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Among Our Exchanges

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The Jonesville Independent, of July 22d, which came to tliis office, had a great long tapo worm, running the entire length ofthu first column of Is editorial page. The Brigbton Citizen has a pietnrial rebus in its last issue, representinp "What the demócrata hurrah for." Asa copyright has been applied for democratie papers are cautioned about stealing it. The Hancock boom auiong the colored people of Adrián is tlius described by the Times : " The democrats hired one colored man to circuíate a paper for signatures for a Ilancock club. And he is sick of his job, wants to give it uu, and says he .sha]] vote for Garfield. Ths is the sole foundation for the .stories of the defection of colored republican?. " The Hillsdale standard gives this sound advice: "These democratie patrio's who are kept awake nighta thinking of General Garneld s connection with "Credit Mo bilier," "DeGolyer," and "salary grab," might find some interest in looking ur Gen. Haneock's connection with the " Unitc-d Service Petroleum and Mining Coinpany of New York." That conceru swindled everybody that had anytbing todo with it. (en. Ilancock was its president. He either knew the thing was a fraud, or he knew nothinc about it, in which case he certainly was not warranted in allowing the ue of his name." The Grand Traverse Herald, referring to the use of tobáceo in Ourmany says: " Bo great have the evils arising froin the use of tobáceo beoome in Genuany that the government has at last been obliged to tako acüon limiting its use. The young uien of the nation have beeome woak and mcapacituted eilher for ccommercial, professional or military life, and thu conotry, becominit alarmcd at tïn thrnfjnpH Hnmr rf m.. soldiery, has put its foot down upon the habit, in a degree, and the pólice have received orders to arrest all boys undei sixteen years found smoking, and to punisli the offeoder by fino and imprisonuient. It might be vrell f some other nations should pattern after Uerinany in this matter." The Ingham County News tb us calis u pon lts conlemporary to " put upor shut up : " 1 We are informed that the Democrat editor claims he can name twenty new converts to deinocracy in this locality, but he declines to do so. We have named one in anothor local, and if the twenly are all of similar standing in the eoumiunity, no wonder our friend of the Democrat considers silence, as to their identity, golden. The News has naniod four demócrata of uniuipeachable charaoter in one school district in Inghaiu county, who have declared for Garfitild and Arthur, and we challenge our democratie contemporary to name one man of any character as a eitizeu, or a republican, who has public'y declared for Hancock and English." m jiSh)ÚM WiífllWl8Jfls0'it-.n_lí'.jlSftí-U while in au intoxicated condition, ttie ÍIouroe Commercial says: " The reiuains wero turned over to undertaker Adams, and at noon on Tuesday, ciad as they were when he went to his death, they were buried in the Potter's 6eld. No one to blamc say the coroner's jury. But the truth is sometimos liarli and the picture drawo is a hard one. The poor mau's corpse lying for nearly eighteen hours uncarcd for is at last placed in a rough pine-boz. The fearfully mangled face, the unkempt huir clotted wlili blood, the common overalls, the hickory shirt and cowhide boots, all making a sight not soon to be forgotten, laken upaud carted to the Potter s field. No one to blame. Perhaps not. We only know th:it suoh was the death, and suoh the rites of John Kichardson- the ktest victiui of that ngent whicu hu been tilly characteriaed as ' tbc Hum of all villaiuics, the father of all crimes, the mother of' all abominations, the devil's best friona, and God's worst encmy. ' " Referring to an artielo in a late issue of the Grango Visitur. entitled " Politics in the Grange," the Van Buren County Kopublica i reiuarks : " The writer styi that it can not be expectcd that '116 lawyers will give 14 farmer colleaguosa fair show in the consideiation of national cuestiqns. (Jertainly there is an inconsistency in the proportion of lawyers to farmers in congress. True it is that every enterptise to be woll represcDted must be represented by persons engaged in its iuterests. We suspect, hówever, that one gréat rcasou why suuh a discrepaney exista in the represen tation of the various professions in Congress is tho fact that lawyers as a class havo a vastly better knowledga of the rules, regulations, and duties of parüauientary bodies than atiy other elass. They are more iiitiiuatcly eonnected with the main business of congres and other departments of govornment Iban other classes. But when farmers shall educatc their children liberally, shall give them advaotages whereby they shall be ablc to cope with the men of every profesóon. then agriculture will be f'airly representen in legblative bodies."


Ann Arbor Courier
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