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A Prophecy

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The moment that the United States bad established their ndependence on a firru basis, l'atrick Ilenry, so renowned for the bold and activo part which he took in effecting this rcvolution, was the first to forget all previous animosities, and to hold out the hand of reconciliation and peace. H? ÏÏSJLO&M .2áKgaíS Jor.everx.meaggees wlio had espoused the cause of the mother oountry, and made a proposition in their favor, which was very severely aniuiadvened upon by sorue of the most rospected nieuibers of congress. Auiong others, Judge Tyler, the speaker of the asseinbly, veheiuently opposed him, and. in a couimitteü of the house, demanded " hbw he, above all other men, could think of iuviting into liis f'atuily an eneniy from whobe insults and injuries he had suffered so severely?" The following was his protnpt and beautif'ul reply : " I acknowledge, indeed, eir, that I have many personal injuries of which to cbmplain ; but when 1 coter this hall of legislation I eudeavor, as lar as human intirinity will permit, to leave all pun-onal fecliugs behiad me. TIhb question is a national one, and in deciding it, if you act wisely, you will regard nothiug but the interest of the nation. On the altar of my country's good I am willing to sacrifice all personal resentments, all private wrongs, and I am sure I should mot absurdly natter myself if I thought that l was the ouly person in this house capablti of' making such a sacritíce. " Mr. Hcnry then proceeded to show in a very forcible manuer the policy ot unios every possible ineaus of aujruiuni"i ioc popultttioa of a country as yet so thinly uibabited us America; whose future greatB6M lie thus prophetically depioted : " Encourage emigration - encouraue the huabandmapj the mechanica, the meruhants of' the whole world, to come and nettle in this land of promise - uiake it tho home of the skillful, the industrious and happy, as well as the iylum of the distressed - fill up the measure of your population as spcedily as you can, by tho means which huaveii has placed in your power - and I vonture to prophecy tbere are those now living who will see this favored land among the most powerful on earth. Yes, sir, i hoy will sec her great in arts, and in aruis - lier golden harvests waving over iromeasurablB extent - her commerco penetrating tho most distant ncas, and her cunnoti silencing the vaiu boat of those wbo now aífect to rule the wave." Mr. Henry's propositioo was carried, and every sucooeding year proves that lus anticipations were well ibundcd. America soon expericneed the policy of his couusels ; and tidc after tide of emigratiou has ever siuco continued to roll wealth and iiuprovement over her nrovinees.


Ann Arbor Courier
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