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Drain t'ommlssioiier's Sotlcc. Public notice i bereby given, that, wturm, Ihtctofore, to wit : 2ih day of Juni', A. D. 1880, appllcatlon In writinir was made to me, the underBiK'ied, towui-hip drain cemmlseioner In nd for the towushipof Httaficld, in the county of WaBhtonaw, to clean out a certaln counly dratn or ditch, known hx Malletf creck, ditch Mo. 1, Pittsield, town 3 Bootb, r. S e., rornmencin on the nortli line of Bcction ten, or o far down said creek as Ie ncceseary to obtaln dipth and fnll cnough to drain tlie water from tho lower land situated in eald maren drained by ai: creek or drain No. 1; followiny the course of said creek through êection ten, nlne and slxteen, to the head of said dlt h, or dram No. I, in and on section 17 of said town 3 south, range 0 eaut. witb lts branches tribuiary to aid drain No. 1 ; aro to lócate and construct new draiua or water courses of bïzo mflicient to druin tbe adjoinlng land if found DMcsBiiry by the drain commissioner or ownen ol ad joining Innd. Also, to clean out, dcepen and widin Norgaïe's branch of eiiid drain. No. 1, to be 3 leet on the botlom.commencing norlh 1 IK minutes woat, 85 feet from s. e. corner if the n w. % of b w. 't o aectiou 16; thonce n. 300 feet. Norlh lü" wet, U 25 1U0 chalnw ; also, a dilch or water course to commence on tbe n w. corner of n. w. H of the n. w )i of Bection 16, running ncar the uonh line of ald section 16 and Mmth sida of tbe hipliwuy to Uta ent line of the T. & A A. K, R. line, thence foutheaBt to the maln MalKttV creek dltch.or bo much theraof as the partita hereiu intereeted may agrio upon ; sald draiu to be at least two feet on the bottom. And the said persone havlnír Riven groA and snnlclentBecurity, i writinu, to pay all costs and oxpcnsiB of whatcver kind, periainiuK to tho action o me, the said township drain conimiiBloner, abon snch appllcatlou in case surh applicntion hoiild no be granted ; and I, the eald township draiu comniiB Biouer, bavlni; thereafter, to H: on tbe 3d day o July, A. D. 18S0 proceeded to examine, pemonally the line of the proposed dralnti and trifcuuirie, uik nfter haviny made such examluati ju, and haviug de clared it to be my opinión that it 1 proper and nee MM and for the nood of tbe public hnatth, tha paid upplication sbould be ranted, :ind not havlut, boen able to obtiiin a convoyance and reloaae fnm every pereon tliroiigli whose lnd Buch ditch or dral is to pa9, and It belug mado to ippaar that om porsoiif Intensted in such ditch ordmlii are minors both resident Hnd non-rwldeat of aid touiisliip. Public notice i herehy piveu that I have nppolule the 21-t dny of AUKiiot, A. D., ltvSO, :it Ihe liotirofoD o'cloclt in the afternoon of said da b tbe time, and thi' residence of J. 1'. Srulth iib a piuco for an oxaiui natiun of tlie suid applicatlon. And 1, tbe BBld dral comniiasioncr, have directed this notice to le put lluhetl in the Aun Arhor Courier.H Bwpporof líen ni i inulation in aaid county in which said towu sbip lie. In wllaew wherrof, I have hereunto set my lianr this 27th doy of July, A. D., kKO, to wit : at the sal tuwnxuip of Pittslleld, In the counly oi Wbten Towiisbip Drain Cnmminsioner ín and tor the towi htuof PitlrDrld, In the county of WaBhtonaw 'JOT-li!. PENINSULAR MILLS, DEXTER. James Lucas, having rentec the above milis, would iespect fully solicit a share of the patronage of the poeple of Dexte and vicinity. He will keep constantly on hand FLOUR and FEED of the best qualitj and at the lowest market prices !HI7 IS KAILROAU8. jyr ICHIGAN ÜKNTKALRAILROAD Time Table. June 20, IHSO. UOINO WKST. L i Èi i S i si a xá n n J_ S_ _L_ _?H_ 1 L A.M. A.. r.H. P.M. I'. M. p. M Detroit. ..Lv. 1. IK) .X .r.5,"i l.(5 H.W K.8Ü O. T. June... 7.15 11.55 ti.lü 4.2() K.ló 111.1 WayneJunc 7.M lu.jy 6.42 4.4ti '.1.17 10.4 Ypailunti 8.2Ü 10.4S 7.115 S.lfi 'J .12 II. ir Ann Arlwir... M IU I 11 00 7.:te 111.1)0 11.1 Uvztcr ii.dl 7.5 S.IiX 10.21 ChelBoii. .2S 8.11 5.52 10.: (iraSBLake. 9.N) 8.S5 6.12 10.54 v. H. i. u Jackson..Ar. 10.10 !l 00 Jackaou.Xv. 10 20 1Ï.I5 (.SS 11.2 12.4 Albion 11.04 12.SO 1A II. VJ 1.1 Marsr.all 11.50 1.S0 „. 8.. 8 12.21 I.:i7 r m. o BattleCrcek. 12.11 1.55 f 8.41 12.45 Ï0 A. K. Oalesburg.... 12.M t. H, 9.15 ttalamazoo... LIS 2.36 4J ."." l.:ío S.01 Lawton 1.52 5.25 2.U5 Dacatni 2.117 5.42 2.21 Dowatilac.... 2.-2'.i C.117 1.44 Mies 2.55 4 04 .SU 3. IU 4.1 Muchanan.... :j.OX 7.02 .1.2;i ThreeOake.. 3J& 7.-7 NewBnfflilo. SM 4.52 7.40 4.05 Micb.C'lty.... 4.23 S.1S S.ll.S 4. 5.4S Lake 5.0H .02 8 5-1 5.17 6.2 KuiiHlliKton. (LUO tJSO '.I.I.'. 6.05 7.1 Chicago. .Ar. ijJ 7.111 uvï, IU y eolNti SAST. 7 aï j S. g úa a Sfa. ? ga y:; ?a ï& sa A. X. A.M. P.M P.M. PM. ClilCaKO-I'V. 7.00 ROO 4.0U S.lf. .1O Kensiiinton. 7.50 9.50 4.WI (.06 10.00 Lake K.35 103 5.40 ft 10.43 Micb. City... (t.25 11.13 6.: 7.:is NeW Hiifl'alo .SU ll..' 6..SK 11.02 ThreeOakB.. lO.tO 7.KÍ A. M. llnchanan.... III.) p. m, 7.40 Niles 10.40 12.1S 8.10 0.00 12.45 Dowaclac... 11.1:1 H.:iK 1.10 Uecatur 11.3Í) 9.0S 1..1S Lawton 11.57 J2 a. m 1.4W Kalamazoo... 12.33 1,18 ÏO.O'O 60 10.25 2.2Í. GaleKburf!-.. 12.53 7.0K Battle Creek 1.2 2.15 J0 7.40 11.10 3.18 p. M. g 8 ! Marehall 2.25 3 00 4 S 8.01) ll.: 3.46 Albion 2.52 3.21 _" 8.S6 11.59 4.12 l.M. A.M. Jackson_Ar. 3.40 JaCkson,.Lv. 8.45 4.05 7.15 .:) 12.4S 5.00 raas Lakc.. 4.10 1M MO 5.25 Chelsna 4.40 8.02 10.W 5.60 Dexter 5.00 8.16 10.1 .05 AnilArbur... 5.22 5.07 N.40 I0..S5 Í.Of. B.25 YtiHiliinti 5.3K K.H K.M 10.IN 2.Í0 6.41 Wayni-.lunt HM 1.41 t.M 11.08 2.44 7.06 i. f. June... 8.8iï 6.15 0.45 ll..5 3.J0 7.4 Detrolt...Ar. S.50 (.30 I0XM ].5O Ü.8S 8.00 Sunday eiceptcd. ti'attirday & Hunday exrrptrd tUally. llKN-nY C. WlHTWOHTIl, 11. B I.KllVAlüi, G. r. é ''. l., Chicaijn. Ctn-l Sn,'t.. Dfíroit rpoLKDO & ANN AUHÜK H. K. Timo (nrd ol Fue '47, 1880. OINO NOKTII. (JOINIJ HOHTH. HTATIONH. = S, w a s m A. M. P. X A. M. P. . + 7.55 t6.10 [,v Toli'dn Ar. f.) ;,o 6,18 Norlh Toledo D.2T , i? 8 10 as Detroit Jiinctlon &.1S 7.a1) 8. IX '.a llawlhorn. ".I US 7.27 8.271 b.41 Siimuiia _.. SI. UI 7.18 ' Sëojg S.4O ttM l.illll N.SO 7.Uf 8.4' 7.10 Monror Jiinct.lim.... 8.45 7.(l 7 10 Dumlee 8.S6 fi.50 '.1.00 7.15 Macon 'HM 46 .0B 7.20 Axalia : i .) 9. IS 7 :lt Mllan 8.12 Í.& I 10 Nor.i. 8. ir. (i VI .S2 7.47: BfinU s.iki ö.lr B ¦ 7.57 Pillittnld 7 M ll.Ofi ts 10 Ar Ann Arhor I.y. t7.3T t fi.H) tDally, excepl Slllidnyn. 'Flae station, 'l'hv Iiciil Krelfhl, Koluc nortli, liwve Toledo at IL'.' i r. i., iiniïinr .'it Ann Arbi.r ut Ml") p. . The IK'kI Krrij;hl, i'dill!' Hi.iilli, MTW Aun Alln.i al 11 4o r. ., wnlnK tl Toledo u i." v, m. Traillo will bc run by ChIiiiiiIiiih lliru-.w ubown l he rl( k In Ihc Sii,.Tihtrli(liwit'K otilcc ut Tol.-il.. Wm. r. l'AI(KKK,S,ii..iintui.ilul.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News