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Wonder il' HanúQu!: keeps poseed on ttie lrioe ui' petroleum oow ? If wind would olect a president, our democratie friüods would bc sueeessful by a arge majority. Gold and bullion are again flowiog into this country from Europe. The balance sheets show large amounts in our favor. Dr. Tanner still holds out in bis fool-fasf. But no one would bc surprised any day to sec hiiu blown away by a gust of wind. Ilon. S. Titus Parsons, of Datroit, tbr a long time un active greenbaeker, and a prominent leader of the party in his seetion, bas ome out sqiiaroly lor Garfiold and Arthur. Gen. Grant bas again cal'ed npon the boys in bluo to rally to the standard oi'thc republiean party and support its nouiineen. This looks as if Gen. Graat was lukewarui, don't it '( Marshal McMabon, the first president of tho Frenoh republic, has beoome sour and moróse, is harrassed by creditors and rcproaehed by friends, and it is feared mcditates suicide. A Methodist niissionary in Shanghai, China, froiu Georgia, has been wade a mandarín. Tho only foreign person upon whom tliis dittinguished honor has ever boeu conferred. As usual, the democratie treasurer of the town oí' Gettysburg, N. J., has been found guilty of embezzlemont, and all the deuiocrats in tbat vicinity are ruad at the court for telling the truth. John Kelley, the unterrified cbieftain of Taimiiany hall, demands as the price of supporting tho democratie nominations, the ïuayorehip of New York city. Pretty dear for the whistle, isn't it? Paul de Cassagnac bas received a bequest of $10,000 from an unknown lady. Well, if Paul lia any coinpuucüons about taking it, there are several poor soribblers over berj in Michigan who would smother all tbeir bashfulness for Ibat amoant. B. (iratz Brown annonnces hiuiself as a oandidate for the United States senatorship l'rum Missouri. Browu - Brown - let's see, wasn't he buried sometimc ago by the peoplc? A faint recollection of the Greeley cunpaign comes up at tbe mention of' his uaiue. The early elections of this year are the following: Alabama, first Monday of August ; Arkansas, first Monday of September ; Vennoot, first Tuesday of September ; Maine, second Monday of September ; Colorado, first Tuesday of Octobcr; Indiana, Uhio, and West Virginia, eeoond Tuesday of October. The New York Herald in noticing the awttrtion that Gen. Hancock would gain maoy tbousaud votes froiu republicana whom he commanded during the war, reminds tbe doubty democrats tbat he never had over 10,000 men under him, and thaL pr.ibably not more than 0,000 of these are alive to-day. Tbc (louston, Texas, Age says tbat during tho late war 47 confedérate foldiers, al of them Irisluuen, drovo back a federa arniy 20,000 strong, who attempted to enter tbat siate at Sabine Pass. And tbc report of the baltic bas just reached us souie 15 years alter the close of tbe war. How passing si range ! Carry the newB to Hancock. A couuuittuo ot citizens appointed al Kalamazoo, with tho express purpose oi reconnnendim? the doing away witb the high school ii part or in whole, made a report not only reoommondlDg its continuance, but the rebuilding oftbe high school building which hml boen condemncd as nnmfe. about scüools don't flourish well in Michi gan, tome way. Princc Leopold will not go to Newporl for tbe same reason that Louise an.d Lorne did not go last summor. Bccausc severa] residents expressed a desiro to entertain him, and he did not feel free to chooee his own eoinpany. Poor fellow. Htë blue blood causes him a sightof trouble. Probably he wou'd enjoy life better to if he wasn't quite so far abovo the rest of mankind. After all, tbe reaper dcath will gather him in jome day as he does all flesh and blood. A üvüly opposition is better than alukewartu support, for in the former you know just what to expect. The domocrats just now are enjoying tbe full benefit of lukewarmness. The military record, against whioh they have ever protested with vigor, is hard to swallow, while the extreme unpopularity of Wm. H. Kngüsh throws cold watnr on tho party n the very place where everything should by lovely. The democratie paper at New Albany, Ind., predicts the defection of 10,000 democratie votes in southern Indiana alone. In 1S64 one Mr. Bowles and one Dr. Mitttgan werc tried and condemned to dcath for treason. Gen. Garfield, without pay or oonipcnsation of any kind, took their cases before the U. S. supreme court, pleaded their cause, paid for tbe printing of the briefout of bis own pocket, and savod thoir livcs. And sll because he bclieved ia the Kubjcction of' the military to the civil power. Tho defendants were .poor men, and ho haa never een theiu sincc. Is not this deed alone far superior to anything General Hancock ever did in honor of the civil power .' Judgo J. D. Platt, of Warren, III., who bas been for years an active democrat, bas lelt tbat organization in disgust and joined tbe ranks of Garfield and Arthur, and has forwarded the following letter to the Ilon. P. A. Orton, of Wisconsin : " Let us shake on (artíeld. I, too, have decided to support the ropublican ticket. My position heretofore bas not been wholly democratie, but more of the independent order since Greeley's day, but now I take the republican side and sball do all I can for the ticket. Glad to know you bavo left the unoertain element called deinocracy and joined the party representing the true democracy of the day." Tbc Hastings Rcpublican Banner of July 21st, contains the valedictory of (Jeo. M. Dewcy, who for tbe past fourteen years bas been the editor and proprictor, and tbc salutatory of Mesar. Marshall L. Cook and Geo. E. Bowers, two young men of proinise and abillity. It is with regret we bid adieu to the "oíd guards" in the editorial raoks like Bro. Dcwey, who for so many years have fougbt the good ügbt, but it is a ploasure, il iliis must be dono, to welcomc to the ranks tho young blood which will infuse mw lite and enery into the grand work of tho party. (M'the ncw (irm, Marshall Ji. (!ook is a son of Hon. David K. Cook, of Hastings, and Oeo. K, Bowers, is from Manchester, in tnis county. Both are finely educated, have good ability, and are in a position to work up in the world, and wc wisb thom iao The nunibcr of hunian livcs lost by collitiona and. accidents on tbe wator for tho present month has been truly appalling. Hundrcds havo been lost in this country alooc, and several herc in our own state, ii nd y 't no one is prosecuted. Some one in il -t bc toblanu.'. Tbc oflicers cif llic boat, or of tbccompanies owning the boatr, must bc crlininally negligent in not baving proper dangei signáis, or in wmie otber way. It is icrtain tbat tbere M fltMÉ inisinaiiügi' ini-ii t somewhere, and somebody oiiglit to suffer Sof il. If U is tb groedinet of tbc wefilthy corporations, or individuáis owning the vasBels, thcy fhould no more be shieldcd from criminality than the thief who stcals a loa!' of bread to appeasc hia hungcr. But all officorsof the law aro quiotly sitting down and paytog no attention to the guilty ones, while every fow days another catastrophe ia reportcl, and many more names added to the already long list of niurdered people- murderod liy fouiebody's criminal or wilful carclesnesii or neglect. If there can be no other ndictmenUs found, let the peoplo whose homes have been made desolate by the disa-sters, proceed to prosccule the officiers of the law who tail to perforoi tlieir duty in ferrctDg out and punishing the guüty ones.


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