigiimw, Mtch. THE AMERICAN DAIRY SALT CO., (Limited) Syracuse, N. Y. THE OHIO RIVER AND KANAWHA SALT Cü. Clnclnnati. Ulilo. Mr. .Iitmos Tolhcrt, kt K. (. BfOWB, b$t thi nal for Bfile ut the Feraou I.imiher Vurd in Ittif city. PERDÓN LUMBERYARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Mannfactnrer and Denlor in 8ACINAW (.IMi-SHVlill LI Wil LATH AND SHINGLES. Wc Invito all to fjlvc uh a cali, and examino on stock befare purchaaiug clöowliore. ALSO AGKNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AMD 3BLLS FIRB BRICE. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. HKKCH, Hupt. fub.12," HANGSÏERPER'S OYSTER AND ICÉ CREAM PAELOES, '60 AND 32 MAIN ST. CATERING FOR PARTIES ANO BANQUETS A Sl'KCIAIIY. Weddtng l'nk", Ico Orcam, Maoroons nnd C'rcam KIM 1'yranildM MADB TO ORDKR ON BIIOIIT HOTICI. Whitmon's Frcuch Candics. Frei-h Fi(;, Mn]a; Gnipee, Floridü OnacflVi &c, Ac, KKrT CON8TANTLY. ON HAND AT IIANGSTERFER'S 30 AM 32 MAIN STREET. BOATS TO RENT AND FOK 8ALK. 'J59-1U1U ANTON EISELE, DBALKn IN MARBLE li DRASITE HMEITS The pabUC le iuviU'd to cali And examine specimcnB r the eclebratod KNOXVILLE,TENN., MARBLE Of whirh wi' linvc a tuipply or nuw (IosIrii. lt Ik Baperior to uny inarblv iu henuty rtiid durahility, and taken tbe plací: of Sc.tch (Jranlte. PBICEi LOWnnUR EVKU. WOHK AI.L WAHBANTKD. Shop- (tor. or Dotnilt aud t'atherine Sta. ANN ARDOK, MICHIOAN. 15tf HIAIU.HK UOIiltlTIA.VM EXCELSIOR IIAIR WASH. ¦_5B[ 'l'liis Celebrateti Articht WLtH lJteeH8Ci) tho rt'uli-Ht rrAjnrSR Ik_ lnvieorating uud Jmnj&l HB hcHlin quiilitien of uny argÊmM C ticW. oí tlifi kind knuwn gJm3PPBBy t" th' hnumn inniily. It !flPffll tjl K rlriiii - - huir mul -c:il, JHsBrtÉi effi remnvs dandruH, nnliveiin ¦5 K the r(KrP, ufiniH thv Imir, SkWCTfe P'oducinir h hiHtml ;ipiH-ur9 auce nnd Inducid h iuxuriPnty Match SO, 18S0. ant growth. PRKI'ARKD ItT MADAME GOLIIMAN, TOLEDO, Oír 10. CZSTinCATE Or HAL73I3 : To whom il may ennctrn: -l have examined Maiíil 0LiAN'8 11AIR Was, and llnd It to conUIn no Ingrediënt that wlll prava hurtiul to the halr or oalp. It in in no sense of the word hair dvo. Hm conslitnents nr well calcnlntcd to acto sediilivon mul ohaek tliat irrltation of the scalp that n-iiM In an cxccaslve Bccretion of dandrufT, aud an annoyin? Itchlng. 98a-uwi s. il. douolas. ÁMERÍCÁÑ" B ALL BLUE THIS IS THE BEST BLÜEING IlsT USB! IT IS NOT POISONOUS! HELI'S BLEACIIING Bad UVES a BEAUmrUL TIHTI SíFor Saín by all roccrs..ftl American Ultramarine Works, V lluiilm liiiiii'. in Vork. 82-lyr All aboutlñlvTO S E N p g". S2 1 li A AD ortho CA2ETTEER 4 C U I D E , wbioh ooTtttin full lnformstlon on all mattera of intorot roUtlnK to tho " Lono atnr Stato" aud a uqw corroot oouuty map of Tsxaa, 6 x 26 lnohM. JOHN ROSS l CO., GENI AGEN7S. ST. LOUIS.MO. PJ0FPIN8 AND CASEST" FULL STOCK A T MARTIN'?. AM irdr iirumptlv altendedto.


Ann Arbor Courier
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