"Truth is mighty" scaree. It has rained every Sunday in July o kt. . The demócrata of Ypsilanti have organized a club. _______ Stcwart Knight is erecting a new house on Fountain street, 3d ward. Tho new cistern at the intersection of 5th and Joffersoo streets, is conipleted. Lodi, not to be outdone by other localitics, liad a huge hailstorm last Sunday. The hnree of John G. Gall, attached to the meat wagon, ran away last Saturday. L F. Wade lost a valuable horse at Whitmorc Lake Saturday through sickncss. t J. Webster Childa iatoaddress a harvest festival tn be held at Landing on August Why .irc somo people like the wind? Hooause they álwaya have soroething to How about. _______ A. W. Ilamilton ha jmrehased two lots on MadiMon street, and is to eroct a ivsi ilenoe thercon. Tho Arm Arbor town ]cmocrati, if tliore Ut :tny, will hoU a NHM in tho court lioii), Saturday. ? ? Neleon R. Nye, a former Ann Arbor boy, is superintendent of mail earrierfl at Letvenworth, Kansas. The Western Union Telegraj.b Company have now taken the wires along the line ol theT., A. A. and N. R. R. W. K. Walker went to Lyons last Mon ilay, taking a nutuber of workmen with him, to build a bridge at that point. The regular uioothly meeting of tho county pomologieal society occurfl ncxt SiiturJay afternoon, at the usual hour. Tickets for the red ribbon club excursion to Port Huron, to-day, are for sale at the stores of J?V. Watts and Chas. Boylan. Dr. A. I. Sawyer, of Monroe, is eredited with a delire of securing the democratie congressional nomination in this district The greenbackors of tbÍ9 county are to liold their county convention at the court house next Thursday, August 5th. See cali. Hnraer Hall, a littlo seven year oíd son of R B. Hall, feil off the fence and broke his arm just above the elbow last Saturday. _________ (u.stav Oraupner is preparing to build a dcw house on Madison street, lst ward, neit to the one recently built by Oscar Sorg. It ia stated tliat sowe onc atteinpted to burn the house on relief park one night list weck, but tho fire went out of its own tccord. Tho excursión of Company A will go ihrough lako St. Clair, and not end at Holle Iblc as the impression has gained credence. Carlyle says that "sarcasm is the natural lanuago of the devil." What a sight of l'lut-'iari.sm thcre is among Michigan editora then. Work has been again resuraed on the Northeastcrn road. The money to complete the grading from here to l'ontiac has been raised. The two-wheeled gig owned by K. W. Walker, of Saline, and frequently scen ilon our streets, was owned by Gen. Cass ome 00 years ago. Johnie Condón feil out of a cherry tree M the rcnidcnce of his parents, on State treet, last Tuesday, and koocked the cap off onc of his elbows. Several parlies are camping out on Base, l'ortago and other lakes in tho vicinity. AH report fishing good. Bites are numeral, especially mosquito bites. Ann Arbor town sends the following 4elcgatea to the rcpublican oongrossional convention ; John C. Mead, W. A. Millard, '. D. Williams, S. W. Shurtlcff. l'hc entertainment at tho tent lost Tuesdy night, by Mr. 0. D. Hildebrand, was liUmcd to by about 300 persons. The SUI" of $2S was taken in at the door. Twcnty five delegates to the liquor dealera' convoiition, at Lansing, was clected by '¦ Waxhtcnaw county association at their meeting in thia city last Monday, it is "tal cd. Tho fourth quarterly meeting of the Augusta chargo will be held at Moieville, n(lxt Saturday and Sunday, July 3Ist and Angust in Bot. W. II. Shier, P. E., ill officiate. Ihi! si reet sprinklers are having a soft "'M of it this year. Thero is so much oplition from the clomonts that it givcs "'¦'" t't littlt to do to keep the dust laid ' ur Hm A coniniittoc has been appointed by the ¦""byterian ehurch society to n,ake the " 'Msary rrangeiuentH for filling the pul1111 "f tUat church until a regular appoint¦"nt is made. ftf?? naldson, whose uiotlicr Iívcí in le l'i Upsilon house, cornor Stute street North Ilnivoraity avenu.', plowed u "rr'w through bia l.l't hand with a toy "ollat Monday. The little girl baby left upon the doorstep of Mr. Jasper Imus, in the third ward, spoken of in a recent issue of tho Courier, died last Sunday, to tho sorrow of its adopted parents. The Cotjrier office is indebted to T. E. McDivit for a basket of luscious curly peaches. They were of an excellent varity and not troubled with the "clingstone" as much as most early varieties. Alonzo Grctton, for many years connected with the Ann Arbor agricultural works has forined a partnership with II. K. Ailes n the fuundry and machine business, undor he firm name of Ailes & Gretton. A couple of Ann Arbor boya in sailing across Whitmore Lakc last Sunday were aught by a gust of wind, and tipped over nto the drink, but saved thcmselves. Joys, you shouldn't sail on Sunday. County Clcrk Clark reporta business in lis office well up. The births and marriages are all copicd and rcady to forward ,o the state department at Lansing, which i overal weeks in advance of last year. Miss Mary Botsford, sister of Mrs. P. iach, dicd at the residenoe of the latter ast Monday, July 26th, of consumption. The funeral occurred last Tuesday, and was attended by a large concourse of friends. A large audience assembled at the M. E. church la-it Sunday night to listen to Mr. D' Arcambel, who spoke under the auspices of the Womans' Christian Temperance Jnioti. lier addross was well received. The annual harvest festival of the farmers of Sharon will be held August 12. The address will be delivered by the üev. A. B. Allen, of Allegan, a Sharon xy, and brother of Mayor Allen, of Ypsianti. "J. C. Bontecou, of Ann Arbor, dropped in upon us last Monday," says an exchange. Gue.- not. Mr. Bontecou is a tip top man and an honor to any city, but ae is a resident of Jackson, and not of Ann Arbor. Where'ü that glorious Hancock and Engish banntr which was ttruug across Main street lor a f'ow days duiing the party's rat spastn of' delight. Has it, too, gono with the enthui-iasm of the party ; "up the spout." __ The Ann Arbor Demoorat moved from hc Maynard block into the third story of ihe opera bflM. last Monday, where its editor will hereafter be found ready to rcceive Hubscriptions and expound democratie doctrine to the unturrificd. An old fellow who was begging in our village on Monday is said to be the owner of two fine farms near Ann Arbor. He is badly crippled and seema to be pnralytic. - Newaygo llopubffean. Whoishe? LctV ünd out the truth about the fellow. Last Monday night I'ruf. J. W. Ijangley tested his electrio light at Aile & Grctton's shop on Huron street, with excellent suocoss. The uiachino already uianufactuied is to be sent to Mempbie, Tenii.,an'l three more are in tho course of eonstruction. Last Saturday forenoon A. V. Robiüi-ou'8 iron-gray team, attachod to one of his nice hacks, canje flying up Detroit street, from the depot, without a driver. They wero stopped ncar the stable, on Washington street, without doing a great deal of injry. ____ Emancipation day is to be celebrated in Detroit, and the Central railroad will run a ppecial train on that day, Tuesday, August -id, from Jackson to Detroit. The train pasjes through thiscity at 8:55 a. va., and tho fare will be 85 cjnts for the round trin. The farmers of this county have generally secured their wheat erop in good condition, though the weather has been extruuiely " eatching." We understand that the barley erop is a complete fuilure for market. It will do to leed out, but is not merchantablc. The republican tuceting at Goodyear'.s hall, Manchester, last Saturday evening, was an excellent one. Hon. A. J. Sawyer spoke to a large audience, and the republicana of that place seem to be alive with enthusiasm. They will have a good report to make next November, sure. It is said that adulterated sugar may be detected by a very simple test. A little pure sugar is taken into the muuth and hen defolvo.d is roplaced by a little of tbc suspected articlc. If the latter contains starch, glucoso or chloride of tin, a distinctly bitter taste will be present. The apple trees in this vicinity were never known to blossom more full than this year, or the young fruit to set better, but it looks now as if many of the fall aDd winter trees would not have an apple left upon thera when the time for maturity arrivés, so rapidly are they falling off. The Zion'8 Germán Lutheran Church Sunday School picnic is to bc held on Thursday, August 5th, instcad of the 4th, as previously announced, because of the oxcursion of Co. A. It will be held in relief park. This is the fifth annual picnic of this church, and they have now 300 Sunday school scholars. The orayon picture executed by S. Grant Haywood, of Ypsilanti, which was on exhibition at the offico of Judge Harriinan last-March, has been sold to a Detroit party for the sum of $125. This young artist is soon to start for Colorado, in search of a climate which will improve his exceedingly poor health. Mr. Randolph Rogers, the Michigan sculptor, and one of Ann Arbori' "boys," has attained the high honor of being made a professor in tho Accademia di San Luca, the Beaux Arts of Rome, and his portrait, painted by Vannutelli, haa been addcd to tho long array of eelebrated meiubcrs placed around the walls of this famous academy. _ A portion of the muscles of a man named Froeman, who died at Lyons, ncar Grand Rapids, recently, from eating imperfectly cured pork, was sant to the univeraity for examination. The trichina wcro found in the same to the number of 10,000 to tho square inch of flesh. Be careful about eating raw ham or pork in any shapc. A grand tent temporáneo mas meeting will be held m:ar Forbcs' Corners, on Saturday and Sunday, August 7th and 8tk. Aniong tlie speakers announced for the occasion are Hon. J. Webster Childn, Hon. K. I'. Allen, Mrs. O. B. Schuylcr, II. E. Frazcr, J. C Hontecou and Rev. Dan. It. Shier. The pcoplo of that section ptopQri to have a rousing time. Quite a serious runaway occurred just south of' the city last Friday, causcd by tho horse becnuiing frightened from a steam thresher. Mrs. John BauiDtfartner "ad au arm broken, and Michael Schuh had tho frontal bono siuashed in, and his life roatly endangered thereliy. A littlo uhild iu the buggy MHped without njury, though thrciwn ovnr a TtOBt There is to be an cx-soldiers' reunión at Coluintus, Obiü, on (be lUth, llth aml 12th of August next, which promises to be a grand affair. Joe T. Jacobs has papcrs and circular.; giving jiurticulars of tho affair if any desirc theru. The president of the United States and all presidential candidatos are expected to be present. lUilroads give excursión rates. Articles of incorporation of the Hops ind Mak Bitters Manutacturing Company, of Chelsca, Michigan, have boen filed at the county clork's office in this city The capital stock in givcn at $10,000 and the officers are llobert F. Lattimcr, of Rhode Island, president ; Caapar K. Dcpuy, of Chelsea, vice-preaident, and (Jeorgc P. (Jlazier, of Chelsea, gecretary and treasurer. A curious ooincidenoc oocurred in tho funiily of John Kueblcr, of this city, last week. He has three children, one boy :ind wo girls, aged 17, 21 and 23, and thcir birthdaya occurred on the days of the mouth corresponding witb. their ages, all coming inside one weck it will bc noticed. The first was 17 years old on the 17th of July, the uext 21 on the 21st, and the last 23 on the 23d. A school for " aymirjetrieal and harinonious training in the education of the young women of our land through the judioious combination of courses of work in the lines of moral, mental, and industrial development," has boen established at 8t. Clair, to be known as the Soinerville school. The plan of the school is warmly approved by prominont educators and businces men of the state, and aid is asked from friends of the movcment. At a recent meeting of the school board Miss Ora lvoyce was employed as an assistant in the commercial department of the high school, aud Miss Alice Douglass to fill the vacancy in the Ist ward school caused by the resignation of Mies Mary A. Beal. Miss Lizzie L. Cooper is to succeed Miss Hattie L. Taylor in the 4th ward school, and Miss Emma E. Banfield succeeds Miss Mary L Martyn in the 5th ward school. _ The resignation of Capt Chas. H. Manly of Co. A. has been handcd to Col. Fitzsimmons of the lst ragiment, to take effect on the 20th of August next, but at the request of the Coloncl, the same is withheld from the militury board uotil afier encauipment at Kalamazoo. Capt Manly's reason for taking this step is imperative, and much as it is regrettcd by the company, we fear there will bc no reversing of the decisión. The Burlington Hawkeyc man, who always has a kind word for the young ladies, saya: ''Yes, daughter, you should go somewhere this sutnmer. You cannot stay home during wurm wcather and live. To bc sure, your mother, who ha-sn't been out of town sinco she was uiarried, can utand it, but tkeo she is old-fUshioned and doosnot know any botter, aad bendes, she ha.s fun enough doing tlie washing aml ironing. By all means go. (let a linen duster and a basket and go at once." Thursday's Post and Tribune has this to say editorially of one of our citizens: "The accefoion of Robcrt E. Frazer of Ann Arbor to tbc republican ranks is a political eveut of no slight iuiportance. Mr. Frazer is a man of many gifts and an exceedingly effective speaker, and is widcly known throughout the state. For many years the VVashtenaw county demócrata raukcd him as one of their best leaders, tl is personal abilities aud influunce make his addition to the republican fighting force in this canipaign a noteworthy reinforcement." Qazing out of' our office window the other day we saw a farm team drive up to the blaoksmith shop just opposite and 9top. In the buggy was a man and woman. l?oth jumped out, and the woruan, instead of uiarching for some store or waiting for her husband to uuhitch the team, hersolf took hold and aasisted in unhitching, doing her work as quickly and as well as her husband, au 1 after doing this led one of the horses into the phop. And sooing this wc wondercd bow many women in the country could or would do the saaie. From the Scientifio American of July 31 st, we clip the following, relative to a patent just issued to one of our well-kuowo citizens : "An improved fencepost pat 'ented by Mr. Androw Climie, of Ann Arbor, Mich., combines the advantages of wood and stone, nd to produce a tie that ia substantial and prautically indestructable. It consista essentially, in a post or sill made of concrete, and provided with an iron rod for strengthening it longitudinally, and with transverse branches of the rod for attaohing the fence-rails to the post or the planks or boards to the sill. There will be a grand union mass meeting and basket picoic at Whitmoro Lake, uuder the auapices of the Hamburg and Whitmore Lake reform clubs, on Saturday , August 7th. The same will be held in the bcautitul grove on the west side of the lake. At 10 o'clock á. m., Prof. Samuel Diokie, of Albion Colloge, will address the meeting, and at 12 o'clock the basket picnio will bc hold. At 2 o'clock p. m., Capt. J. C. Bontecou, of Jackson, will address the meeting, to be foüowed by Hon. 11. E. Frazer, and Mrs. O. B. Schuyler, of this city. Oood music will he in attendanco. The last Ypsilantian has this item : "On Friday last, Mrs. John Ellsworth was drivinir a rcaper on her Uusband's farm just west of the city, carrying her six-year old daughter upon her lap. By running into something in the field, the lady and child were jolted off just in front of the knives, and beforc the team could bc gtopped, the child had a finger cut off, and a very bad out in the leg abovc tho kneo. Not only was the flesh cut but the bonc also. The wounds were dressed by Dr. D. A. l'ost, who was immediately sent for, and tho little one is doing well. Mrs. Elluworth narrowly escapad injury, her dross being cut into shreds." It is thought by some pcople that because they find an article among the solected or tniscellaneous pioces, that tho editor neccssarily adopts the views expressed s lus own. It is not so. An editor has as many taetes to proiidc for as he has readers for his paper, and, in makinR solections, generally tries to pleaso the tasten of tho greatest number, and doesn't invite criticisin or caro to adopt all the views expressed as his own. What would you think of a grocer who kopt only one kind of sugar on Hale merely because that especial biand was bis favorito? An editor who would give merely his own peculiar idoaa- xeept in politics- would soorr find hitnself in a bad iredioanient, and minus subscribers. Company A are making extensivo prepa rations for their exuursioh next Wodnes ky, and promise all who go an A. No. 1 time. As many are limid about ring upo the water, perhaps it i.s well to mentio that the greatest care i always cxercise upon Iwals and railroads juut alter im aeci dent lus reminded the officials thfreof how neocssary it i lo be eareful, and also tha they will not be upon the water in tl ight, when all the oocidentg usually hapicn. Vcry uiany pcoplo will take advanwt- of the low prioo of tickets and vwt )etroit, not going upon the lake at all, which is not obligatory upon any onc, hut angcr is moro iuiaginary than real. The Kys .-ay that their time table will bc cared out to a minute, and no delays will be llowed. As it only costs $1, hadu'tyou etter take it in ? In the Post and Tribune of last Tuesday we find the following item : "John Harri.% r., left hishoiuo at 'J04 Fourth street last ''riday morning to go to his printing ofiBce n Lamed street, betwecn Griswold and helby streets, and has not been seen siuce. ie was 33 years of age, 5 fcet f inehes in leight, had dark hair, dark eyee, light omplxtion, side whiskers and moustachc, nd wore a full suit of snuffoolored clothng black feit hat and button shoes. Mr. larris was until(uite rocently foreiuan in Vni. A. Scripps's book and job printing stablishment, but resigned his position bere to engage in business for himself. Ie had been a resident in Detroit for bout five yearx, haviag couie to tuis city 'rom Ann Arbor. It is feared that sonie njury may have befallen hitn, as there is o reason known for his sudden disappearnce. " Mr. Harris was wcll hnown in this ity, having been bom and brought up ïere. He was for several years conneoted with this office, both in the capacity of compositor and foreman of the composing oom, and niany friendü will regret to hear ad uews of him.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Randolph Rogers
Mary Botsford
Jasper Imus