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i "tic s always great need of the enfjrce ment of that loíty principie, " Oliarit thiuketh noovil." But, unles-s we uiitak greatly, there is unusual tioed of' it now tílaudcr and dotraotion foaifully abound and gosap finds greedy cara. Any one wh can tíx a staiu upon a great repreaemutiv liiid.-. rcady impioyrueut and geneious re ward. Heneo there hasarisen aclass whid inakes cbaructerkilling ita business. The higher one's position, the more certain he is to suffer. One cao nieasure his iuiport aüce in the public estimatiou very accurate ly by the auiuuDt of' effurt made to siuiieh hiui. A man of uuquestioned inteprity can not oceupy the highest office without being the object of the most iiialicious detraciion. The greatest hero of' modern tinies cannot ven be proposed for such a [lusitiun without being subjected to unbounded persona abuse. When one of the bravest, wisest and purest men oi' the nation is nominated for this great offiöe, at once all the mudthrowing machinery that huujau iugunuity eau iuveot, is put in motiou to overwhelm him. Ho is subject to a worse sbower than that which overwhelmed the " cities of' the plaiu." The object is simply to get the man out of tho way by ruining liis goud name. It is a kind of moral lynch law against which there is no penalty, Lut there should be the íf a man need be put out of the way, it were better to hire a professional assassin to do the work with cold steel. There is usually somo shadow for other form.sof crimes,- a natural or depraved appetite, or diseased mind, it may be ; but when cool, sharp mun, armod with the tiro of malice and the dans of bell.deliburately bet aliout the min of a reputaron thuy know to be good, there is no palliation in heaven above, er earth bsneath, or in the waters under the earth. A cause that caunot live without detniution had better die. It is better to help otliers than to hinder tucin, though we fail ourselves. It is better to hold men on our shouldors than under our feet. The nights are dark enough without putting out the stars. Human cbaracter is bad enough


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News